
Escape from Earth

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What is Escape from Earth

Read Escape from Earth novel written by the author Justin_breezyn on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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He was darkness, sinfully gorgeous, A dangerous fantasy, a walking orgasm with strings of broken hearts behind him a proof of his heartless nature. He was everything decadent yet delicious your mom warned you about. She wanted light He wanted her After running away from her abusive drug addict of a step father and a woman who was busy getting her next fix to care for a whiny 15 years old. Maya could say she have had it tough in life and just wanted her own happy ever after. A husband who adores her, a picket fence, a dog and three Adorable children. After she catches her fantasized soulmate cheating on her with her best friend, she is shattered which leaves her deciding to throw caution into the air once and indulge in a mind blowing one night stand. A one night stand which leaves her sprawled on the bed humiliated, turned on and intrigued about the hot stranger with the distant cold blue eyes who practically freaked out when he discovered she was a virgin. When her friend gets her a job as a PA to the CEO of one of the biggest establishment in the country but turns out Mr Ceo was the hot stranger and what more? He wants to claim her in everyway possible but Maya knows what a picket fence guy material looks like and her insanely hot brooding boss who she had to remind of his mother's birthday and was made to drop a dozen of roses and a one line note of "let's not make this more than it was" to his numerous one night stands, wasnt it. But what Xavier wants, Xavier gets and he is totally determined to get a particular someone who wants absolutely nothing to do with him.

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迟贝瑶被帝都豪门迟家收养,代替死去的迟家千金。 从此,她有了一对名义上的父母和哥哥。 起初,哥哥说:“我只有一个妹妹,你哪儿来的滚哪儿去。” 后来,“瑶瑶,跟哥哥回家,他不爱你,我们爱你。” 她被亲生父亲厌弃,却被养父母一家宠爱保护。 同时,她还被某个斯文败类盯上,被他宠成了公主。 ** 迟贝瑶听到别人对叶旭的评价是——他是众人眼里遥不可及的高岭之花,礼貌,谦逊,众星捧月般存在,一个眼神就惹得别人脸红心跳。 但这样的人,却将她堵在角落,咬着她的耳朵:“为什么不理我?” 那些谦逊,温和的形容放在他身上,统统是放屁。 叶旭:“来爱我,我什么都给你。” 她见识过叶旭的表里不一,他是虚伪的温柔,骨子里的冷血。 但他爱上一个人,就是全世界。 贝瑶没有安全感,怕冷怕黑,连皱下眉头,他都能最快反应她的需要。 她霸占了叶旭所有的宠爱,偏偏又喜欢折磨他。 后来,贝瑶莫名将叶旭踹开,如同扔垃圾一样。 叶旭朋友们劝道:“旭哥,这女的有病,咱算了,下一个更乖。” 众人眼里高高在上的旭哥:“我答应过她,什么都给她,尊严又算什么?她失去的够多了,我不能让她失去我。” 路人内心OS:清醒点!是她不稀罕你!

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