
Epic of the oppai king

A guy wakes up in the void, not being able to remember how he got there or what his name even is. The only thing he could remember was that he was a huge weeb. Then, a screen appears before him and a voice tells him that his task is to become the future harem god so he could marry the mysterious breast goddess named Chichigami. Now, only equipped with the harem system, he goes on a journey through the multiverse and hunt for beauties and experience some adventures along the way.

endowed_sage · Anime & Comics
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Worlds, harem members and warning

This will be where I will list all the worlds the MC has been to and the girls that are confirmed in his harem. I will update those lists with time.

World list:

Harem list:

If you have any suggestions for worlds or harem members feel free to suggest them in the comment section.

Now a few things to warn you guys just so you don;t commplain about it later on to me. The MC is an oppai man and wants only women with big breasts in his harem. I know you must be sad now because you must be thinking that I won't include your favorite flat chested waifu, but there is actually no problem including even characters who didn't have big breasts in the source material in the harem.

The worlds MC is going to are parallel worlds where all girls from the canon have bigger breasts. All flaties have now big breasts, all medium-breasts are now big, all lolis are now oppai lolis, all big breasted women have now huge breasts and all women who had huge breasts in the canon are now reaching Passionlup level of breasts (however they won't surpass her).

Also, there will be a lot of impregnation and incest in this story as the MC will later add his daughter to the harem.

You have been warned.