
Erel laria

Theres a guy named erel. He is standing right now on a top of a high building a really really high building. Are you wondering why he is there . Unfortunately he plans to commit suicide . He waited till night and make sure to check that he is alone on that building. And now he can pass away peacefully. But right before he jump there's a woman also getting ready to jump. A woman why is she there. find out when u read it

Daoistl9qFTf · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

chapter 3 : doing the right thing

    " laria I got a plan". A plan pop up in my mind. Laria look at me with a worried face." What is it"

I started talking" They are strong but they can't see us if we can hit them both on the back of their head they will past out probably "

"Probably? " laria is doubtful." I'm sure okay if we hit them hard enough, let's use this wood".To be honest I'm not sure. 

"Okay the plan is to hit the back of their head as hard as we can, I'll hit the ugly guy and you hit the other ugly guy, okay. We are not that far so if we run they can't react on time" I explained

" roger that" laria said. "So on my count of three we'll both ran and hit their head hard "

" 1..2.....3" and then we both get out of the bush and run. As soon as I saw his head i hit it as hard as I can.

My heart is beating fast while looking at the bandit's unconscious body.

I look at laria and looks like she did a job good too. When I  a look at the young man he still saying please stop.

Laria approached him and said it's okay. But he flinched looks like he is traumatize.  For now I gathered all his treasures and put it in his side.

"Let's tie them up with this vines looks like this vines is sturdy". Laria said while holding the vines she found.

"Okay give me some" and I she gave some vines. Maybe they have money with them is it okay if I take some they are bandits anyway.

So I look at laria to ask her opinion but her face looks worried. I wondered what's wrong " hey laria what wrong".

" This one is not breathing, hey Erel I just killed someone what am I going to do".

I immediately checked if the one I  hit is also dead but he is still breathing.

Laria sat on the side of the road. still shocked of what she did.

Me after I tied the two of them I pulled them both and hide them in the bushes.

I also feel guilty because I'm the one who suggested this plan .

The boy is still  silent but he stop crying now. He is sitting while hugging his bag filled with his belongings.

Laria is also sitting still looking depressed.  I'm worried so I decided to talk to her.

"Laria cheer up I'm also responsible of it besides we just did what is right" and I  put my arm on her shoulder .

"Still I feel guilty imagine I killed a man  I take someone's life erel I'm a murderer " she shouted.

"Look at that boy if we did not save him he'll be dead right now and his family will grieve" I tried my best consoling her.

I decided to leave her alone for now. I tried talking to the young man again.

"Have you calm down now you are safe now you must go home your family will be worried you know. be careful and bring some weapons next time".

He didn't talk but after a couple of seconds he spoke." Thank you mister I....I owe you my life"

" mister you look like foreigners, and you don't have anything with you " he ask

This is the time to get information

" yeah we don't have anything because we are robbed by bandits yesterday and we've been loss in this forest since then, can you please tell us the nearest village here" sorry boy for lying I can't tell him that I'm from another world.

" Then you can come with me my village is near I can give some money and food there" he happily said.

I'm glad looks like he recovered a little

" helping us get to the village is enough, by the way I'm erel and she is laria nice to meet you".

" I'm Gustavo Netle nice to meet you, then let's start walking before the sun set".

Laria is still sitting there I am worried. "Laria Gustavo here know's a village let's get moving". And I tried to hold arm to help her stand up.

She didn't respond she only nodded. I hope she recovered soon. Gustavo said that we will go now so we followed him.

While walking I noticed he can't walk properly. So I offered " Gustav want me to carry you looks like you can't walk properly".

"It's okay I can walk by self " he said but-

"I insist so just be quiet, tell me where to go okay". I carried him like a princess.

After walking for a while we arrived in the village.  The village is like the village you see in fantasy games I really am in a world of fantasy.

We continue to walk until we arrive in Gustav house. When we knocked the door it opened immediately .

His parents and his siblings hug him they all look very worried when they saw they're family beat up like that.

His parents welcomed us and Gustavo explained all what happened. 

And his parents thank us. They give us dinner and offer room to stay for the night. We had nice conversation with t8

We are now walking up the stairs to the room we are going stay in.

I'm still worried about laria she spoke and conversed with Gustavo and his family but I can sense that she is still bothered about what happened back in the forest.

"By the way I apologize we only have 1 guest room but I think it's okay you are a couple anyway right" Gustavo's mother Jena suddenly speak.

I was shocked when she asked that.

" You are mistaken ". I said while blushing.

"Yes indeed we are just acquaintance " laria also answered.

"Is that so that's  sad , you look great together though" she really looks disappointed.

We arrived at the front of the guest room and Jena opened the door. We entered the room.

"Thank you again for saving my son, I will bring some spare clothes and tell me if you need anything " jena said.

"Thanks aunt Jena "we both said . "So I will sleep on the floor get a lot of rest and forget about that laria remember we only did the right thing " I said to her and I take the blanket .

But she stop my hand " it's okay let's sleep on the bed it's wide enough,but don't do anything or you're gonna die while asleep ".

I tried to hide my smile but I can't stop smiling. And aunt Jena has come and she gave us the clothes.

"I'll change in the bathroom " then I go out." Okay" laria answered.

Now we are laying on bed but I can't sleep at all I'm on the edge of the bed right now . Maybe she is bothered too I guess sleeping on the floor is still the best .

So I tried to ask her about it but she is already sleeping!!!!!. How can she sleep. 

So I just closed and try to sleep. Several minutes later at last I fell asleep. While sleeping a feet kicked me out the bed and I fell.

I hit my head and I screamed quietly.  I stand up and looked at laria sleeping . She moved a lot when she sleeps huh.

That night I slept on the chair all night.

In the morning I wake up feeling terrible.  My back,eyes,head, and every thing hurts .

I got up and opened the window. From today onwards my life will be full of adventures .

I'm enjoying the smell of morning breeze when a slipper hit my head . What a terrible day to start this adventure filled life of mine.