
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 54: New Years Event Coming

Ye Bai leaned back in his chair, quietly observing the commotion unfolding in the middle of the class.

With the Lunar New Year approaching, Tang Yuanming announced that Elite High School was gearing up for a talent contest, and every class was being urged to participate.

In the midst of the Social Science classroom, they arranged their chairs in a circle and began their meeting to discuss their plans for the event.

As the second-best in Literature, Lin Miaomiao took the lead in directing the conversation. "Does anyone have any other opinions besides the group dance?" she asked, capturing the attention of her classmates.

They exchanged glances, but no one had anything else to add.

"Alright, since there are no other opinions, we'll go with the group dance for the competition," declared Lin Miaomiao.

"What about the boys? What can they do?" Deng Xiaoqi asked Lin Miaomiao.

Miaomiao paused for a moment, pondering. "It's not acceptable for them to have nothing to contribute to the group. During the last sports festival, they didn't help at all," she remarked, eyeing them critically. "Given their appearance, they can gather information on our competitors. They can spy and find out what the other classes are planning for the talent show," added Lin Miaomiao.

The boys glanced at each other. They didn't want to dance with the girls, so they reluctantly agreed and left the classroom to spy on the plans of the opposing class.


"I have some news!" One of the male students who gathered information burst into the classroom. "Listen up, listen up," he said, catching his breath. The class fell silent.

"The Natural Science class has decided that Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao will represent them."

Adjusting her glasses, Lin Miaomiao raised an eyebrow. "Those two?"

The girls squealed in excitement, especially Deng Xiaoqi upon hearing this news. "Ah, I can't wait to see Sanyi perform," exclaimed Xiaoqi looking forwards to the event.

"And what will their performance be?" Miaomiao asked.

"Whatever Sanyi does, I'm just happy to watch him," replied Xiaoqi.

Miaomiao rolled her eyes at her friend's response. She can't communicate normally with Deng Xiaoqi, if the topic is Qian Sanyi.

Another male student entered the room, "We heard some news that the Natural Science class will be doing a rap performance."

The students exchanged glances, and the class quickly buzzed with excitement upon hearing that Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi would be rapping.

"Really, rap?"

Deng Xiaoqi pulled Lin Miaomiao aside. "Miaomiao, did you know that our school entered me in a competition, and I won first place?" she whispered.

Miaomiao was surprised to hear this and enthusiastically clapped for Xiaoqi.

"So, I've decided that you will lead our class's group performance. I'll do a solo act to compete against the Natural Science class," declared Deng Xiaoqi, determined to challenge the other class.

Miaomiao nodded, "Rest assured, no problem."

Lin Miaomiao was happy that they had two competitors in their class. She suddenly remembered Ye Bai; he would probably join too.

Miaomiao turned to Ye Bai, "Ye Bai, are you going to perform at the event too?"

The whole class fell silent as they remembered that they had one more competitor in their class.

They looked at Ye Bai, waiting for his answer.

"I can sing," he replied.

The classmates cheered simultaneously, realizing they had one more contender. Although they didn't excel in the sports festival, the talent show offered them a chance to bring home the championship.


After ordering their food at the canteen, Ye Bai, Lin Miaomiao, and Deng Xiaoqi walked back to their table, trays filled with delicious dishes. Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but react, "Wow, you can really feel the Lunar New Year vibe here. Notice how the staff's hands aren't shaking anymore? And look at all the food they're giving out. It's like a feast!" She said, eyeing the food on her tray hungrily. She then turned to Ye Bai. "They say this is the best time of the year. Exams are over, punishments are done, no more getting scolded. We've made it through everything. Plus, the next exam is still far away. It's time to regain our power."

"And there's also going to be a Talent Night," Deng Xiaoqi interjected into the conversation.

Miaomiao nodded. "Yes, we need to practice hard for that," she replied.

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao sat together at one table, while Ye Bai sat behind Miaomiao.

"By the way, Miaomiao, why is your hair back to normal? It should be styled like it was in your WeChat moments," Deng Xiaoqi suggested, reaching over to adjust Miaomiao's hair.

Miaomiao paused mid-bite and touched her hair. "Well, as much as I liked that hairstyle, my mom wouldn't approve. She doesn't like it when I spend too much time styling my hair. That's why she keep it short like this, so I don't spend too much time in front of the mirror," she replied, sounding dismayed.

"But you looked so cute in the pictures," Deng Xiaoqi complimented.

As they were eating, Jiang Tianhao suddenly arrived and sat next to Ye Bai.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but turn to look. "Haozi, I heard you and Qian Sanyi are going to rap together. Is it a self-composed piece or a cover?" she asked.

"Focus on your meal, Brother Miao. We're competitors, and I won't give away our class's secrets," Jiang Tianhao replied as he took a bite of his food.

Miaomiao playfully slapped Jiang Tianhao on the back. "Seriously, it's like we have no history together," she said before returning her attention to her food.

He glanced at Miaomiao. "All I can say is, when we perform, the audience will go wild. So, girls, take care of your voices during that time," he said with a laugh.

Ye Bai looked at Jiang Tianhao. "Why Liang Yunshu is not with you?" he asked.

Miaomiao and Xiaoqi subtly listened to Jiang Tianhao's response.

He stopped laughing. "She's with Wei Xindi, having dinner at their dorm. You know those two are inseparable," Jiang Tianhao replied.

Jiang Tianhao quickly finished his meal and seemed in a hurry.

"Are you done already?" Ye Bai asked.

"Yes, I need to take Qian Sanyi to the gym," Jiang Tianhao quickly stood up, pretending to lift dumbbells.

Lin Miaomiao furrowed her brows, feeling the pressure from Jiang Tianhao's words. "Do you think we can beat them, Ye Bai?" she asked.

Ye Bai smiled at Lin Miaomiao's expression. "Have faith in yourself and in our class," he replied.


Female Dormitory

After finishing their meal at Wei Xindi and Liang Yunshu's dorm, Liang Yunshu was now brushing her hair, a soothing ritual after a satisfying dinner.

"You're so lucky, Yunshu. You've captured Jiang Tianhao's heart," Wei Xindi teased, her tone playful.

Blushing, Liang Yunshu felt a surge of embarrassment at her friend's words. "Stop teasing me about that," she replied shyly.

"How's your relationship going? Have you kissed him yet?" Wei Xindi whispered softly.

Liang Yunshu's face turned even redder. "N-no, not yet," she admitted, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Sitting in front of her, Xindi leaned closer. "Then why don't you initiate the kiss? Times have changed, and many girls are taking the lead in showing their interest. Like Xiaoqi, for example, you see how she likes Sanyi," Xindi advised, trying to encourage Liang Yunshu.

Liang Yunshu could only offer an awkward smile. She knew that Deng Xiaoqi used to be the one Jiang Tianhao pursuing, but now she was his partner.

"Why do you have that awkward smile, Yunshu? You shouldn't feel awkward about Xiaoqi. If you're uncomfortable around her, it's like embarrassing Tianhao. The past is the past. You're not the old Yunshu I used to know—confident and fierce. Now, you've become a shy girl," Xindi remarked.

Nodding in understanding, Liang Yunshu grasped the message her friend was trying to convey.

"You should kiss Tianhao before the Lunar New Year," Xindi suggested earnestly.


Lin Miaomiao gently rubbed her full stomach. "Wow, the food was really worth it. They gave us so much," she remarked as they walked back to the classroom.

"You really can eat a lot, Miaomiao. I envy you; you never gain weight," Deng Xiaoqi commented, eyeing her belly. "I feel like I've gained weight again because of what we ate earlier. I need to exercise again later."

"What about you, Ye Bai? What are you going to do for the talent night?" Miaomiao asked.

"Maybe sing or rap," Ye Bai replied, still considering what to perform that day.

Miaomiao's eyes lit up. "Why don't you rap instead? Challenge Haozi and Qian Sanyi, beat them," she suggested excitedly.

Ye Bai shook his head. He knew that Talent Night wasn't just about competition; it was about entertaining the audience. Even if the performance wasn't perfect, as long as the audience enjoyed it, there was a good chance of winning. So, he didn't need to take it too seriously and just enjoy the day.

"Okay, I'll try to rap," Ye Bai agreed.


Upon arriving home, Lin Miaomiao quickly sprawled on their sofa, feeling the weight of the day settling on her shoulders like a heavy blanket. Her mother, Wang Shengnan, observed her daughter's exhaustion with a mixture of concern.

"Why do you look so tired, Miaomiao?" she asked.

Lin Dawei, her father, also lowered his magazine to peer over at Miaomiao, his brow furrowed with concern.

"We have a school Talent Show coming up, and our class will be performing. We've been practicing during our free time for the past few days," Miaomiao replied weakly, until she suddenly sat up when she saw her mom holding scallion pancakes, her eyes lighting up with newfound energy.

Wang Shengnan couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's sudden change of demeanor. "Dawei, look at our daughter. Just a moment ago, she had no energy, but now that she sees food, she's alive again," she called out to her husband with a fond smile.

Miaomiao eagerly grabbed the offered food, her stomach growling in anticipation. "Food gives me strength," she declared with a grin, her eyes sparkling as she took in the aroma of the pancakes.

While eating, she quickly took out her cellphone and took a picture of her food.

Meowmeow: Xiaobai, look at what I'm eating. [photo]

Meanwhile, Ye Bai was sitting in front of the computer, editing the instrumental for his performance at the Talent Night when he received Miaomiao's message.

Suddenly struck by mischievous inspiration, Ye Bai decided to playfully tease Miaomiao. He ordered pizza and retrieved some ice cream from their freezer, planning to surprise her with a tempting treat.

When the order arrived, Ye Bai meticulously arranged the food next to his working area, his lips quirking up into a playful smile as he imagined Miaomiao's reaction.

Xiaobai: Sorry, Miaomiao, I'm replying late because I'm busy editing the performance for the Talent Night. I'm also eating. [photo]

Ye Bai chuckled to himself as he sent the photo to Miaomiao, imagining her reaction. Then, he indulged in his own meal, savoring it as he worked.

Miaomiao was on her second pancake when she received Ye Bai's message. She was about to take a bite when she suddenly stopped upon seeing the photo he sent. She looked at the pancake in her hand, feeling like it suddenly didn't taste as good.

Meowmeow: You're so mean, Xiaobai. You're annoying. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

But even so, Miaomiao continued to eat her pancake. 'You shouldn't waste food.'


As Ye Bai entered the classroom, the vibrant energy of Lin Miaomiao welcomed him with her cheerful smile. "Xiaobai! Come on, hurry up and take a seat," Miaomiao exclaimed excitedly.

Taking his seat, Ye Bai listened as Lin Miaomiao quickly recounted the recent incident. "Did you hear about the near-fire in your old dormitory, Haozi's room?" she asked.

Ye Bai pondered where it had occurred. Using his memory, he recalled that it was related to the lens they had used to spy on their female competitors in the Talent Show.

He realized he had forgotten to remind Jiang Tianhao's group about the potential problem, his attention consumed by the instrumental piece he was crafting.

"Good thing you're not his roommate anymore," Miaomiao remarked.

Ye Bai felt a sudden pinch on his hand, causing him to startle. He turned to see Lin Miaomiao grinning mischievously, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You think I forgot about that photo you sent, huh?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. "Looks like you owe me lunch today."

Glancing around to ensure no one was watching, Ye Bai reached out and gently held Miaomiao's hand. "Okay," he replied with a wink.

Miaomiao cheeks flushed and quickly let go of Ye Bai's hand, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You're so silly," she said, turning to the podium and not bothering Ye Bai anymore