
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Is it picnic or adventure ? ( 1 )

A day before Shiro left his home ~

In the mortal emperor mountain range, many extremely magnificent and divine buildings and castles stretched over the vast area. Outside one of the grandest castles, there was a huge crowd of people who wore various kinds of clothes and armors. They were shouting each other very loudly and urgently in this moment.

" Emergency, emergency ! There is an order from Emperor. Special corps number zero, Come out ! " a man with golden armor shouted.

A group of people wearing very common clothes which could be found in any market, appeared simultaneously before him as soon as he finished his final word ' come out ' and looked at him curiously wondering which kind of important news he had for them to need something to do in this peaceful age.

" Our lovely young crown prince is going to have his first journey in this world tomorrow. Today is a big day because our cute prince has become interested in something but we don't have any time to celebrate yet ! The reason for our special corps that has been training for 100 years is for this day. The time has finally come ! " he continued with a lovingly eyes.

" Okay. The order from emperor is to send the special corps and to protect him in the dark so that no one can bully and disturb our prince. ' All trash who provoke our prince will die without bone or ash. ' That's your squad's slogan. Remember it in your heart !

Special squad, code name : trash cleaning corps. Go and do your best in protecting prince ! " he shouted at them.

After he said that to them, their faces were serious immediately and nodded sincerely. Then, they disappeared as if there was nothing in this place before.

A man with golden armor was looking at the spot they disappeared and whispered. " I hope young prince would be healthy and safe until the eternity. His life has been very bitter without knowing it himself. "

Then, he sighed and left after leaving a message to the crowd below by shouting loudly. " If they come back, we will have a huge banquet. For now, everyone disperse ! "


After walking about four hours in a straight line, shiro saw a very huge forest which he couldn't see its ending. The sun was already above his head. So, he decided to rest a little bit and walked into the forest to find some place to rest.

What he didn't know is that there were many fierce beasts in this forest but he didn't know and only thought that the forest near his home should be just a small ordinary forest. If there were many fierce beasts in it, he wouldn't hear some news about some villagers who went into this forest to cut woods every day. That's his inner thoughts. Sometimes, ignorance is a bliss.

In the outermost circle of forest, he saw a relatively big tree which would be able to give him some shade in the hot weather. He hurried toward the tree and sat down to find some foods to eat in his bag but his face became completely dark after looking at his bag.

Only now, he remembered he forgot to bring the things he made a list to take on his journey this morning. No money, no foods !

He only had some clothes in his bag right now. No wonder he felt his bag was very light. Even if he was not strong, he still had some strength as a boy.

But these clothes were not necessary anymore for him too because he had clothes with automatic cleaning. He wouldn't find his own troubles. He would definitely have to wash his clothes if the clothes he wore didn't had automatic cleaning.

He also forgot to take a list his mother promised to make for him. His mind was in daze and didn't know what to do anymore.

His only choice now was to hunt to some animals and cook them.

He stood up and went to find some rabbits or deers without antlers. He had a sword, but he was still afraid of those antlers. So, he must be very cautious. It would be better if you observed his surroundings very keenly first because it wouldn't be good for him if he accidentally faced some wild boars or even tigers and lions.

He first grabbed his sword very firmly and went forwards to investigate his surroundings.

After thoroughly checking five hundred meters area around the tree he decided to take a rest, he was completely stupefied and thought.

' Is the place I live really a natural forest or is it artificially made forest only with green trees. Why can't I see even a snake or rabbit ? If there isn't even a rabbit or some little creatures like rabbit, what will I eat ? Dust or leaves ? '

He gritted his teeth and decided to search at least for a wild duck or chicken until he found one !

But still, he couldn't find anything yet even after searching for another 30 minutes. His poor stomach was already sending him many signals with embarrassing sounds. Because he couldn't endure anymore, he shouted very loudly.

" What on the earth will I eat !? D*mn it ! "

After that, he didn't try to search those rabbits anymore because he was very angry, but he would try to find a lake to fill his water bottle and to fish some marine Life Forms. With the thought of his, he smile very sweetly.

( fortunately, he didn't forget to bring a water bottle. )

The reason why he tried to find a lake instead of continuing to search a rabbit, is that he saw some mud, puddles and small streams on his way.

However when he was just about to take a step forwards, a tree near him was shaken by something.

He was immediately in an alert state. He walked towards the tree slowly and cautiously to see what it was but, before he reached the tree, a pig came out behind it.

He looked at the pig and was very surprised. That pig was limping slowly towards his direction and its whole body was covered in wounds and blood. Even its eyes were covered with blood. It was unknown if the pig was already blind or not.

After the pig reached 10 feets away from him, it stomach bursted while splashing the blood on its surroundings as if something was exploded in the stomach. He was really surprised at that fact. However he didn't think over this matter deeply. The food was walking on its own to him. What did he have to complain about ? All he had to do now was to barbecue that fat pig on fire and eat it.

Afterwards, he tried to carry that pig on his shoulder but he couldn't move it even in the slightest inches.

So, he had to eat it on the spot.

Then, he grabbed his sword and cut its body. Surprisingly, though it was very heavy, its skin was still smooth and soft. ' it is really a fortunate thing for me ' he thought.

He found some dry sticks on his surroundings. All the steps he had to do are ready made for him this time. So, he tried to make a fire himself by using the classic way of making fire.

After he prepared everything he need to barbecue this fat pig, he cut its meat into pieces and skewered them with a stick made of wood by himself. He even cleaned them. How hard working his was !

But what he didn't know was that the fierce beasts in the forest were suffering the worst catastrophe because of him, while he was making a barbecue meal very leisurely !

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