
Ephemeral : Perpetual Cataclyst

Transported into an unknown and empty vast of desert, with the sole purpose of survival. Without much of a choice, they have to work together in order to achive their goal of survival. Will they prevail or remain stagnant in the face of disasters.

Xadellayel · Realistic
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2 Chs


He looked as the sun retreated, as if scared of something, he felt a sense of melanholy and sorrow, as the sky gradually darkened. The scenery was beautiul, but he has to move forward...

He turned around to witness the comletely opposite scenery he had just witness from the other side. The wind breezed, gentle yet cold, he grin, the wind was a message of an approaching death, confortable yet ominous.

He stared at the endless darkness, a strong wind belowed on him, as if answering his refined resolve, before he walked forward. He looked at the barely lit sky, sorrow and regret in his eyes.