
Erel laria

Theres a guy named erel. He is standing right now on a top of a high building a really really high building. Are you wondering why he is there . Unfortunately he plans to commit suicide . He waited till night and make sure to check that he is alone on that building. And now he can pass away peacefully. But right before he jump there's a woman also getting ready to jump. A woman why is she there. find out when u read it

Daoistl9qFTf · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 2 : another world

        There's a very weird shiny dude that answered my question.

And then he walk closer. When I looked to my side I got started because the girl is by my side. 

She is a good person maybe that's why she is in heaven too, then I said hi and she responded hello . 

The shiny dude talk again " like I said you are not heaven ".

Wait did he just read my thoughts. " yes I can " he said and I'm like " woah wait you really can, so where are we".

" This place is near the gate of heaven " the guy said.

" then let's  go to that gate and enter heaven alread,oh wait are you an angel maybe that's why you have angel vibes " I excitedly said.

"Yeah why are we still here " the girl also asked. "

before you go to the heaven can I ask you two a very huge favor" the angel answered.

We both said okay and we listened to what the angel has to say.

" listen there's a another world in danger and me and other angels have been trying to send humans like you to save that world,long ago there's a very strong demon that have enough magic to start a war with the heavens but we managed to defeat him with the help of humans and send him to hell.

But the demon lord has been trying to escape from hell I'm afraid that the guardian's can't hold him there anymore. And he mysteriously acquired more powerful magic. And the favor I ask you is that can you help us defeat the demon lord and his army"

Wow I was so shocked and the girl looks like she is too .

To think that reincarnation is actually true.

" But that place looks like very dangerous if we go there we'll just die" the girl answered.

The angel look to us with sad eyes and said " I know that it's a dangerous mission but the people that world right now" and then he showed the people who is suffering and dying he showed us the buildings and houses burning the children crying and many more sad things happening in that world right now.

Of course I want to help too but what can I do.

While I'm deeply thinking the girl talked " I'll do it, I have nothing to lose besides before I'm here because I already want to die so if I die there so what".

The angel smiled and I was wow this girl is wow I guess I will do it too " me too " I also said

The angel walk closer to us then he touch our shoulder " Thank you heroes,

before I send you two there let me explain things so you could survive that world.

The world you are going to is called Mother Earth I will only give you magic and make you more physically stronger.

There are two type of magic. Commandment and blessing.

Commandments are use to control the magic you have . If you have earth magic then you can only command earth.

Blessing, there are many type of blessings. You can already use your blessing when you are born. Your blessing depends on what magic you have.

If you have a beast magic then maybe your blessing is to be able to talk to animal or enhance your strength. It depends.

I will also give you the all tongue that blessing will let you understand, speak,read, and write the language they have.

Sadly I won't give you anymore than those you need to grow stronger, survive , and find the other humans that my comrades sent.

" I understand" we both answered . " Good luck heroes " the angel smiled.

After that he dissapeared and the white surroundings slowly turned into a forest.

      Wait I never had the chance to ask this girl's name so I asked " hello by the way what's your name miss".

She answered "my name is Laria aleah j. Hernan".

When I asked that question I was staring the clear sky  that's why I didn't notice.

Her face and body changed she got smaller her hair have grown longer and her long covered half of her face.

Wait her body she turned into a teenager.

She also looked very shocked when I looked at her .

We both screamed " who are you !!!!!!!. I started examining my body I look at my arms, my stomach I touch my hair. Wait no way looks like I also turned into a teenager.

I looked at her again a d she's also examining her body with a shocked face.

That angel he didn't say anything about this.

I tried to calm down and think of what are we going to  survive from now on.

We need food, money shelter and more. I think the best way is to find a village.

Laria also calmed down and deeply thinking and then her eyes widened. " looks like you got an idea" I said. " I think our goal for now is to find a village " she answered. " I agree, the language is no problem the angel said we have a blessing that let us speak this world's language.

While looking at her I realized she is cute, is she really okay having a idiot like me accompanying her in this new world.

" hey stop looking at my body you old pervert, move your butt and start walking " she said to me with her scary looking eyes.

I immediately start walking. This is dangerous world I need to do my best to protect this woman with me.

That angel said there are there are other people like us that was sent by other angels.

We need to grow stronger and when we are strong enough we can start a journey finding the others .

I look at her while walking, I think she she can survive without me.

She is a strong woman. I mean she surely has a job and she probably have more money income than a trash like me back in our home world .

While thinking about that she suddenly pulled me " quick hide someone's coming and they look like bad people.

They're clothes look like they are bandits or something and they have a scary face. " thank goodness they didn't see us" laria whispered .

But then they stop in the front of the Bush we are hiding and they start to talk. "Reges said a merchant is coming and he said he has treasures with him, let's hide in the bush to ambush him".

When we heard that we panicked. When they start moving I prayed that they'll choose another bush. "That one is a good hiding" the scary guy said.

My heart beat like crazy but non of them come to the bush we are hiding.  So summoned all my courage to take a peak of what are they doing.

I saw the two of them going in the other side of the road to hide in one of the bush there.

I'm so thankful they did not come here. But we also can't go out of the bush because they will notice us so we both decided stay for while.

We don't know what will they do to us

After a few minutes a young man is coming carrying a big heavy bag he is walking happily while walking.

When the young merchant came close the two bandits jump at him and threaten him " give us all treasures you have" he said while smirking.

The young man has a very scared face but he said bravely " I can't my family desperately need money right now, so can you please spare me the half of the treasures".

Despite his begging the bandit hit him again and again while the other is taking all he have.

The two bandits laugh while kicking the young man then he noticed that the young man is hugging something.

He smirk "what are you hiding there brat here give it to me " and he forcefully take the pouch the young man is hugging "no!!!" the young man shouted.

When he opened the pouch he laugh "hahahahah so you have more".

I can't watch anymore aren't we supposed to be a hero.

Laria is also watching uncomfortably

" we have to do something erel we have to use that magic thing, but how can we use it". Damn what should we do