
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs

Chapter 63

Ye Bai woke up feeling sore all over his body. His movements caught the attention of his mother who was watching over him. His mother, Wu Qian, observed his movements with concern. "Ye Bai, are you alright?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry.

Ye Bai stretched his body slightly before responding. "Just a bit sore, Mom, but I'll manage," he assured her.

Hearing this, his mother quickly reached out and pinched Ye Bai's arm. "Why did you spar with your Auntie? I was so worried about you being carried here unconscious."

"Ow!" Ye Bai winced at his mother's reaction, feeling the soreness in his muscles. "Stop it, Mom, my body still hurts," he reminded her.

"Now you're complaining, but did you consider that when you agreed to spar?" Wu Qian scolded gently as she set a plate of food on the bedside table. "Here, eat and drink this. Ye Meili said this drink will help with the soreness," she instructed, handing him a cup.

Ye Bai examined the drink curiously before taking a sip. Despite its lukewarm temperature, it provided a soothing sensation, alleviating some of the discomfort in his body. "Ah."

He felt the tension in his muscles gradually easing away.

Just then, Grandpa Ye and Auntie Meili entered the room. "How are you feeling?" Meili asked her nephew.

"I just overexerted myself, Aunt Meili," Ye Bai replied, reaching for a meat bun on the plate. He was feeling extremely hungry.

Grandpa Ye beamed proudly at his grandson's voracious appetite. "Ye Bai," he began, settling down beside the bed. "We couldn't help but notice your talent in combat. We wanted to extend an invitation for you to join the special forces."

Meili nodded in agreement. "Yes, Ye Bai, you have incredible potential, and it would be a shame not to developed and use it," she added earnestly.

Wu Qian wanted to interject from persuading her son, but her husband, Ye Feng, stopped her.

Wu Qian glanced at her husband, who just shook his head. She glared at him but let their son make the decision.

Ye Bai paused mid-bite, regarding his Grandpa and Aunt thoughtfully. "I hadn't considered joining the military. Right now, I'm focused on my studies. I'm sorry," he responded sincerely.

Though Grandpa Ye and Aunt Meili appeared disappointed, they accepted Ye Bai's decision.

Ye Bai caught their disappointed expressions but didn't want to mislead them.

"It's okay," Meili reassured him. "Just spar with me from time to time."

Ye Bai smiled gratefully. "Of course, Aunt Meili." He was eager for another round with his aunt.

"Alright, we'll let you rest now," Meili said, ushering her father out of the room. He seemed eager to continue persuading Ye Bai, but she dissuaded him.

Ye Feng gave Ye Bai's shoulder a supportive squeeze. "Whatever you choose, know that I'm behind you," he encouraged.

Wu Qian nodded in agreement, her gaze softening as she looked at her son.

"I appreciate it. Oh, where's my phone?" Ye Bai asked, turning to his mother.

Wu Qian retrieved the phone from the drawer and handed it to him. "Here you go," she said with a smile.

"Thanks, Mom," Ye Bai said, quickly scanning his messages. He was taken aback by the flood of messages from Lin Miaomiao and his friends. Hastily, he replied to them, explaining his sudden slumber.

As Ye Feng and Wu Qian left the room, they observed their son engrossed in his phone, grateful that he was alright.


Lin Miaomiao's annoyance grew with each bite of her breakfast, her frustration palpable as she glanced at her phone, still devoid of Ye Bai's reply.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei exchanged concerned looks, noticing their daughter's sour mood.

Then, a notification chimed from her phone, breaking the tense atmosphere. Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up as she checked the message, a smile slowly spreading across her face upon seeing Ye Bai's name.

Xiaobai: Sorry, Miaomiao, I was completely wiped out yesterday and just woke up now.

A furrow formed on Lin Miaomiao's brow as she read the message, her annoyance still evident.

Meowmeow: Hmph, if you won't tell me why you couldn't reply, I'll be upset with you. ತ⁠_⁠ತ

Ye Bai couldn't help but grin upon receiving her reply. He knew Miaomiao wasn't really mad and wanted to know more, plus he wanted to lighten her mood.

Ye Bai recounted their sparring session with his aunt, leaving out the part about her being a special force instructor.

Worry flickered in Lin Miaomiao's eyes as she absorbed the information.

Meowmeow: Are you feeling better now?

Xiaobai: Yes, I just need some [hugs.gif]

Lin Miaomiao's lips curled into a soft smile at Ye Bai's playful response.

Meowmeow: [hugs.gif] Here. By the way, are you still coming to Haozi's invitation?

Ye Bai glanced at the clock, realizing there was still time.

Xiaobai: Of course, see you there.

Meowmeow: Okay, See you (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪

Lin Miaomiao quickly polished off her food and dashed to her room, excitement bubbling inside her.


Lin Miaomiao grabbed her sweater before stepping out of her room.

As she emerged from her room, she was immediately bombarded with questions by Wang Shengnan, who was perched on the sofa like a watchful hawk. "Which classmates are joining? Are they at the top of the class?"

Lin Miaomiao set her things down on the sofa and began searching for her cellphone. "It's just a casual gathering, Mom. No need to bring out the academic scorecards. Adults can be so uptight," she replied while rummaging around. "Oh, and don't worry, Ye Bai will be there to keep me out of trouble."

Wang Shengnan raised an eyebrow. "And where exactly are you off to?"

"Probably just grabbing a bite and singing our hearts out at karaoke," Miaomiao answered.

"Why do you kids need to spend so much? Just grab some fast food or something," her mother remarked.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You won't even give me my pocket money, and now you're trying to micromanage the financial decisions of my entire class?" she muttered under her breath, still on the hunt for her phone. "Have you seen my phone?"

"Don't think your mom is afraid of spending money. I signed you up for that expensive cram school without hesitation," Wang Shengnan retorted as Lin Miaomiao headed back to her room. "I'm telling you, Lin Miaomiao, the money I spent this time was from your Progress Prize, and it's still not enough. I had to dip into our family funds," she yelled after her daughter.

"That's enough," Lin Miaomiao shouted back as she emerged from her bedroom with a bag in hand. "You never gave me my allowance, and you forced me into that cram school using my Progress Prize," she said, clearly frustrated.

Lin Dawei stepped out of his bedroom to see what was happening in the living room. "Alright, alright, hurry up. Don't be late," he urged, looking at Lin Miaomiao. "Kids need to play, otherwise they'll become dull. Playtime is just as important for learning," he explained to Wang Shengnan.

"Dad supports you going to the class party," Lin Dawei added with a smile directed at Lin Miaomiao.

Wang Shengnan shot her husband a disapproving look. "Did I ever say I didn't support her going to the class party?"

Lin Miaomiao flopped onto the sofa, exhausted from the verbal sparring. "Ah, don't bother explaining. We both know what you're thinking."

"What I'm thinking is, don't let the class party—" her mother began.

"—affect my studies, right?" Lin Miaomiao interjected, finishing her sentence with a smirk. "Everything can be tied back to learning anyway. As long as you don't approve, it's detrimental to my studies. If I spend time online for a bit, you say I'll go blind. But when I'm bent over my desk doing homework, why don't you accuse me of going blind then?" she asked her mother.

"Enough with the talk about going blind. And what are you blabbering about? Your mouth is like a machine gun," Wang Shengnan scolded, then retrieved Lin Miaomiao's phone from her pocket and handed it to her. "Go out early and come back early. Don't make me call Ye Bai to bring you home."

Lin Miaomiao snatched her phone and gathered her things before heading out of the house.


"Just drop me off here, Dad," Ye Bai said as he reached for the door handle.

Ye Feng brought the car to a stop. "Alright, take care at your party," he reminded his son before Ye Bai stepped out of the car.

"Got it, Dad," Ye Bai replied before shutting the car door and joining his classmates.

Sun Chuanchu's face lit up as he waved excitedly. "Look who's here, it's Ye Bai!"

The group turned their attention to Ye Bai's approach, observing him closely. Dressed in a sleek black shirt and sporting black-rimmed glasses, he tried to conceal the faint bruises around his eyes.

Sun Chuanchu strolled up beside him, his curiosity piqued. "Ye Bai, you've got the swagger of a movie star!" His eyes then fell upon the bruises" on Ye Bai's arms. "Who gang up you?"

The others also glanced at Ye Bai upon hearing Sun Chuanchu's question. He explained that its a sparring bruises.

Lin Miaomiao, who had been engrossed in conversation with Deng Xiaoqi, noticed Ye Bai's arrival and approached him with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, noting the bruises.

Ye Bai met her gaze with a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting gratitude for her concern. "I'm fine," he assured her.

Jiang Tianhao, the unofficial leader joined them, surveying the group.

Sun Chuanchu, Wei Xindi, Liang Yunshu, Deng Xiaoqi, Qian Sanyi, Lin Miaomiao, and Ye Bai—all present and accounted for.

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's eat!" Jiang Tianhao declared.

"Yeah!" Lin Miaomiao and Sun Chuanchu cheered in unison, eliciting laughter from the group.


As they gathered around the steaming hot pot, the atmosphere brimmed with lively chatter and laughter.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes shimmered with anticipation. "I can't wait to dig in! I'm starving!"

Sun Chuanchu, the jolly fat guy of the group, flashed a wide grin. "You say that every time, Miaomiao! But today, I'll show you how to eat hot pot."

Lin Miaomiao raised her hand eagerly, ready for the eating contest with Sun Chuanchu.

As the waiter laid out their orders, Jiang Tianhao's Uncle couldn't resist approaching their table to chat with his nephew.

Jiang Tianhao happily conversed with his uncle, taking the opportunity to introduce Liang Yunshu.

On the other side of the table, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but admire Qian Sanyi's quiet demeanor. However, she couldn't resist stealing glances at Jiang Tianhao, who was happily serving Liang Yunshu some food.

Meanwhile, Lin Miaomiao and Sun Chuanchu were in competitive mode, devouring the hot pot contents with lightning speed.

As Lin Miaomiao and Sun Chuanchu engaged in their eating contest, their chopsticks moved swiftly, capturing delicious pieces of meat and vegetables.

"Sun Chuanchu, you're going down!" Lin Miaomiao declared with a mischievous glint in her eye, determined to claim victory.

Sun Chuanchu chuckled between bites. "You wish, Miaomiao! I've been training for this moment my whole life!"

Their friends cheered them on, amused by their antics as the hot pot slowly emptied.

With the last bite consumed, Lin Miaomiao emerged victorious, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. "I told you I'd win, Sun Chuanchu!"

Sun Chuanchu conceded defeat with good humor, applauding Lin Miaomiao. "You're unbeatable, Miaomiao! I bow to the hot pot queen!" He said, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Their friends erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating Lin Miaomiao's victory in the epic hot pot showdown.

Lin Miaomiao glanced proudly at Ye Bai beside her, showing off her accomplishment. Ye Bai simply smiled, grabbed some paper towels, and gently wiped the stains from Miaomiao's lips.

In a silent exchange, Lin Miaomiao and Ye Bai shared a look filled with affection, subtly reaching for each other's hands beneath the table.