
EPOS: from rags to godhood

In the realm of the divine, ascension to godhood is a perilous journey, requiring immense strength and endurance. Rufus, a mere mortal from a world in shambles, seems the most unlikely candidate to achieve such a feat. But fate has a way of intervening in the lives of the unsuspecting. Follow Rufus on his epic odyssey as he forges his own pantheon, traverses through the vast expanse of the universe, encounters friends and foes alike, battles against nightmarish creatures, and ultimately transcends into divinity. . . . . . And if you seek to witness such tales of heroism and divinity, do not hesitate to visit my Instagram page @alexanderca0, where you will find AI-designed concept art and maps of fantastical worlds.

AlexanderCao · Fantaisie
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395 Chs

Battle of flames and walking corpses part 4

Berig stared at the battlefield and saw that his varangians, with the help of the black company, had bested the soldiers of the allied state. He was about to move himself to the frontline but then saw a cavalry squadron charging straight at him.

Then two divine spheres flew past him and blasted many varangians around him. Berig was caught off guard as the cavalry struck at his men. Gadaric came to defend Berig, but Edward came with his longsword at both of them. Gadaric snapped his fingers and sent a sound blast at Edward. He was then moved out of the way thanks to rose vines that moved him out of the way.

As Edward was placed back to the ground, he slashed the air and sent a slashing blast back. A blood monster guarded the two imperial commanders against the attack.

"I think you know now why I stayed back....." Markus said and came closer.

Edward, Markus and count Hunyadi faced off against Berig, Gadaric and Markus.

The battle started with Berig forming a giant's torso made from flames. Its two hands went to grab the three of them, but Edward cut them off. Gadaric used his sound blasts to rocket himself at Edward. He forced Edward to face him alone as they moved away from the rest of them.

Hunyadi touched the soil. From the earth, rose vines grew forth and formed a scythe.

"You leave prince Markus to me. Rufus, you go and win this battle for us by defeating that large candle," Hunyadi said determinedly.

"No....you stay back. Those two are too strong," Rufus said.

Markus formed more blood monsters that rushed forward. As they attacked, thorn vines wrapped around them and squeezed them so hard that they exploded. The last and largest of the blood monsters cut off the vines restricting it. Hunyadi then walked forward calmly as the monster charged at him. He then cut it apart into small blood splatters in a blink of an eye.

"I am sorry but.....go fuck yourself...." Hunyadi said in a jokeingly way.

Hunyadi jumed forward, to attack Markus. He blocked the attack with a spear made from blood.

These two started a heated battle while Rufus was let to fight Berig all alone.


Rufus created two divine spheres into his both hands.

"Is this all you can do.....If this is all you can do, you should just accept your failure and death," Berig stated from inside the flame giant.

Rufus then formed two more divine spheres that floated in the air. As Rufus started to get closer, the divine sphere kept floating in the air and followed. It looked like Rufus was a sun, with the divine spheres as planets that orbited him.

The flaming creation of Berig lunged at Rufus with its spear. As to counter it, Rufus sent one of the floating spheres at the spear that made it disappear. He sent two more spheres straight at Berig, who shielded himself with the flame giants shield.

The shield was blasted away, but Berig was unfazed. When the dust and smoke settled, he was caught off guard when Rufus was right in front of him. He had his last divine sphere in his hand and was about to throw it at the child in purple at point-blank range.

As he threw it, Berig tried to dodge it. It expanded with half of Berig still inside it. As it destroyed everything in its vicinity, it blasted the earth as well underneath it. The flames of the giant dispersed with Rufus thinking he had won.

When Rufus saw what had happened, he saw that half of Berig's body looked it was burned, but it wasn't destroyed. For the first time, someone had survived against Rufus's divine power to destroy anything.

Berig looked furious, with half of his face like it had been caught under a rock. He opened his eye from the side that was supposed to be destroyed. His eye was pitch black with blood coming from it.

Berig then started to form more flames around him and create another flame giant. As it grew, it got larger than the first one. It started to intimidate Rufus as two additional arms grew from flames from its torso from the normal four. It created a large ax that it carried with two hands and had two curved blades in the other two.

Rufus created two more divine spheres and threw them at the flame giant. The flame creation hit the earth with its large ax. The ground tilted and formed a layer of earth to take the blow of the divine spheres.

The free hands of the flame creature stretched out, trying to reach Rufus. He started to evade the arms that tried to capture him. They followed him, like large snakes, trying to devour their prey.

As Rufus was evaiding, he realized that his only chance of surviving was to get close enough as before. He dispersed the flame hands first with his divine power and then started to run forward.

As he was about fifteen meters away, the flame giant brought down its large flame battle-ax. Rufus guarded with his hands, but it was starting to take more and more of his divine power to disperse the flames. The intensity of the fires of Berig started to overwhelm him, but he was still able to destroy the flaming ax.

As he thought he was in the clear, the two curved flaming swords came from both sides. He created a divine sphere around himself. As the curved blades were inside it, he made it destroy them, hoping he wouldn't be destroyed as well.

Berig stared at this suicidal gamble, but to his dismay, Rufus was not dead yet.

Rufus was able to survive his own blast. He had no wounds or damage on his body and was completely safe.

"That was lucky I guess...." Rufus thought to himself, as cold sweat flowed down his face.