
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Mr Lin

When the Dante brothers got to the finish line they still didn't know what to say and still found it hard to believe that a petite lady.

Elio said "Who are you and why did you make that bet with us"

"Yea. Why can't you let us see your face after all you won" Nico added.

Ling Yao didn't seem to hear them and just remained quiet. She stared calmly at both the brothers and said "Why don't you just say sorry and goodbye". Both brothers quickly ran to their cars and said some silly emotional words like "You've been a good race car and I'll never forget you"

Elio kissed his car and said "I'm sorry you couldn't stay longer with me, I love you". Everyone who saw this thought both brothers had some personal issues. Kissing and crying because of a car is really weird.

Ling Yao couldn't help but smile, looking at the brothers, she walked over to them and said "You idiots, I meant apologize to me and tell me goodbye"

"What?!" Both brothers said together.

Ling Yao replied casually "Yup, I have nothing to do with your cars. I could easily get better ones than yours if I wanted"

"Then why did you make that bet with us" Nico was starting to think she just came to make both brothers look like a fool. "Tsk, don't you know it's bad for siblings to fight" She said dryly which only confused the brothers.

Since they said nothing she continued "I just wanted to make your little brains realize that it's not good for brothers to fight and just thought why not scare them a bit. See the whole point of trying to take away your cars is to just warn both of you, if I ever hear of you guys having a useless competition or argument I'll not just take away your little cars, I'll also take everything you love away from you. Understand"

They both learned their lesson about having useless arguments and answered with fear "Yes, we understand"

Ling Yao stretched while walking towards her car and said "I have somewhere else to be, I can't keep chatting with you both. Bye" she entered her car and left the stadium leaving the brothers there watching her car zoom off.

In the car:

"Those two have no idea how that competition would have affected their relationship" Ling Yao never liked a good sibling relationship turning sour ever since the relationship between her and her sister collapsed.

Whenever she saw siblings having a beef, settling it for them depends on whether the relationship was worth saving or not.

She drove into a restaurant and wore a nose mask and hat before entering the restaurant. When she entered, everyone noticed her and all started gossiping about who she might be.

Someone said, "Maybe she's ugly that's why she's hiding her face"

Another person said, "Or probably she's a celebrity"

The person replied, "Or probably a sugar daddy's girl"

Ling Yao ignored what the people were saying and continued walking when suddenly someone bumped into her. It was a little girl whose ice cream was currently on Ling Yao's shoes and on the floor.

The little girl looked up at Ling Yao and when she saw a cold pair of eyes staring at her she couldn't help the urge to cry. She felt like she had just troubled Princess Ariel's evil witch aunt. She wanted to really run away, but it seemed her legs were stuck to the ground.

Ling Yao was about to walk away when she heard a lady yelling, "Hey little girl! How dare you bully my daughter"

Ling Yao, "…"

The heck! I didn't even say a word to her!

Ling Yao reminded silent and looked at the woman approaching her with a look that say 'I'll murder you today'! But Ling Yao didn't care. She waited for the woman to say all her nonsense before leaving.

The woman said, "hey!"

This made Ling Yao's and other people's ears go deaf for a few seconds.

Not minding she continued, "I'm talking to you and you haven't even apologized. Who do you think you are"

Ling Yao's face couldn't be seen well but she said coldly, "ma'am, move from my way"

This only made the woman even more furious, "you must apologize first and then compensate my daughter otherwise I'll make you pay another way"

Ling Yao scoffed and was about to walk away from the place when the woman shouted, "my husband won't spare you bullying his daughter! You bitch"

Ling Yao stopping in her tracks, and because she was backing the people with a mask on, they couldn't see the cold and scary smirk that appeared on her face.

She wants to embarrass her husband. Why not help her. Heheh 😈

She turned to face the woman and said calmly "Really, do you mind telling me who your husband is"

The woman thought she had scared Ling Yao but she didn't know she just woke the unforgiving savage queen

"Hmph! My husband is a wealthy businessman, he's rules the city. He's Mr Lin" when everyone heard this they started gossiping.

Someone said, "Oh my! Seems like this girl just offended a big shot"

Another person said, "Seems like today will be this girl's last day"

Just as the people were gossiping, it made Mrs Lin happy and she became happier when she saw her husband walk into the restaurant. One of the people that followed her, had already called her husband when he saw Ling Yao wasn't willing to apologize.

"Where's the unruly girl that bullied my princess!" Mr Lin said angrily.

Ling Yao seemed to recognize the man, she had a meeting with him once on behalf of her Dad. "Are you calling me a bully now!" Ling Yao said calmly.

"So it's you. I'm a busy man and I'll say it once, kneel and apologize to my daughter. Right now!"

Ling Yao wasn't looking up but her face was up, but he couldn't see her face so he ordered his guards to take off her face cap and mask.

Ling Yao was getting impatient and said, "Try it and I'll be happy to help rearrange your organs" this time there was tension in the air and the guards felt intimidated and couldn't move.

She finally looked up and when Mr Lin saw those pair of cold eyes he felt a sense of familiarity, he had seen those eyes before but just once. When he saw those eyes first, he almost wet his pants.

And what Ling Yao said next made him start sweating, "Seems like you quickly forget people. I can't blame you, we've only met once"

He was shaking and couldn't find the right words to say "Mi…mi….miss…Miss…I…"

"It's nice to see Mr Lin again" she smirked under the mask and even Mr Lin noticed it and couldn't help but shiver.

I'm done for!