
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantaisie
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42 Chs


"Miss Emma I didn't know it was you, if I did I would have known that my wife was at fault not you Miss" he was glad he could finally talk properly.

Everyone that heard him call her Miss Emma suddenly had cold feet and had the urge to run away.

Someone thought, 'I had foolishly judged and said it would be her last day, but I guess it'd be my last day. Mommy help!"

"What?!! M…mi…Miss Emma!" Mrs Lin felt like she just received the biggest blow.

Everyone has heard the rumors about the famous Emma Raj. She's cold, ugly, brutal, savage, ruthless, unforgiving and other names you could think of. People say if you offend her just a bit she'd torture you till you beg for death itself. Some even said the way she treats her enemies, even the King of Hell fears her.

No one has seen her face so far and most people say it's because she's ugly, that's why she doesn't reveal her face outside. Even if she walks without her mask in public, no one would know she's Emma Raj.

"I guess Mr Lin wants to be on the hot search list tomorrow huh" she said calmly. Even though he was s bit taller than her, he still felt intimidated by her gaze and could only keep his head down feeling like his world just collapsed

"If you don't want to see Emma's bad side, learn to tame your wife, or else she'll be the end of you one day" she glanced at Mrs Lin who couldn't help but hide behind her husband.

Mr Lin gathered up all his courage and said, "as an apology and punishment for my wife's doing, I'll have her clean your stained shoe and the restaurant"

Mrs Lin felt annoyed and said, "Why should I be the one to…"

"Shut Up snd clean her shoe right now!" Mrs Lin had never been scolded by her husband like this until now. She took her handkerchief and bent down to clean the stained shoe but before her hand could reach it Ling Yao drew her leg away.

She said, "People like you don't even deserve to touch my shoe. Don't bother. Just make sure I never see you again in the future or else"

Even though she didn't say anything after the 'or else' Mrs Lin felt that the outcome wouldn't be good.

"Ye…yes m…m..miss"

"Mr Lin, since you're a busy person why don't you go back, send your daughter home and continue your work and I'll have some supervise your wife while she's cleaning the restaurant" Mrs Lin didn't want to be alone and wanted to yell 'no! Don't go please' but was scared she would offend Miss Emma Raj so she kept quiet.

"Yes Miss, I'll leave now. Come on everyone, leave her to her punishment and let's go. When she's done she'll come home in a taxi" All his bodyguards left following behind him leaving only Mrs Lin to the punishment her mouth got her.

She was nervous and scared and began to beg, "I'm sorry Miss Emma. I didn't know it was you, I didn't know. I'm sorry"

Ling Yao didn't seem to hear, she told someone to watch her as she cleans the restaurant and if she tried to run away, she should be reported.

The last thing she said before leaving was "Send someone with three large boxes of non veggie pizza chicken weight and three large chocolate chip cream Starbucks in the next fifteen minutes add extra chocolate chip into one of it. That one would be mine"

She left with Mrs Lin begging to be relieved of her punishment but no one paid attention to her. She followed the instructions of the location of her phone as she was using it to get to where her students were.

She got Han Li's location on her phone and followed the directions. It led her to a private area and she said, "At least she thought of getting a private place" she smiled and entered.

When she entered, she saw some people eating and she guessed they were probably the rich ones. She saw her students at the last table on the left, no one payed attention to them probably because they looked too simple.

Huh dress less for less attention. Not bad.

She walked over to them with her hand in her jacket pocket. Even though she's not tall she still looked elegant the way she walked. She looked simple but elegant. Those who looked at her felt intimidated by her aura and couldn't even look at her face.

When she got to the last seat, both of her students were happy, cause they thought the tutor wouldn't come but seeing Ling Yao they felt relieved.

Han Li said, "I thought the tutor wouldn't come"

And Fu Pei continued, "You should have told us the tutor was you"

She pretended she didn't hear what they said and just sat down on the chair by the window and said, "Did you guys bring your textbooks". They both sighed and brought out their textbooks and Ling Yao didn't waste time in starting their lesson.

She realized that Han Li and Fu Pei weren't really bad when it came to learning and speaking English. Fu Pei was actually better than his girlfriend Han Li but she wasn't bad either so it was kinda easy for her to teach them.

After fifteen minutes what she ordered arrived. She was still wearing her mask, so the waiter couldn't see her face but he still couldn't help but stare at her face. Even though he could only see her eyes, they were still seductive and he got lost in them.

Ling Yao wasn't looking up but she felt the waiter's presence and said "Drop the order and leave". He didn't seem to hear her and just kept staring at her and after a few seconds said "You're hurt. Why".

Ling Yao paused what she was doing and looked up at him and said coldly, "If you're done staring then Leave!"

He heard this and immediately snapped back to reality, he quickly dropped her order and left hastily. Even though her voice wasn't loud it was still firm, Han Li thought, 'How could her voice be so sweet yet scary'

Fu Pei quickly said to lift the tension a bit, "why didn't you tell us…"

She didn't allow him to finish and said, "Stop asking questions and just eat. Don't disturb me and eat quietly. A box of Pizza each"

She checked for her own Starbucks and took it before Han Li could. She took a slice from her Pizza and continued her work.

"Han Li you're not very good when it comes to writing an article. But I think your formal letter looks okay. It'd be better if you chose a formal letter"

Han Li made a sound of agreement and continued studying other things, like the English alphabet and sounds.

Ling Yao couldn't believe these were the simple things they were learning. C'mon I learnt all these when I started high school.