
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 37: 5 million yuan

As Ye Bai stepped outside, the crisp air filled his lungs, a sense of freedom washing over him. Becoming a day student had its perks, one of which was being able to return home every day. His first task upon arriving was always to feed the stray cats that lingered near their apartment building. As he scattered food for the feline visitors, Ye Bai noticed a car pulling up nearby

In the distance, he spotted Qian Sanyi and his mother climbing out into a car, a pang of recognition hitting him as he identified the driver— Qian Sanyi's father is depicted as a troubled character who has made mistakes in the past. He is known for cheating and placing too much importance on money. Because of these actions, his relationship with Qian Sanyi is strained, causing family tensions. While his character isn't deeply explored, his behavior adds complexity to Qian Sanyi's backstory and family dynamics. Ye Bai's expression softened with empathy as he watched him drive away, understanding the complexities of family.

Qian Sanyi approached him, breaking him out of his reverie. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Turning to face Sanyi, Ye Bai offered a small smile. "Just feeding the cat. This one seems to be quite friendly with humans, perhaps it's a house cat," he observed, gesturing to the feline nearby.

Qian Sanyi nodded in agreement, settling onto a nearby chair. "Yes, it belongs to the tenant on the 2nd floor. They mentioned that the owner is hospitalized and his son is abroad. My mom often feeds this cat, and it lingers around the apartment building until then," he explained, his tone tinged with empathy.

Taking a seat beside Sanyi, Ye Bai thoughts of the hospitalized owner. "Which hospital is he in?" he inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

"Jiangzhou Hospital. Why do you want to visit him? I can ask my mother for his room number," Sanyi offered, his willingness to help.

"I'd appreciate that. Let me know when you find out," Ye Bai replied, his determination to extend a helping hand to the owner of the apartment building. He wanted to know the owner of the apartment so that if the time Lin Miaomiao was going to move here he could help mediate with the Lin Family.

"Let's go. I'll introduce you to my mother," Ye Bai suggested, rising to his feet and extending an invitation to Sanyi.

Sanyi stood up eagerly, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of meeting Ye Bai's mother. "Sure, I'll come with you," he replied, following Ye Bai into the apartment building.


The final exam flew by in the blink of an eye, and Lin Miaomiao, who had spent countless hours reviewing and studying diligently throughout the semester, finally saw the fruits of her labor reflected in her excellent grades. She couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and relief wash over her.

With the burden of science subjects lifted off her shoulders, Miaomiao felt a newfound sense of freedom as she eagerly anticipated focusing solely on Liberal Arts, her true passion.

Today was the day they had all been waiting for. Standing in front of the large LED screen, Miaomiao could feel the anticipation building up in the air as students waited anxiously for the announcement of the names of those who had passed into their chosen departments. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and nervous energy, with each passing moment bringing them closer to the revelation they had all been waiting for.

When they saw their name on the screen Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi jumped excitedly. "Yes, Yes, Yes. Where going to fly to the planet of Social Science." they run while shouting their excitement.

Ye Bai, walking alongside Principal Xie, spotted Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi hurrying but then slowing down to a composed pace as they noticed the principal's presence. With a glance, Ye Bai guessed they were heading to their new classroom, the one assigned to the Liberal Arts students.

Eagerly, Lin Miaomiao stepped into the classroom, her excitement was noticeable. "Wow! Look at this, Xiaoqi! It's so bright and cheerful. A true Liberation Day!" As she saw the decoration of the classroom.

Rushing to the podium, Lin Miaomiao broke into song and dance. "~Liberation day is a sunny day, people in the liberated area really like it~" Her movements were lively, her voice echoing with enthusiasm.

Ye Bai, capturing the moment, filmed Lin Miaomiao's energetic performance through the window. His fingers skillfully worked his phone's camera, ensuring he captured every lively gesture and vibrant expression.

Noticing Ye Bai outside, Lin Miaomiao called out to him. "Xiaobai, come in!" She invited him excitedly, her voice ringing with joy. "Check out our new classroom. It's cozy and delightful."

Ye Bai entered, nodding in agreement as he took in the cheerful atmosphere. "Yes, it's much more spacious compared to our previous classroom."

"By the way, tomorrow is the weekend! I can't wait for our first official hangout," Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, bounding into Deng Xiaoqi's embrace. Her movements were animated, reflecting her bubbling excitement.

Deng Xiaoqi's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I need to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. Let's go, Miaomiao. We should tidy up our bags before heading home later in the afternoon." She gestured for Lin Miaomiao to follow, her steps quick and purposeful.

"Okay! See you tomorrow, Xiaobai," Lin Miaomiao waved, her hand moved in an enthusiastic arc. Deng Xiaoqi chimed in with a goodbye, her smile warm as she prepared for the weekend ahead.


Seated at his computer desk in his cozy room, Ye Bai glanced at the numbers on his bank account screen with a satisfied grin. He'd earned a tidy sum of money, all thanks to the 500,000 yuan reward he received from Principal Xie for his stellar performance.

With a knack for spotting opportunities, Ye Bai delved into the world of trading. Initially, he tried to invest to those familiar companies based on his glimpses of the future, but soon realized not all of them make money in the present reality and he lost some of the money. Without a choice, he dove into learning about trading, devouring books and studying past market trends until he found his footing.

Now, with 5 million yuan in his account, Ye Bai approached trading with caution, opting for smaller deals to avoid drawing too much attention due to his young age. Despite the risks, he remained focused on growing his wealth steadily.

Happy with his progress so far, Ye Bai had no plans to slow down. Driven by ambition and foresight, he was determined to seize every opportunity that came his way until his time comes up.


Lin Miaomiao sat eagerly at the dining table with her parents, Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei, her anticipation palpable as she awaited her reward for her academic progress this semester.

"Here's your reward for this semester, Miaomiao. It'll increase again if your grades keep going up," Wang Shengnan said, handing her 500 yuan with a smile.

But as Lin Miaomiao's eyes fell on the amount, her expression shifted, a flicker of disappointment crossing her face. Her father had promised her 1000 yuan if she did well, not just 500. She glanced at her parents, her disappointment now tinged with a hint of confusion.

Lin Dawei, noticing his daughter's change in demeanor, stepped in. "Miaomiao has made tremendous progress this time. Why not give her a little extra to acknowledge her hard work?"

Wang Shengnan considered it, her brow furrowing slightly as she weighed the options. "Yes, I acknowledge her improvement. How about 1000 yuan?"

Lin Dawei's face lit up, a proud smile spreading across his lips as he looked at his daughter. "It's settled then, 1000 yuan it is," he affirmed, his voice filled with encouragement.

Lin Miaomiao's face lit up, a smile spreading across her lips as she nodded eagerly. Her father had come through for her once again. But before she could express her gratitude, Wang Shengnan interjected with a surprising remark.

"Lin Dawei, if you were Jack Ma, I wouldn't hesitate to give her 1000 yuan," she quipped, her tone tinged with sarcasm. Lin Dawei's smile faltered momentarily, caught off guard by his wife's comment. "With her grades already above standard, what if she gets into Peking or Tsinghua University? Will I lose my family fortune?" Wang Shengnan continued, her expression turning more serious.

"Don't worry I can't do that."

"Don't worry She can't do that."

Lin Miaomiao and her father chimed in unison, attempting to reassure Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan chuckled awkwardly. "What a promising future," she remarked, staring both of them with disbelief.

Lin Miaomiao's smile faded, replaced by a look of disappointment as she addressed her father directly. "You both broke your promise," she stated, her voice tinged with frustration. "You said I'd be rewarded 1000 yuan if I made progress. But when I did well on the exam, you didn't give it to me. Next time, I'll purposely do poorly," she threatened, her words laced with defiance.

Wang Shengnan's expression soured at her daughter's accusation, her brows furrowing in displeasure.

Lin Dawei intervened, his tone firm as he addressed his daughter. "Lin Miaomiao, I have to criticize you for this," he reprimanded, his voice stern. "Learning is for yourself. Do you learn for us?" he questioned, his gaze unwavering despite his daughter's defiant stare. He didn't allow her to retort, continuing to lecture her. "Everything you eat, wear, and use was bought by us. What do you need so much money for?" he pressed, his words punctuated by a sense of parental authority.

Lin Miaomiao's gaze fell, her shoulders slumping slightly as she absorbed her father's admonishment. "Ye Bai helped me get this grade. His birthday is coming up, and I want to celebrate and give him a gift," she confessed, her voice softer now, tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the significance of Ye Bai's role in their daughter's academic success. They understood the depth of her gratitude, even if they couldn't condone her rebellious attitude.

Wang Shengnan was the first to acquiesce, her expression softening as she relented. "Okay, I'll compromise," she conceded, retrieving her wallet once more and extracting another 500 yuan, placing it on the table as a gesture of reconciliation.

Lin Miaomiao's face lit up with gratitude and excitement, her eyes sparkling as she eagerly counted the money before her. "Tomorrow, we'll celebrate his birthday, and I just wanted to let you know," she announced, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Lin Dawei couldn't help but ask, "Who's joining you?"

"It'll be me, Xiaobai, Xiaoqi, Haozi, and Qian Sanyi," Lin Miaomiao replied.

Lin Dawei nodded, feeling reassured by the group aspect of the celebration and not a date.

"I need to call Xiaoqi and finalize the plan for tomorrow," Lin Miaomiao announced, hugging her parents before heading off to make the arrangements.


Ye Bai strummed his guitar, lost in a melody, when his phone buzzed, alerting him to a new notification. Curious, he checked it out and realized he'd been added to a group chat. However, there was a notable absence—Qian Sanyi was nowhere to be seen.

Meowmeow: Hello, guys! Miaomiao here.

Xiaoqi: Where's Sanyi?

Meowmeow: I don't know. I'm not friends with that alien ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Haozi: Xiaoqi, I heart all your photos.

Xiaoqi: Haozi, that's why my phone started beeping; you spam me with notifications. 😑😑

Xiaobai added Qian Sanyi to the group.

Xiaoqi: Yiyi, hello!

Meowmeow: An alien has entered our territory (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!

Xiaobai: Hello, Sanyi!

Qian Sanyi, seated at his desk, noticed the group chat notification and couldn't help but smile. This was a new experience for him—interacting with friends in a chat group. Usually, his phone was filled with class group chats, solely for academic purposes. But this time, it was all about having fun.

Qian Sanyi: Hello!

Lin Miaomiao looked at Qian Sanyi's name, finding it too formal, so she changed it to Alien123.

Xiaoqi: Why did you change Yiyi's name?

Meowmeow: "Qian Sanyi" is too formal; "Alien123" is more appealing.

Xiaobai: Like!

Haozi: Yeah, it's good. I like how it sounds.

Alien123: ??

Jiang Tianhao, absorbed in laughter and chat on his phone, suddenly remembered he was in the middle of a game. Glancing at the screen, he realized his teammates were now cursing at him. With a sense of urgency, he quickly took control of his character to avoid being reported.

Meowmeow: Let's meet up at the wishing tree outside the school.

Xiaoqi: Okay, I'm excited about tomorrow.

Haozi: Xiaoqi, if you want, you can ride in my car.

Xiaoqi: No need!

Xiaobai: See you guys tomorrow.

Meowmeow: See you!

As the conversation wrapped up, Lin Miaomiao sent private messages to Deng Xiaoqi, Jiang Tianhao, and Qian Sanyi, finalizing plans for Ye Bai's birthday bash.

The group chat buzzed with anticipation as they looked forward to the celebration.