
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Is it picnic or adventure ? ( 2 )

Shiro was very happy right now because of the lingering odor of the pig barbecue meat sticks. They were very fragrant !

When some of meat sticks were cooked enough, he grabbed one stick and stuff into his mouth. ' It was very delicious ' he thought.

Because he was also very hungry, he ate many meat sticks within fifteen minutes but ~

He felt something from inside his body after eating continuously for fifteen minutes. It was very strange feeling. So he stopped eating and sat cross-legged on the ground while closing his eyes to know what feeling it was.

At first, he felt very warm inside his throat and stomach as if he was laying down on the beach under the sun after eating to his heart content.

After passing about nearly seven minutes, his whole body became hot and uneasy. He became more and more afraid because he thought that the pig could be poisonous.

Gradually, he couldn't endure the heat inside him anymore. That's why he took off his robe, inner tight clothes, and even his trousers but he still felt too hot. Its feeling was like the fire was burning his muscles and some inner organs.

As time passed, his pain has bacome more and more intense. Finally, he reached his limit and was rolling on the ground while groaning loudly in pain. Gritting his teeth was no longer enough for him. Only when he was almost about to lose consciousness, his pain began to subside slowly.

After laying down on the ground like a corpse for thirteen minutes, his mind became a little clear to begin to think about something. Then, he thought about what happened to him before. The extreme pain he experienced was still as clear as blue sky in his mind and, he was still very afraid in his heart too.

He continued to rest for the next a few minutes and, only then he could sign and sat on the ground.

After that, He looked at his body and noticed that sticky black liquid was oozing out of his body. That sticky liquid was very disgusting and giving off an offensive smell.

' I must find a lake to wash this smelly liquid as soon as possible. They are very disgusting. ' he thought.

He looked around first and stood up with so much strong will. His body was still very hurt whenever he moved his body parts.

' Only now, I became more aware of my body. I felt so light and agile. Even though my body is hurt, I can still feel my movements are faster and lighter than before. I can also feel my increased strength in the muscles.

Awesome ! What happened to me before ? Was this transformation related to that pig ? I am sure my strength has multiplied at least ten times now ! ' he thought and was very surprised too.

Not only can he feel his increased strength but he can also see his increased muscles very clearly. His muscles looked very strong and intimating, at least for him. His height also grew a little too. It doesn't matter what happened to him anymore because he was very content with his increased strength and agility.

" Okay, let's find a lake as for now ! " he said to himself and went along the path he found to search a lake.

After walking for ten minutes or so, he found small streams and puddles again. He looked at the small streams and decided to go to the source of those streams.

While he was walking, he saw many broken trees and shattered rocks. He wondered what happened here. He didn't hear any sound during the time he was resting. So, he assumed that something must have happened before he entered the forest but he didn't think about that seriously. No matter what, the most important thing for him now was to take a bath.

After a while, he saw a lake covered with the big trees. Because he was happy seeing a lake, he ran over and dived into the lake after taking off his clothes hurriedly. The lake was very clear and cool. He felt so fresh after swimming a little bit. There were even a few fish inside the lake.

He only swam for a few minutes. He didn't like taking a bath at all !

' Let's go back ! I have left the whole pig in the middle of a forest. It's not good. Although even a little rabbit was not there, there is still a possibility of new animal coming my resting place. ' he thought and prepared to return.

After wearing his clothes, he went back the way he came.

However, while he was walking, he saw a dog under a maple tree. Really, this was the first animal he saw in the forest. So, it piqued his curiosity immediately. He then approached near the dog and looked at it carefully.

Surprisingly, he noticed that the dog was similar to the 'bonk' dog that was very popular on the Internet in his past life. It had brown color and looked very strong too. It was also almost three feet tall.

The reason why he dared to approach it was because it had very serious wounds and bites all over his body.

He knew that he shouldn't save a creature which could harm him later if he was not sure whether it was bloodthirsty or not but he couldn't do that. Moreover, in his deepest heart, he had the love for dogs and cats. So, he couldn't ignore it as if he didn't see anything.

He decided to help the dog but the problem was that he didn't have any medicine. He could only find herbs himself. Although he was a genetic engineer in his past life, he still had some knowledge about some herbs and medicine.

He was not any ordinary person by any means in his past life !

He found some herbs he knew on his way. He was even surprised at that time because he saw the herbs and plants he could identify in the different world.

Suddenly, he thought about something very serious he ignored until now.

' I remembered only now that my mind and memories has been continuously in mess. When I first reached this world, my only ambition is to have some motivation and interesting events in my life but what are these unfamiliar, yet very familiar emotions in my heart.

Yes, it was very obvious that I have no other emotions when I transmigrated into this world. I didn't even think about the transmigration seriously. I just accepted that fact as if it was just a normal thing for me. ' he thought and continued to think about his problems seriously.

' Let me think about it again. The first time I felt some feelings was when I talked to my parents of this world. At that time, I was really surprised that my current parents are very similar to my former parents and wanted my mom worried about me too.

Did something inside me stimulate my emotions or are they really different from my former parents ? I even felt that my parents of this world are real ones, but not my former parents. What are these feelings ?

I can also guarantee that these emotions are not my current body's original owner's emotions. The boy has no emotions just like me. Moreover, I remember that sometimes, I feel so dumb and can't think of any life experiences from my past life. I didn't also think about the things seriously that need to be thought carefully. For example, that pig's poison case and my suddenly increased strength and agility case. Previously, I even dived into an unknown lake which I don't know if there are some poisonous snakes or not ! I was also so careless sometimes without knowing it myself. What is happening to me ? Something must happen to me ! I was not like this in my past life. I was a genius, not a dumb person at all.

But fortunately, I still had my original strong will. If not, I would lost consciousness for sure after eating that pig.

Right now, I am having a feeling that I had an incomplete soul before and only after reaching this world, I possessed a complete soul. What is it ? Is it my illusion ?

But I felt so full and happy too. It's really different feeling compared to my past life. I don't know where these feelings come from but I can also feel that something new is going to be born inside me ! How can I describe it ? It's like a new personality and brand new complete soul is going to appear. I think it is my original soul and personality. If so, Is my personality in my past life fake ? It's not right too. However, how can I know about that and what is sending these unknown feelings to me ? Is it that little seed in the void ?

Hmm, so confusing ! My new and real personality and soul ? Huh, it's quite interesting. As for now, let's take advantage of my memories to find some herbs and cure the cute dog. ' he abruptly forced to stop his thoughts and decided to focus only on his current works.

After that, he went forwards to continue to search some herbs in the forest.

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