
chapter1 Surrounded

Lucas was standing at the entrance of the tennis court as he waited for his best friend Nick to arrive.He covered his face with a scarf and wore a black and red hoddie and tried his best to cover his face from the others to see.He knew that Brian,the leader of the gang which was after his neck would be there and would surely beat him if he saw him.

After waiting for about an hour,he saw Nick coming out of the court and went upto him and pushed him towards the side so that they could talk but Nick went into panic mode as he thought that he was going to get beaten up by a complete stranger and started pushing Lucas away and shouting drawing attention towards them.Lucas covered his mouth and dragged Nick away from the court and once they were out of sight,released him only for Nick to start screaming and calling for help.

"Relax it's just me,jeez"Lucas said as he removed the scarf and the hoddie covering his face.

Nick sighed as he quickly stopped screaming and started defending himself but stopped when he remembered something and asked whie in shock

"What are you doing here?Do you know how risky it is for you to be here?What if Brian or his minions are you especially after the stunt you pulled?"

"First of all,I am aware that if they see me i'm screwed but don't you think toning your voice a bit down will not draw attention to us and even though we might be in the hallway, away from the sports Area, someone might see me and tell on me.Anyway I had something urgent I wanted to talk about."Lucas said in defence.

Toning his voice down,Nick asked,"What did you want to talk about?"

Lucas was about to tell him but noticed some of Brian's minions coming out of one of the classes .He quickly covered his face and turned to leave but it was too late.He had already been spotted.He tried to run away but was blocked by two more and they surrounded him completely ignoring Nick who stood frozen due to shock.