
Erotic world:A sinful paradise

A young man reading a Erotic novel over 2 years with high expectations forgetting about the real world immersed in it till the end of the novel but not getting the the expected outcome from the novel,only to see the Dog ass Author, have written a worst death possible to the MC during the quality time with his harem members gotten killed by the final arc boss Demon God. Filled with rage he commented his rage emotions on it. But little did to know to find himself in the same Erotic novel he wasted 2years of his time and the worst part is that he was a pathetic side character only mentioned in first few chapters, finding him in this unexpected situation in this dangerous lewd world with unknown future what it held for him... . . . A/N: Hello readers welcome to this novel,sorry for any grammatical mistake or any inconvenience. Hoping you all to have a erotic and wet journey with this novel..... //:D Join discord server https:/discord.com/invite/fecuxNQd

Karma_Arc · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch:4- A wonderful experience

In a land filled with stack of uncountable dead bodies blood flowing like rivers along side the land, whole place is looking like painted with crimson color but except that it's blood and having a death aura looming around it making terrifying for any living being staying over there impossible , A man can be seen sitting over the dead bodies with a sword implanted over the dead bodies if not noticed carefully can be mistakens as dead not moving an inch from the position, but suddenly that being rise up his chin and with a abyss like black eye he looks towards a boy standing in front of him making him shiver all over the body and a unknown fear looms around the boys

"#?! #*?! #₹!? *'" An unknown language which he can't understand heard from the being voice in deep shrill voice as if coming from hell , then he heard a loud screaming sound from the man making him vanished .

Riley wakes up from the crib breathing heavily as something scared the shit out of him and starts to look all over the room and to see that he is still in the crib only then he sighed in relif and thought "What a weird dream it was " But he admit this is the most terrifying dream he had dream in his previous lifetime. Riley who had just waked up suddenly remembered about the play he was doing with Nathaly, heard a growling realising after coming to this world he haven't eaten anything feeling hungry so he plans to sob and to attract attention of Nathaly so to feed him much to Riley surprise another woman came inside the room hearing the crying noise of his.

A women wearing black robe with intricate design patterns came out. She had long black hair with piercing purple eyed having heavenly facial features body exuded grace and sensuality with unmatched curves as she entered the room

Athena Anderson had just finished work and entered the house

wearing a stunning black off-the shoulder dress showed off her deep clevage and sexy curve of her breast . The dress has a slit open showing off her white luscious thighs as she walked . Her curves were prominent by the tight fabric and her waist looks tiny compared to her wide hips and full chest .As Athena enterd she heard her baby crying entering the room said""O my baby have woken up feeling hungry wanna drink something delicious"saying this she lifted riley and role up his upper lobe jiggling out her big breast taking riley close to her to suck her nipples, Riley was first suprised by his mom beauty and now by the certain close view of her beautiful peaks and the nipples are in rose pink color so without wasting any time he started sucking the milk out of it "it's hell delicious man"Riley thought while sucking the milk, as was sucking he looks at her who is looking towards him with a radiant smile enchancing her looks more he look the feeling towards her became more than that of a son , so not Overthinking about the future he enjoy the delicious milk from the nipple and savour till it's last as he can't do anything more as he is still a baby.