
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 72:

As night fell over the camping spot, a serene ambiance enveloped the surroundings. The gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of crickets provided a comforting soundtrack to the evening.

Lin Miaomiao had just returned from her hotel room with Deng Xiaoqi. She had freshened up and changed into comfortable clothes in preparation for sleeping in the tent later.

Taking a seat beside Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao spoke up, "Are you sure you don't want to change your mind?" She wondered if Xiaoqi might reconsider joining her in the tent.

"My body isn't accustomed to camping, and you know I need my beauty sleep," Deng Xiaoqi replied, embracing Lin Miaomiao.

Returning the hug, Lin Miaomiao chuckled, understanding her friend's preference.

Meanwhile, Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi sat nearby, engaged in a quiet conversation. Observing Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi's embrace, they shared a smile and mirrored the gesture, wrapping their arms around each other.

Jiang Tianhao, noticing the cozy atmosphere, approached Ye Bai with a mischievous grin. "Brother Bai, let's have a hug too," he suggested playfully.

Ye Bai, pushing him away with a chuckle, replied, "Don't even think about it," as he nudged Jiang Tianhao's face away.

Haozi glanced at Qian Sanyi, and seeing his friend's knowing expression, he chuckled, "I told you, Haozi, don't even try."

The girls laughed at Jiang Tianhao's antics.

The campfire popped and crackled, sending out a cozy warmth and a soft, flickering light. The smell of burning wood filled the air, mixing with the cool night breeze.

"Xiaobai, why not sing a song for us?" Lin Miaomiao suggested romantically, spreading her hands toward the night sky. "It feels good to listen to music while we camp like this, under the beautiful stars and the bright moon."

Deng Xiaoqi giggled and playfully slapped Miaomiao's shoulder because of her expression as she said those lines.

All of them looked at Ye Bai, waiting for him to sing. They all wanted to hear him sing.

"Let's sing together," Ye Bai suggested warmly, not wanting to take the spotlight alone. "Let's choose a song that's always played on our school's radio station."

"Sounds good," Lin Miaomiao agreed eagerly, her excitement mirrored by the others.

"Let's all think of the song we have in mind, and then say it at the same time," Ye Bai suggested, igniting a spark of playful enthusiasm among the group.

"Got it!" they chimed in unison, their voices harmonizing in agreement.

Meanwhile, Zhang Rongbao, seated nearby, couldn't resist stealing a glance at the lively scene unfolding before him.

As Ye Bai counted down, the group braced themselves, ready to reveal their chosen song simultaneously.

"When I say go!








"Stubborn!" they exclaimed together, their unified voices echoing in the night air.

Amidst laughter and nods of agreement, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help but add, "I knew it! I've practically got the lyrics memorized from how often it's played at our school."

The shared nodding of heads confirmed the song's popularity, its catchy melody and relatable lyrics making it a beloved favorite among the students.

"Alright, let's sing!" Ye Bai announced, his voice infused with enthusiasm.

"Yeah!" the group echoed, ready to immerse themselves in the joy of music under the starry night sky.

~When I'm different from the rest of the world, then let me be different

Persistence to me is fighting fire with fire.

If I compromise myself, if I lie to myself

Although others may forgive me, I would never forgive myself~

As Ye Bai started singing, the students around the campfire couldn't resist joining in, especially when the chorus arrived. Their voices filled the night air, creating a harmonious melody that echoed through the camping ground, uniting them in joyous song beneath the starry sky.

~Me and my last persistence, holding tightly with both hands and never let go

Is the next stop heaven? Even if disappointed, I cannot despair

Me and my proud stubbornness, I sing loudly in the wind

This time, I'm crazy for myself, just this time, me and my stubbornness~

Zhang Rongbao couldn't resist humming along to the song as he watched the scene unfold before him, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over him. Memories of similar moments with friends flooded back, adding to the warmth of the evening.

Meanwhile, some of the students in the hotel couldn't help but peek out from their windows, drawn by the sound of singing emanating from the camping ground. Even from a distance, the joyous atmosphere was palpable, inviting them to be a part of the magical moment unfolding under the night sky.

~Just this once, let me sing loudly, la la la...

Even if disappointed, don't despair, la la la...

Just this once, me and my stubbornness~

As the song came to an end, the students erupted into cheers, reveling in the shared moment of joy.

Zhang Rongbao applauded, his laughter mingling with the students' enthusiasm. "Alright, let's wrap up the singing," he said, chuckling. "We wouldn't want to disturb the hotel guests who are trying to sleep."

"Yes, Teacher Zhang," the students replied in unison, still smiling from the exhilarating experience.

"Wow, that was so much fun!" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


As the night grew deeper, Deng Xiaoqi, Liang Yunshu, and Wei Xindi suggested returning to the hotel.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Tianhao quickly stood up to escort the women back to the hotel where they were staying.

Meanwhile, Lin Miaomiao bid her companions farewell with a smile, slipping into the sanctuary of her tent. With a sense of anticipation, she rummaged through her bag, scattering an array of snacks across her bed like precious gems.

One by one, she unwrapped them, savoring each bite as if it were a small treasure. "This is life," she murmured to herself, as she lay in the middle of it.

"Miaomiao, close the mosquito net of the tent so no mosquitoes or insects can get inside," Ye Bai reminded Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao remained lying down while eating, watching some drama on her phone with headphones on.

Ye Bai also lay down in his tent, knowing that there was still another day of sightseeing ahead and he needed strength and energy.

Jiang Tianhao returned after escorting the girls to the hotel. "Goodnight, Sanyi, Miaomiao, Ye Bai," he said before entering his tent.

Sanyi and Ye Bai responded, but Miaomiao, who was engrossed in watching, didn't. They assumed she was already asleep.

As they turned off the lights, they all settled into their sleep.


Lin Miaomiao had fallen asleep while watching, completely missing Ye Bai's reminder to properly close the tent. Unbeknownst to her, the snacks strewn across her bed attracted ants, and soon they began to infiltrate her tent.

After a while, Lin Miaomiao woke up, feeling ants crawling on her clothes. She quickly brushed them off and glanced around her tent, realizing she couldn't possibly sleep there anymore. Feeling a bit apprehensive about the distance to the hotel, she hurriedly made her way to Ye Bai's tent for refuge.

Ye Bai stirred awake as he felt someone enter his tent. Utilizing the moonlight, he peered at the intruder. "What are you doing here?" he asked, recognizing Lin Miaomiao.

"The ants invaded my tent," she replied, shivering slightly from the chill outside.

Concerned by Lin Miaomiao's trembling, Ye Bai swiftly pulled her close and covered her with his blanket, providing warmth and reassurance.

"Why didn't you properly close your mosquito net? What were you doing earlier?" Ye Bai inquired, his tone firm but caring.

"I was wearing headphones while watching some drama. I didn't hear what you said, and I fell asleep," Lin Miaomiao confessed, feeling a pang of guilt. She hadn't anticipated the ants invading her tent.

Ye Bai simply smiled and gently brushed her head. "Okay, did they bite you? Here, I have some medicine for insect bites," he said, retrieving the medicine from his bag and passing it to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao applied the medicine to her arms and wherever the ants had bitten her, feeling more comfortable afterward. She handed the medicine back to Ye Bai, grateful for his care.

"Alright, go to sleep now. We'll wake up early tomorrow," Ye Bai instructed, tucking her in.

Blushing, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but feel embarrassed, despite having slept next to Ye Bai numerous times before. It was the first time they had slept together since they became a couple.

Ye Bai lay down first and glanced at Lin Miaomiao, who was still sitting up. He smiled and pulled her to his side.

Feeling timid, Lin Miaomiao complied, lying beside Ye Bai. She felt a mix of fear and shyness, but as she sensed Ye Bai falling asleep, she began to wonder if she wasn't pretty enough. Turning to face him, she silently contemplated their relationship in the soft moonlight.

Ye Bai pretended to be asleep, sensing Lin Miaomiao's nervousness. He wanted her to feel comfortable and safe, but this goblin sudden movement caught him off guard. It would be a lie to say he hadn't felt anything just now; after all, he was a young man full of vigor.

As Lin Miaomiao traced his face with her finger, a smile played on her lips. "This is my boyfriend," she whispered, her touch lingering on his lips. "So soft," she giggled softly, mindful of the need for silence. Unbeknownst to her, she found herself strangely drawn to Ye Bai's lips, comparing them to the deliciousness of a pig trotter and feeling an inexplicable urge to take a bite.

Unable to resist, Lin Miaomiao inched closer to Ye Bai, her heart racing with anticipation. 'I closed my eyes then our lips touch, it was soft at first, our lips barely brushing against each other, but suddenly i felt a hand cradle the back my head. I opened eyes found myself inside Ye Bai embrace, we began to kiss more deeply.'


When Ye Bai felt Lin Miaomiao's lips, he couldn't resist any longer. Holding her head gently, he kissed her with a passion that consumed them both.

As their lips met, Ye Bai sensed Lin Miaomiao's slight parting, and he took the opportunity to slowly lick her lower lip. To his surprise, she responded in kind, their tongues meeting in a tentative dance of exploration.

With each caress, Ye Bai's hands began to roam, trailing down Lin Miaomiao's back and sliding to her hips. A soft moan escaped her lips, a sound she never expected to utter. With what little self-control he had left, they reluctantly parted, both breathless and dazed from the intensity of their encounter.

As Ye Bai turned her around and pulled her close, he inhaled the scent of Lin Miaomiao, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. "Don't do that again," he whispered, his voice tinged with both longing and restraint. "Your charm is too much for me. I almost lost control."

Lin Miaomiao, still reeling from the experience, listened to Ye Bai's heartbeat as he held her close. Despite the loss of control, she felt safe in his arms, reassured by his presence.

Reflecting on the kiss, she couldn't help but smile to herself. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, surpassing even the most delectable pig trotter in pleasure. Slowly, she felt herself lulled by the rhythm of Ye Bai's heartbeat, her eyelids growing heavy with sleep.

As Lin Miaomiao's breathing steadied into the rhythm of slumber, Ye Bai tenderly adjusted the blanket enveloping them both. With a sense of contentment, he closed his eyes, joining Lin Miaomiao in the realm of dreams, their hearts entwined in a moment of sweet surrender.

I'm getting it, and I hope I can maintain the daily update. 

NeeekoShincreators' thoughts