
Ephemeral : Perpetual Cataclyst

Transported into an unknown and empty vast of desert, with the sole purpose of survival. Without much of a choice, they have to work together in order to achive their goal of survival. Will they prevail or remain stagnant in the face of disasters.

Xadellayel · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

Unknown World 1 : Confusion

Dizzily, he got up, he looked around and saw a white space where he stood, and people—just as confused as he were bustling as far as he could see.

"What the hell…?" He wanted to wander and approach a stranger to ask questions, but a thunderous voice rang out.

"Welcome survivors, I'm no good with formalities, so I'll keep it brief. Don't die." The voice sounded like an old man annoyed and tired of teenagers. "Anyways, good luck."

With the speech done, a golden light engulfed the people causing a panic, but before any of them could react, they vanished alongside the light.

Looking around from the dying golden light, he found himself in a flat desert. He could make out some sort debris some distance away, but that was the least of his worries.

"Achoo!!" He clutched himself from the gushing wind of dawn.

[Welcome Survivor! The System is here to assist the Survivors how to ease their life. The system will proceed to impart basic information of the System.]

A sudden information gushed into his brain which caused a slight headache.

He marveled and hastily opened the Inbox, in which a mail has been sent from the System. Without even reading its contents, he accepted the items attached to the mail, then a thud could be heard in front of him.

Opening what felt like a small wooden box, he pulled out the contents, despite the darkness, he identified each items.

"Thank you…." He slumped happily on the sand. He finally feels free from the fear of getting sick from the cold. But even with that, it seems to not be enough to fully warm him up.

"I should start a fire…" He stood up along eyeing the rising of the sun illuminating his environment. Scattered blackish debris, and some sort of a burnt tree trunk.

Remembering something, he touched the box once more. Inside are 2 sleeveless shirts, a green marble, another cargo pants, tactical jacket, a pair of socks and gloves.

He took out the marble and opened the System Appraisal.

[UNI - Orb of Shelter]

- Level - 0

- Bind : Josh

- Upgradable : Yes

- An orb to erect a basic shelter provided by the System, once erected cannot be undone!

He snorted at the word erect then proceeded to appraise his other items, but apparently, the very items that are keeping him warm are 'Trash' so the System didn't bother to provide any status window.

"Trash." He said sarcastically to no one, he straightened as the sun completely lightened up the lands before him.

"Alright! Let's start a fire." He stretched his back positively but—

It soon vanished as he realized he can't actually start any fire. "There are no stones… trees are pretty much charcoal…" He had been pretty positive because he saw some know-how survival tips from TheyHose.

Frustrated, he opened another System windows to think of something.

[Unified Trading Window] – People globally trade here, pretty much empty.

[Unified Technology Window] – People globally can donate Tokens to upgrade certain System Features or World Features. Surprisingly, there's a tinny bit of donation to the Chat Features.

He thought for a moment, then stood. "The Shelter!" He used the marble and summoned to pretty much near him since there's nothing but flat sand, there are also no other choices for a shelter.

A wooden cube, the wall is 2.5inches thick wall, around 4 meter square in diameter, it's a size for small room.

He marveled at the fact that he is in fact not in the same world he was in, when the shelter assembled itself from hin air.

"This is a house…?" The supposed house is just a wooden cube with a door, it has no ventilation whatsoever.

[Congratulation Survivor! You are a proud owner of a basic shelter!]

[Achievement : Safe Space!]

[You received 10 Tokens, and 1 Pocket Knife.]

Chips and a knife materialized in front of him and dropped to the ground. He took his belongings into his shelter and grumbled at how suffocating it is inside.

"I should make a hole at the back…" taking his knife, he started to stab a hole into the wall. Took him a while but he successfully carved a hole the size of a his fist.

He took a deep breath from the breeze, but in all honestly, it wasn't enough, but then an idea popped up. "Fire!" He held the door, and started to chop the bottom part to hopefully get a small chunk, it didn't take long because the knife is extremely sharp.

"And Finally." He managed to get 2 small wooden piece, he planned to do the trick where you rub two wood together to create an ember and start a fire.

But it wasn't actually as easy as it is on TheyHose… he kept rubbing for what felt like forever, his arms are sore, and the wind is getting warmer and warmer from the noon sun, until he stopped because his shoulders are getting numb.

"Does it only work to certain woods…?' Feeling frustrated, he sat down fanning himself with his sleeveless shirt.

"Maybe I need to sharpen the end of it…? Let's just do it…" He then proceeded to sharpen the stick and got to work.

Another time has passed, he's losing hope; his shoulders are hurting, there are occasional smoke, but not an ember, "In the first place how do I know if there's an ember…"

But he didn't gave up, he continued, and finally! An ember glow dimly! He hurriedly picked up the piece of cloth he torn from his sleeveless shirt,sprinckled charcoal dust then gently blew on it.

A fire erupted. He excitedly put the cloth on top of it and piled small pieces of charcoal then slowly feed the fire, unfortunately, he has to sacrifice the whole shirt for the charcoals to get enough ember, but he was happy regardless, a smile creeped on his face. But then it occurred to him.

"What now…?" He realized the day is actually about to end. "What…" He frowned. He realized he hadn't eaten anything yet, nor does he have any supplies…

"Ahhh! I'm so stupid! I should've secured anything to feed myself!" He was so blinded by the fact that in any survival situation, fire is the answer.

"But… I'm not hungry…?" As he was figuring out why that is, a small window popped up in his lower-left vision.

[Congratulations Survivors! System Feature Unlocked: Chat System.]

His eyes widen, but was interrupted by another prompt.

[Achievement : A Witch!]

[You received 30 Tokens, Flint Stone, and 2 birch logs.]

The items then materialized in front of him, but he has no time to check the items and opened the Chat menu.

[Please enter an alias, please note that changing alias costs Tokens.]

"Hmmm… Raze… should be fine…?"

[Welcome to the Chat menu Survivor Raze.]

The window opened to a chat box, and a title on the header: World Chat. We are only allowed to chat twice everyday, length is limited too, so you have to be clever about how you message everybody.

[Glopper : I'm in a desert too… weird to have burnt tress around.]

[Havorac : Isn't our situation already weird as is? Like what hell is this??]

[Elk : Isn't it obvious something happened here… maybe there were first of us an died by something…]

[Gran : Yeah some alien did it, they beam this whole place up.]

He observed, and after a few scrolls, a question popped up out of nowhere.

[Creaviom the Raveger : Anyone hungry there… I don't know why I feel full. At first, I thought it's because I hadn't eaten but it wasn't the case…]

Everyone responded that they were experiencing the same thing. Then someone explained.

[Hera : You might not read the mail but it says there that the first day we will not get any debuff such as hunger. You should feel grateful that I stood butt naked to read that. Be grateful.]

Everyone thanked here, then she added.

[Hera : You'll should discuss what to do from now on. Not asking me questions if I'm an exhibitionist. Losers.]

He grinned over the fact that even though their fate isn't clear, most people are being positive.