
Epoch of The Lifebound Mechas

Year 2135, thirty years have passed since the end of WWIV, and the beginning of the end. Usage of cataclysmic magic weapons broke the laws of nature, and destroyed the order of the world, weakening the barriers which protected the earthlings from near certain death, the invasion of Abyss. As if being given a final opportunity for survival, the weakened dimensionsional barriers allowed earthlings to communicate with the Essence Source, and awaken the power of the Lifebound Mechas! Join Su Liang as he delves deeper into the mysteries of the vast and unending cosmos alongside his ever-evolving mechas!

Kraugel_Dahlia · Romance
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1 Chs

Chapter One

September 8, 2135th year of the Gregorian Calender, and the 86th year of the New Magic Calender

"Liang'er... I said Liang'er! Wake up!"

It was early morning in the 17th district of City M, where a small apartment housed a little girl trying to wake up a somewhat older boy from his bed.

"... okay, I woke up already. And stop calling me Liang'er! I told you to call me brother already."

This was Su Liang, a sixteen year old high-school student with brown hair and yellow eyes. While yellow eyes might have been considered a rarity in the past, they were nothing but the norm in this era.

"Lian- OK, brother! Dad and I already prepared the breakfast for everyone."

And this was Su Xing, Su Liang's younger sister at the age of fifteen. She also had brown hair the same as her brother, but unlike him, Su Xing had purple colored eyes instead.

Though the easiest difference between the two wouldn't be the eye color, but the height difference instead. Albeit being only a year older, Su Liang was twenty five centimeters taller than his sister, standing tall at the height of a 184 centimeters.

"Fine, let's go eat breakfast then."

Hearing this, Su Xing ran back to the living room without waiting any longer for her brother.

Su Liang too, followed her shortly after putting on a pair of slippers. The apartment they were in consisted of three bedrooms, a living room and a single bathroom. While it's rooms were by no means large, it could easily house a family of three.

Reaching the living room, a middle-aged man could be sitting by the dining table, holding a mug of coffee with his prothetic left arm.

This middle-aged man was the father of the Su siblings, Su Anfeng. He had in fact been the only parent of the two siblings ever since the passing of their mother at the birth of Su Xing.

"Ho? You really have guts to be sleeping so deeply on the day of your assessment. I don't know whether to call you brave or ignorant, Liang'er"

"Ou-ouch father, you always know how to dig it deep."


While the father and son looked like they were arguing, this was just an every-day exchange between the two. Su Xing, being aware of this made no effort to get between the two, and slowly started eating her breakfast consisting of boiled lab-grown eggs and a few slices of also lab-grown spicy cabbage.

Lab-grown food was the normal food in this era, replacing the old and traditional ones. While they were artificially created, they had better optimized nutrients than the originals. As for the taste... well, let's say that it falls quite short of the original versions.

"Nom~ hey dad, how will Lian- brother's assessment will go? I hear from my friends that their siblings were all excited and anxious, yet brother is still the same as always."

"Haha, it's because your brother is too stupid to care about such stuff... well, at least we have you in this household to take care of us both in the future."

"Father... I didn't know you had such high expectations of me to be a slacker in the future, I shall do my best for my sister to shine in my stead!"

"You two... well, it's at least better that brother hasn't changed."

After finishing their breakfast, the siblings helped their father clean the table and prepared for school.

While any and all classes could have been taught over the virtual reality headsets, the Earth Alliance had made it mandatory for all schools to be in-person systems. The reasoning behind this had been announced to be building a sense of community in the children, establishing their place as a member of the Human Race.

Their schools contained literary classes like history and language arts, science classes like physics and chemistry, and practical classes like mana absorption and combat simulations. While all of these classes were given equal amounts of class-time, it was obvious to everyone that practical ones were the most important.

"Dad! Me and brother are ready to go."

"Okay, you guys get down first. I will be right there~"

The apartment complex the family lived in comprised of forty floors, considered quite short by the standards of this era.

Su Liang and Su Xing quickly got into an elevator, and went to the ground floor.

Ever since the discovery of a magnetic reaction force 87 years ago, many rapid technological advancements have occurred. In fact, even after the effects of explosion of two cataclysmic magic bombs right above Hawaii, world had slowly been going back to its former order, or so it seemed.

Well, while this new technological advancement allowed the development of zero-fuel vehicles capable of automated drive, it also indirectly caused the deaths of 90% of the world's population.

These fully automated vehicles were in fact what Su Liang and his sister used to get to their school, and their father used it to get to his work.

In fact, the only reason why they could obtain such a high spec model given access to high-priority routes were thanks to Su Anfeng working as a Manager for one of the factories. While they lived in an average house, they at least had a nice vehicle for convenience.

Thanks to being given high-priority routes, the family could take the shorter and faster options without paying a typical subscription fee required by the brand, allowing them to have a more comfortable ride.

Entering their vehicle they called out from the garage, the siblings waited for their father to arrive. Not even after a minute later, a silhouette of a man wearing formal suits could be seen exiting the complex. Su Anfeng, got to the pilot seat for emergency maneuvers, and entered the commands for the vehicle.

"...Liang'er, take this."

Su Anfeng placed an obsidian colored bracelet with a dragon engravement into Su Liang's hand.

"This is?"

"It's a family heirloom. While I was the first one in our family to go through the assessment 26 years ago, I wore this bracelet given to me by your late grandfather. While I can't use my... Well, I believe I was successful in my assessment thanks to this bracelet."

"So it is just a family heirloom? Not like a special divine instrument?"

"I wouldn't have lost my arm back in the day had it truly been a divine instrument, so don't get your hopes up. Your grandfather told me it was a picked up from an online store promotion by his great-great-grandfather, so make sure not to lose it! It is at least a hundred year old antique."

While the two bickered back and forth, and the sister kept her headphones on while sitting in the back, the automated vehicle finally arrived at the M17 High School.


First work, I have to say I've been very much influenced by a ton of other writers when it comes to world setting, but I hope I can make it unique enough to entertain everyone!

While the first chapter had pretty much no action, please look forward to the second as it can be considered the true beginning of Su Liangs's story!

Do look forward to it!

Kraugel_Dahliacreators' thoughts