
Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Reincarnation always seem to go well, so what would happen in the case of a reverse reincarnation? If you are curious, then come along for this adventure in which Adam, a young man desperate for money, will find himself with the memories of a 50 years old martial artist. For verification's sake, I started cohosting the story on Royal Road. My account there is SlyOW.

SlyOW · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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The Mirage Desert was really big, and as thus Adam and Neith were only able to reach the nearest city by noon. At that time, the sun was high in the sky, releasing a burning hot heat. Even Adam, who was a Bronze Rank Sovereign, was feeling bothered by the heat.

His avatar was a Northman, and as thus was accustomed to cold temperatures, and he was having a harder time with hot weathers. An Orc would feel the opposite the first time they come to Coldlands, cultivation didn't matter.

But that was only a slight discomfort. Moreover, Adam didn't have time to focus on his suffering, as he was too busy admiring the Orcish city.

At first, Adam thought the Orc City would be build with a similar style to Northmen cities, that the architecture would be rough. But he couldn't be farther from the truth. While the cities in Coldlands were seemingly built out of the dark rocks already present, this city was made with reinforced concrete and steel.

But that wasn't the most shocking thing for Adam. Instead, it was another material used, that he had barely seen anywhere else in this world: glass.

There were windows in other cities, of course, but glass seemed to be vary rare, the only places he had seen some were in Enya's Temple in Fjora, and in Aldeneid. But even then, they were only in small quantities.

However, here glass was much more widespread, even common living houses had glass windows. Adam couldn't help but wonder why, he didn't know how glass could be made, but it looked like the Orcs were the only ones capable of producing it.

Adam had already recalled Neith in his Pet Space as he toured the market place of the city, and as he had thought it was very different from other places he had been to. Even the players, the way they behaved, the way they dressed…

But that was to be expected. Although it wasn't an absolute truth, most of the players had still been dispatched through the world depending in the region they lived in. This was done so that everyone could play during the day.

After all, while it was noon in New York, they were already nearing the evening in Europe. As such, if the cycle of day and night of the whole game followed a certain region, then some players would be force to play during the night.

That's why, the different regions around the world had time differences. If a player wanted to visit another Empire, then they had to be ready to play during night time in game.

Fortunately, Adam didn't have this trouble. While the Coldlands Empire and Buwog were at the opposite ends of the world map, they were on the extreme North and South, and time varied from East to West.

To use a real world comparison, the north of Sweden and the South of South Africa were extremely far from each other, and yet they had no time differences. The situation was the same between Coldlands and Buwog.

However, the Empires were so big that from one end to another there would indeed be time differences, but the city Adam was in didn't have any compared to Azure Sky Kingdom.

However, once he reached Buwog there would be a two hours difference, it would be 10 am there instead of 12.

Anyway, this place was very different from what Adam was used to, and it was quite enjoyable for him. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to slowly savor the new flavors he discovered in this city, as he had somewhere else to go.

Originally, his plans were to reach this city, take a rest, and then teleport to the closest city to Yam he could teleport to, and find a way in the capital.

However, the update and meeting Yokgu had changed a lot of things, and now that he had the token of the Yok family, he didn't need to worry about entering the city, he could directly teleport there.

As he had said before, to enter Yam a Northman would need a special pass, but the Yok Insignia was even better and would allow to him to teleport in the Capital from any other Capital in the world, so doing so from this city would be as easy.

Moreover, Adam got an additional benefit from his token he didn't expect. Normally, he would have to wait for the teleportation planned every hour, but showing the token actually allowed him to skip the waiting, and be teleported right away.

This was quite a nice advantage, as Adam would have to wait 40 minutes otherwise.

Once in Yam, Adam looked around himself, trying to spot the differences, and was absolutely dumbstruck by what he saw. The buildings and houses around him weren't very different from the previous city, but there was a particular building in the distance that made him doubt his eyes.

A giant palace made of glass stood high in the sky, it was as tall as the Imperial Palace in Fjora, but one was made of glass, and the other of rock.

Even Adam found this to be extravagant, to create an entire palace out of glass… Where did they even get so much glass from anyway? Were the materials so cheap they could afford to use so much of it.

Moreover, this ought not to be normal glass, but a more precious kind that was resistant to attacks. After all, this was the place that represented the best the power of the entire Orc Race.

Just like the Imperial Palace in Fjora, although it was made of rocks, it wasn't just any rocks, they were all filled with rich minerals and made those rocks very sturdy and resistant to magic and aura attacks. This glass should be the same.

Another difference with normal glass was that the glass making the palace was more opaque, meaning one couldn't easily see through. And it didn't reflect the light of the sun like normal glass should…

The more Adam looked at the palace, the more question sprouted in his mind, so he stopped thinking about it and turned to the crowd around him.

As his eyes swiped around the passerby, his gaze stopped on a guards' patrol. He walked toward them and greeted their leader, an older orc "Hello, do you know where I can find Morbash, the blacksmith?"

The squad leader seemed surprised by his question, but he answered nonetheless "You should be able to find him at his master's workshop… You just arrived in the city didn't you?"

Adam nodded, so the squad leader said "If you came here because you wanted Morbash to make you a weapon or an armor, you should know before hand that it is very difficult to take a command from Morbash. A month ago that lad even refused the order of a Hero… And don't think about forcing him."

Adam raised an eyebrow and said "Don't you mind the fact I am a Northman? You seem very… open minded."

The old orc smiled and said "I don't think one's race is important, the mind is more important."

As he said that, one of the younger guards behind him, whispered to another guard "How shameless can that traitor be��"

Adam saw the old orc's face change a little, but he said nothing, and kept his smile. As such, Adam cupped his fists at the old orc and said "Thank you for your cooperation. Tell me, what's your name?"

It was Adam's turn to surprise the old orc who said "I am Olog, what's your name young man?" Adam smiled at Olog and said "Olog, know that from today, I consider you as one of my friends. If you ever need any help, use this."

Adam threw a little flat rock of a deep blue color at Olog and left the place. Olog, as well as the other guards around him, all looked at the rock with curiosity.

However, when they saw the rune drawn on the rock, they all shuddered. They realized that the Northman they had just met was the legendary Aqua Sovereign!

I know how glass is made by the way, but Minecraft doesn't exist in Adam's world, so not as many people know how glass is made.

SlyOWcreators' thoughts