
Epoch of The Lifebound Mechas

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What is Epoch of The Lifebound Mechas

Lisez le roman Epoch of The Lifebound Mechas écrit par l'auteur Kraugel_Dahlia publié sur WebNovel. Year 2135, thirty years have passed since the end of WWIV, and the beginning of the end.Usage of cataclysmic magic weapons broke the laws of nature, and destroyed the order of the world, weakening the...


Year 2135, thirty years have passed since the end of WWIV, and the beginning of the end. Usage of cataclysmic magic weapons broke the laws of nature, and destroyed the order of the world, weakening the barriers which protected the earthlings from near certain death, the invasion of Abyss. As if being given a final opportunity for survival, the weakened dimensionsional barriers allowed earthlings to communicate with the Essence Source, and awaken the power of the Lifebound Mechas! Join Su Liang as he delves deeper into the mysteries of the vast and unending cosmos alongside his ever-evolving mechas!

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The world isn't fair. And Ruun knows better than anyone else. After the first time he died, he was invited to come back to life, stronger than before. Faster, smarter, too. Ruun decided to use this second chance to make the world a better, more equal place. But the Great Constellation didn't like it. She had bigger, darker plans. And Ruun would ruin everything, if he ever stood against her. So, the Great Constellation bestowed her powers upon a group of heroes, and convinced them that Ruun was evil. After getting sick of these games, Ruun decided it was time. To prove them right! Ruun, then, became the most powerful and vengeful villain alive. Only that he knew about the Great Constellation's plan, but let them taste their own medicine, right? Ruun got imprisoned by the heroes, with the help of the Great Constellation, in the Abyss, for thousand years. There, he met Kora, his valiant partner in murder and beast-slaying. Meanwhile, the Great Constellation took over the world, and began her reign of chaos, death, and destruction. But one hero, a mage that remained alive, tried her best to come up with a spell that could take Ruun out of the Abyss. And even if she could die in the process of creating the spell, she let her lineage know about what mattered most. Now, one thousand years later, a portal opens in the Abyss, and Ruun is called back to his home world. But will he accept any apologies? **************************************************** I don't own the rights for the cover art, but I can't seem to find the owner, so if you do appear around here, and want me to shut the cover down, I'll gladly do it. **************************************************** If you want to support me, and help my work reach new heights, please, donate. https://ko-fi.com/mrbones23640

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