
Erotic world:A sinful paradise

A young man reading a Erotic novel over 2 years with high expectations forgetting about the real world immersed in it till the end of the novel but not getting the the expected outcome from the novel,only to see the Dog ass Author, have written a worst death possible to the MC during the quality time with his harem members gotten killed by the final arc boss Demon God. Filled with rage he commented his rage emotions on it. But little did to know to find himself in the same Erotic novel he wasted 2years of his time and the worst part is that he was a pathetic side character only mentioned in first few chapters, finding him in this unexpected situation in this dangerous lewd world with unknown future what it held for him... . . . A/N: Hello readers welcome to this novel,sorry for any grammatical mistake or any inconvenience. Hoping you all to have a erotic and wet journey with this novel..... //:D Join discord server https:/discord.com/invite/fecuxNQd

Karma_Arc · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Ch:5- A wonderful drink*

Caracas town,

Inside a house at a room where there is stack of book arranged in the shelves surrounding a desk, there we can see a small child is reading books .

That child face is cute,his hair is black and his eyes is the most prominent as it's more darker than his hair as it looks a miny black hole has been placed in the iris having pale skin with high nose , looking cute altogether that could attract many women and oba-san

"It's been six years huh" that child is naturally Riley

He looked outside

"It's morning"He smiled and got up from the desk and went outside of his mini library

It's been six year since he reincarnated here,although he is having the future knowledge of this world from the novel but he doesn't know in details so to learn more he decided to show talent from early 6 months age only Riley decided to start walking and by 8 months he started talking not in sentences only by word which had suprised Athena , as not every child can start to speak from 8 months so to his request at age of 2 years so thinking how enthusiastic Riley is with books Athena buyed a pile of book for him.

Riley now have the basic knowledge which he missed out in the novel

In Lavanor there not only does human reside alongside with beastkin of various race, dragon, drawves, angel, elves, and dark elves, vampires,undead also resides.

While thinking obout the races Riley got out from the library room going to the main hall to have breakfast, reaching at the hall he saw a beautiful woman with brown hair with wide hips wearing housemaid costume doing chores in the kitchen located right beside the hall

Seeing the wide hips Riley smirks and going slowly and hugging her from behind settling his face into her ass,

"Who is thi.....,Young master when did you have came out from room? "

Nathaly asked Riley surprisingly not moving him from her arse continuing doing her work,

Riley whoes face was over her ass smelling the beautiful flowers like scent coming from it not minding to answer the question wrapping his hands around her waist .

After few moment Riley takes out his face and looked at her back thinking something

"Nathaly aunt hungry wanna eat something " said Riley innocently

"What you wanna eat young master" Nathaly asked softly

'Wanna eat you , but can't as I am still baby' Riley thought

"Nathaly aunty wanna eat meat and milk "

Hearing this Nathaly nodded her head ,before doing the work

"Young master you can seat on couch, I will bring your breakfast over there"Nathaly said

Riley hearing this "Nathaly aunt can't I hug u like this while u do ur work"

Nathaly hearing this confusingly nodded agreely, thinking ,

'Why young master is hugging me like koala'? but seeing him again hugging her looks kinda cute so not giving a second thought to it return backs to make breakfast.

Riley who seeing her nooded her head without wasting a time again snuggled over her ass, but this time he wraps his hand over her legs from under the dress touching the jucy thighs of her .

Nathaly who was preparing breakfast for Riley suddenly feeled touch over her legs looking down she saw Riley was doing it, sighing internally knowing that Riley like to do mischief so not giving it any attention

Riley seeing that nathaly not saying anything continues his adventure over Nathaly's leg as he slowly leds his hand over the inner thighs but cannot achive it as hands ia still small

"Nathaly aunt can i hug from below this cloth i wanna smell this beautiful flower scent coming from here " asking her innocently with his charming eyes

Nathaly hearing this blush slightly although she knows Riley very well altough perviously he had done mischief he has not asked something like this

[A.N:for her it's mischief :D]

"Young master it's not a place where there will such scent it's dirty place"said Nathaly pausing her cooking

" Nathaly aunt no it's have very pleasent smell, pls let me smell it under the cloth"Riley said this as cutely he could.

Seeing the look of Riley Nathaly could only sigh nod her head to his childish behavior, then holding the dress to rise her robe slowly .

Riley seeing that she is rising her robe without any thought entered it and he was surprised to see under her robe she was wearing white Lace Lingerie which is perfectly matching with her attire and the fascinating part is it's transparent looking more sensual .

He hug Nathaly from front and putting his mouth in front her white panties smelling it , Nathaly who is holding the robe suddenly fell Riley hugged in front placing his mouth in her sacred place making her shiver as she was going to stop Riley going from any further as it's transparent ,Suddenly she felt a lick over her panties making her jolt feeling from pleasure, so thinking a bit she let him do.

Riley who is enjoying the smell decided to lick it making it further exciting when he licked it he felt that she jolted and much to his futher suprise she doesn't say anything .

Without any further ado he continue his tounge work licking on from the panties, slowly it started to became wet and fluid is gushing out and Riley can also hear faint moans emitting from nathaly's mouth although she is trying to control it but it's aurosing him more and increasing the process and in a few minute

"I am cummmmmm...ing" Then she suddenly yelled fell on the floor with Riley.

Riley whoes mouth is now covered with Nathaly's cum was surprised to see that her undergarment was drenched in her fluids .

Nathaly who has just orgasmed from Riley huffing while sitting on the floor drenched with her fluids as it gushing out like broken dam as she came to her sense from her orgasm ,

Replying the incidents what just happened now Nathaly was embarrassed

'How can orgasm just by licking of young master ' Then she saw Riley whoes face was also covered with her fluids and he was licking it making her blushed

"Young master don't drink it, its bad and pls don't tell anyone about it young master"

Riley when licking her fluid from his face suddenly hearing what Nathaly said he smirking inside

"No Nathaly aunt it's tasty I like it " Pausing for few seconds only to see her flushed face Riley continues"Aunt I will tell nobody but.. "

"But what young master"

Nathaly asked confusely

"but if you let me drink this fluid every day then only I will not say to Mom" Saying mom little loudly

Hearing this Nathaly was now beet red in color by hearing to give Riley to drink her cum, but she can't refuse also if Madam heard it the she will prefer to eaten by some beasts .

"Okay young master but only one time each day"

Hearing this Riley was laughing internally 'I will do it more professionally from tomorrow then and make u curve for it'

"Okay Nathaly aunt no problem but I will extract the fluid like this way "

Nathaly can only nods her head now as she have already agreed to let him drink.