
Estel: Deserted on a Planet of Fantasy

Adrian, an astronaut on a routine space mission, is stranded on a planet he supposed to research. His spaceship was struck by something and forced to make an emergency landing. The planet is unlike anything Adrian has ever seen before. The plants and animals are all strange and exotic, and the people have strange magical powers. Adrian, is completely lost and alone, and he doesn't know how to get home. He must learn to survive in this strange new world, and he must find a way to get back to his own planet. Along the way, he will encounter many dangers, but he will also make new friends and learn about the power of magic. This is a story of adventure, self-discovery, and the power of the human spirit. It is a story about finding your place in the universe, even when you are lost.

Rahmat_Pradipta · Romance
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3 Chs


Fiore was awake by the sound of an explosion, but found herself unable to move. She could only catch a fleeting view of someone taking down a Strong Wolf. The creature fell instantly, a sight that was both unusual and alarming. It typically required an intermediate level spell or a magic-infused sword to kill a Strong Wolf. Who could this person be? She wondered, straining to catch a better glimpse. She attempted to move again, to no avail. 

[Emergency Healing in Progress – Movement Restricted]

The mysterious figure then aimed what appeared to be an iron magic wand at another Strong Wolf. The wand emitted an explosive sound and a burst of fire from its tip. The second Strong Wolf dropped instantly, just like the first.

Fiore strained against her immobilization, desperate to intervene, but her body refused to cooperate.

[Emergency Healing in Progress – Movement Restricted]

The remaining two Strong Wolves scattered in fear. Suddenly, a robed figure appeared behind the mysterious figure. Fiore recognized him instantly - the murderer of Rosa, her best friend.

Overwhelmed by grief and anger, Fiore fought against her paralysis. "Move!" she willed her body. But despite her desperation, she remained immobilized. Yet, she refused to give up. She focused on her right hand, willing it to move, to summon her fire magic. "Come on..." she urged herself.

[Q29uZGlyIC1vIEVzdGVs- Partial Body Override]

Finally, her right hand responded. She immediately attempted to cast the Ice Spear spell. 

[Warning: Low Mana]

A warning of low mana appeared, but Fiore dismissed it. She was determined to avenge Rosa. She pointed her now mobile hand at the robed figure. 

[Ice Spear]

Fragments of ice materialized before her hand, merging into a sharp-tipped chunk of ice the size of an adult's fist. 

With a swift motion, the ice spear shot towards the robed figure, impaling him through the chest from behind. Fiore watched as the murderer of Rosa's fell, before collapsing back into unconsciousness.


Adrian's ears still echoed with the Tinnitus – a ringing sound after shooting his gun, as he scrutinized the carcass of the alien wolf. He should have used a silencer on his weapon and donned an earpiece connected to his communicator to muffle the harsh noise, but haste had left him unprepared. This oversight could prove fatal. Unbeknownst to him, a figure was stealthily creeping up from behind.

The sudden thud of a body hitting the ground jolted Adrian out of his inspection. Whirling around, he was met with the sight of a robed figure, reminiscent of a movie wizard, impaled by a jagged icicle. Blood seeped from the wound, staining the soil beneath.

The soldier's hand and fingers stretched out as if reaching for something before going limp. Could it be the soldier who had conjured the ice and attacked the robed figure? Adrian didn't have time to contemplate. 

Without a second thought, Adrian hoisted the unconscious soldier onto his back and darted into the forest. His mind was a whirlwind of survival instincts. The soldier was heavier than expected, burdened by a heavy weight of leather and iron armor.

Upon reaching the emergency capsule, Adrian gently laid the soldier down. Remembering the manual instructions for treating an unconscious crew member, he searching for the communicator he had hastily tossed into the capsule earlier. 

With the communicator retrieved, Adrian scanned the manual for the procedure to treat unconscious crew members. He also sought out the health kit stashed within the emergency capsule's panel.

He unzipped the health kit and extracted the medical scanner - a large bracelet-like device that monitored a person's vitals. 

Peeling off the soldier's leather gloves, Adrian was taken aback by the smooth, uncalloused hands - a stark contrast to the roughened hands of soldiers hardened by grueling training. Could this soldier be of high rank, perhaps a general? Adrian pondered.

A soft beep signaled that Adrian had successfully synced the scanner with his communicator. After strapping the device around the soldier's wrist, he waited for the results. A series of tests ran for several minutes before another beep indicated the completion. Thankfully, the soldier's condition wasn't critical. The device suggested administering a fever reducer, which Adrian promptly did by inserting coded vial into the device.

However, the scanner was limited in its diagnostic capabilities. It couldn't detect fractures or internal injuries. For that, they needed the advanced medical equipment stowed in the survival module, which was lost somewhere. Adrian could only hope the soldier's injuries were not severe.

Exhausted from the day's harrowing events, Adrian forced himself to consume some rations. He then affixed a silencer to his gun in case of another animal attack. A rifle lay within the emergency capsule, but fatigue overwhelmed him. Succumbing to his exhaustion, Adrian fell asleep, sitting upright against the capsule.


Fiore was in a semi-conscious state when she felt the sensation of being carried. It was a familiar feeling, reminiscent of her childhood when her father would carry her on his back after a long day of play. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, bringing a tear to her eye. Succumbing to her exhaustion, she drifted back into sleep.

When she finally regained full consciousness, it was night. The stars were scattered like diamonds across the velvet sky, their light punctuated by the rustling of leaves in the night wind. Memories of her recent clash with Shadow, a mercenary group led by a charismatic individual, came rushing back. 

Sitting up, Fiore noticed an object resembling a large bracelet on her right hand. Handcuffs? she wondered, but her hands were free to move. Not far from her, a figure in unfamiliar attire was slumped against a large, round stone, apparently asleep. Could it be a Player? she thought.

Fiore decided to cast a spell to confirm her suspicion.

[Player Check: - Error No MBots Detected!]

The spell's result left her puzzled. According to the books she had read, the spell should have disclosed the Player's name and status if the man was indeed a Player, and only the name if not. 

Undeterred, she attempted the spell again.

[Player Check: - Error No MBots Detected!]

The same message appeared, deepening Fiore's confusion. She was torn, unsure whether to kill the man or not. 

As she grappled with her decision, the man stirred awake, reaching for a silver magic wand. Startled, Fiore instinctively stepped back, attempting to cast a Magic Sword spell.

[Summon: Magic Sword]

[Failed – Not Enough Mana]

The failure of the spell caught her off guard. Her mana must have been depleted in her skirmish with the mercenaries. Ordinarily, her mana would replenish itself during rest, but her injuries might have been severe enough to drain her reserves.


Adrian was roused from his slumber as his earpiece, linked to his Communicator, blared an alarm - a telltale sign of lifeform movement. Without a moment's delay, he sprang into action, reaching for his firearm. However, upon spotting the soldier, he slowly lowered his weapon. 

He thought, I mustn't let the soldier perceive me as a threat.

An uneasy silence hung in the air between them until Adrian gestured towards the device clutched in the soldier's hand. The soldier appeared hesitant, but eventually extended his right hand towards Adrian. Adrian couldn't help but notice the soldier's deliberate attempt to conceal his left hand behind his body, but he chose not to question it. For now, building trust was the priority, he reasoned. Carefully, Adrian unclasped the device from the soldier's grip.

Adrian had been so engrossed in his interaction with the soldier that he failed to notice the looming shadow of a massive creature behind the soldier. A sudden realization dawned upon him, "Ah, so this was the trigger for the alarm," he mused internally.


Roland Monsoon, the esteemed leader of the MREA, was diligently working in his office, stationed on the planet Hyperion, where the colossal Hyperion mothership hovered in the planet's orbit. His attention was abruptly seized by an urgent message flashing on his computer screen. The report's content left him astounded, compelling him to immediately contact Hatori Nakayama, the author of the distressing report.

Hatori Nakayama's visage materialized on Roland's computer screen. "Is the report accurate? How did the Asa Space Station lose contact so abruptly?" Roland interrogated Hatori, the MREA's Deputy for Space Exploration.

Hatori, visibly flustered, stammered, "The report is accurate, sir, based on the data from our last communication." He seemed equally perplexed by the unfolding incident. "It appears that the Asa Space Station is under attack. The station's defenses should withstand ordinary space debris, but it seems to be under siege from an unusually powerful force."

"Keep me updated on any news from the Asa crew," Roland instructed, aware that he would soon be swamped with queries from the project's investors and governmental stakeholders. "Initiate a rescue mission if any crew members are still alive," he added.

"Apologies, sir, but there's a new report from the Thermis Space Station on planet Qing. Upon landing, the advance team was ambushed by peculiar creatures. We've lost the entire team, and Mr. Qing, the Space Station's leader, is pleading for assistance."

Roland paused, mulling over whether to prioritize rescuing the Asa crew or aiding the besieged Thermis Space Station. However, the decision was clear-cut. The Thermis Space Station was still operational, while the status of the Asa crew members remained uncertain.

"Let's convene a meeting to plan our immediate departure to planet Qing to assist the Thermis Space Station. Also, instruct the communications department to maintain an open line with the Asa crew, urging them to report their situation and to hold out until further notice."

"Understood, sir," Hatori acknowledged.


Than you for reading up to chapter 3, I working in this novel in on-the-fly my free time so I'm sorry for the long updates and cannot up to 1 chapter per day as standard Webnovel target.

As this Light Novel (LN) are intended to be like a Japanese LN with art, I have collaborate with Dewitri Virika to release the official artwork. You can download the art on MREA discord channel : https://discord.gg/Hg8bdJkN at #estel-artwork

Cheers !

Rahmat_Pradiptacreators' thoughts