
Epic of the oppai king

A guy wakes up in the void, not being able to remember how he got there or what his name even is. The only thing he could remember was that he was a huge weeb. Then, a screen appears before him and a voice tells him that his task is to become the future harem god so he could marry the mysterious breast goddess named Chichigami. Now, only equipped with the harem system, he goes on a journey through the multiverse and hunt for beauties and experience some adventures along the way.

endowed_sage · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Highschool of the milk monsters

And before I knew it, the darkness around me disappeared and before I knew it, some kind of school building appeared in front of me.

"Is this-?"

[Yes, this is Fujimi Academy. The location where you can find all your targets. If you want to know who your targets are, just open your status and open your quest log. ]

"Ok, here I go. System OPEN!"

And just like that, a floating screen appeared before me once again.


--Quest log--

-Conquere Rei Miyamoto

-Conquere Saeko Busujima

-Conquere Saya Takagi

-Conquere Shizuka Morikawa


I see, so that's what I am supposed to do in this world. I need to add the four main heroines of the series to my harem and make them fall for me. All of them are really hot and have big breasts so i don't really have a problem with this, but... how am I going to do that? i don't think I have the necessary skill needed to seduce all those women and the more I think about it, I think I don't even know how to socially interact with people.

Well, whatever. I can think later about troublesome things like this. Firstly, I want to look around and see if I can meet my favorite characters.

And so, I was walking around the school campus, looking for the gym, the nurse office or the main characters classroom. However, on my way I heard a rather interesting sound. It was the sound of girls laughing and someone think a shower. As soon as I herd it, something in my head told me that I had to find the source of this sound.

I figured out that the sound was coming from a window that was placed quite high as if no one was supposed to see what was on the other side. I looked around and found some things to stand on. And when I looked thought the window...I saw a glimpse of heaven.

"Kyaaa! Ayumi, stop foundling me breasts!"

"You have gotten bigger! Am I right?! What cup size are you now? M?"

What I saw was how beautiful girls were having fun with each other in the shower and were comparing their breast sizes. What absolutely shocked me was how big all thouse girls were. A lot of them would be able to give Shizuka a run for her money, and as a big breast lover this made me really excited. And not just me.

"Shit. I'm getting a boner..."

My little friend REALLY wanted to join the girls, but something in me told me that joining them wouldn't end well for me.

I really was unable to look away from this beautiful scene in front of me. One day, when I have my own have, I want to take a bath with them together and do naughty things with them.

Just then, a female voice snapped me out of my delusions.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing there?!"

When I turned me head around, while still keeping the front of me body glued to the wall, I saw a woman with glasses who looked like a teacher. And not just that, she also looked like one of the characters from Highschool of the dead who stayed in my memory because of her impressive bust.

Kyoko Hayashi

However, there were two things who gave me doubts about here identity. Fist was her age, the Kyoko in the anime already hand winkles and was in her mid-30's, but the person who was in her mid-20's. The second one was her boobs. The Kyoko in the series was already big, but this beauty here is on a whole nother level.

However, all this didn't mater at the moment because she caught me red-handed peeking at the girls showering, and I can't turn around because of my boner. If she sees it it will be crystal clear what I was doing.

I think I am in deep shit.

I have news for you guys. I will change a little the schedules of the chapter releases. I was at first thinking of releasing short chapters every day, but it seems like even that is too hard for me. So, I have decided to write one big chapter each week (2000+ words) and release it. Is this Ok or do you guys want me to continue doing short chapters once a day? I will try if you want but I'm not sure if I am capable of doing this every day.

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