
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs

Chapter 31


Zhao Jinmai, seated comfortably on the sofa, couldn't help but steal a glance at the guy emerging from the bathroom. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of his glistening upper body, droplets of water accentuating the contours of his swimmer's physique. The play of light across his toned chest and arms left her momentarily speechless, a subtle gulp betraying her surprise.

"Wow, Ye Bai, I didn't know you had that body in you," she blurted out, her astonishment evident in her voice.

Ye Bai, caught off guard by Jinmai's sudden remark, turned towards her, a towel draped over his shoulder as he began to dry his hair. "Damn, Jinmai, you startled me," he chuckled, his gaze meeting hers. "Why are you here? You know this is my room; what if the crew started gossiping about you being here?"

Jinmai rolled her eyes playfully. "You think too much, my mother is right beside your room," she retorted, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Besides, I left the hotel door wide open. I'm not that stupid."

Realization dawned on Ye Bai as he glanced towards the still-open door, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "You really let my precious body be seen outside," he teased, quickly grabbing a shirt to cover up.

Jinmai chuckled, her gaze roaming around the room. "Precious body, where?" she teased before getting to the point. "You didn't respond to the group message. Zifeng and Brother Yuchang are already waiting downstairs. You're a boy, but you're so slow."

Ye Bai checked his phone and cursed under his breath at the flood of notifications. With newfound urgency, he swiftly dressed and slipped on his glasses. "Let's go, I'm ready," he announced, eager to join the others.

As they made their way downstairs, Jinmai couldn't help but compliment Ye Bai on his choice of eyewear. "These glasses make you even more handsome. Who told you to wear them?"

"My agent suggested it," Ye Bai explained, adjusting his glasses with a hint of pride. "They want to give me a more approachable image, different from the typical cold characters in the industry."

Zhang Zifeng and Peng Yuchang greeted them warmly from their seats. "Wow, Ye Bai, you look so handsome in those glasses," Zifeng remarked, rising to inspect his outfit.

Yuchang chimed in with a jest, "Please don't get too close. I don't want paparazzi snapping photos and labeling me the sidekick in my first male lead role."

Amused by Yuchang's humor, Zifeng and Jinmai laughed. Zifeng, in particular, found the humor especially amusing, knowing all too well her Brother Yuchang's aspirations to be a leading man with a romantic interest. However, the reality was that the current project they were working on was a family-oriented story, leaving Yuchang's dreams of romantic stardom temporarily unfulfilled.

Despite this, Zifeng and Yuchang shared a close bond, akin to that of siblings. Having known each other for a long time through their involvement in the 'Back to Field' crew, their relationship was built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. This familiarity and rapport translated seamlessly on screen, making them the perfect choice for the male and female leads in the sibling-themed movie they were currently filming.

Amidst the laughter, Zifeng handed out face masks, urging everyone to wear them.

"I'm not famous enough to hide my face," Ye Bai protested.

Zifeng insisted, handing him a mask. "You're too handsome to walk with us without one. Even if we cover up, all eyes will still be on us." And with a resigned smile, Ye Bai accepted her reasoning.


"Cut! Good take," the director's voice echoed through the bustling shopping mall set, signaling a brief pause in filming.

"Ye Bai, you need to princess-carry Zifeng in this part. How's your strength?" the director queried, glancing over at Ye Bai with a hint of concern.

"I can do it, director," Ye Bai responded with confidence, a determined glint in his eyes as he looked over at Zhang Zifeng. "I think Zifeng is lightweight."

Zifeng let out a soft chuckle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Good thing I didn't eat too much," she teased, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"Staff ready! Let's take this shot; we're taking too much time in this shopping mall," the director called out urgently, prompting the crew to prepare for the next take.

"Camera ready! Action!" With a burst of energy, Ye Bai scooped Zifeng into his arms, their eyes meeting in a fleeting moment of connection as they awaited the director's cue to cut.

"Okay, cut. Let's do another one. Ye Bai and Zifeng, be more comfortable," the director instructed, offering a few pointers to enhance the scene's authenticity.

Both Ye Bai and Zifeng nodded in agreement, adjusting their positions slightly for the next take.

"Let's hang out sometime," Zifeng suggested shyly, her cheeks flushing pink as she glanced up at Ye Bai, hoping for a positive response.

"Should I invite Brother Yuchang and Jinmai?" Ye Bai questioned, his brow furrowing slightly in uncertainty.

"N-No," Zifeng stammered, her cheeks flushing pink as she hurriedly clarified, "I mean just the two of us."

Ye Bai's heart skipped a beat at Zifeng's suggestion, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. While he had a good impression of her and appreciated her help in securing the role, there was something in his heart that hesitated to let go.

Nevertheless, he accepted the invitation. "Okay, just message me the time and where," he replied with a warm smile, masking the turmoil within.


Lin Miaomiao sits cross-legged at her study table, fighting off drowsiness as she reads carefully through the notes provided by Ye Bai. She resists the urge to succumb to sleep, "Don't sleep! Don't sleep!" slapping her cheeks to stay awake.

Deng Xiaoqi, noticing Miaomiao's struggle, suggests giving in to sleep. "You won't grasp much if you're tired," she reasons, settling onto her bed.

"Go ahead, Xiaoqi. I'll just review this for now," Lin Miaomiao said, attempting to focus on her studies. However, her mind wandered as Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi, both known for their intelligence, worked diligently nearby.

"Which exercise are you two working on? Can I take a look?" Miaomiao inquired, hoping to join their study session and improve her understanding of the subject.

The response she received was less than welcoming. "It's just a regular exercise," Liang Yunshu replied, exchanging a glance with Wei Xindi.

Undeterred, Miaomiao persisted, "Could I at least see the title? I'd like to pick up a similar book." she suggested, remembering Ye Bai's advice to practice with exercise books.

Liang Yunshu's eyebrows shoot up in irritation. "Every book of this kind is the same at the bookstore," she retorts, her annoyance evident.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi, but their stares offered no warmth. Miaomiao sensed her presence was unwelcome, so she retreated to her table, deciding to study alone.

After a while, Lin Miaomiao glanced at her watch and was surprised by the time. She hurriedly grabbed her towel and wash basin, rushing to the public bathroom to wash up before bed. Along the way, she overheard Liang Yunshu's voice, causing her to slow her steps and eavesdrop near the door.

"That girl Lin Miaomiao is so ridiculous," Liang Yunshu's voice echoed through the hallway, prompting Miaomiao to pause.

"Birds of the same feather flock together," Liang Yunshu continued, her tone filled with disdain. "That dumb one goes with the dumb."

Wei Xindi chuckled in agreement, adding, "That is true. That's why Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi can become best friends. One ranked first place at the bottom and the other one ranked second place at the bottom, what a match made in heaven."

"I think they have the same language, I don't know why Ye Bai was close to those girls. By the way, you know Lin Miaomiao, what did she do to get here?" Liang Yunshu asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I don't know," Wei Xindi replied, equally curious.

"I heard that the history teacher of 12th grade is her uncle. She uses the backdoor just to come here. With her IQ, do you think she can pass?" Liang Yunshu responded, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Lin Miaomiao, standing outside the door, felt uncomfortable as she listened to their conversation. She had considered them friends, but their words felt like a betrayal, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

"They are the problem of our class. Because of them, our class score is just average. If they are gone, our class score will be higher," Liang Yunshu continued, her tone bitter.

"But I really admire Lin Miaomiao. I've never seen someone who ate like her. Not a hard worker but eats like a laborer," Wei Xindi chimed in, causing both of them to laugh at the joke.

Feeling emotionally drained and hurt, Lin Miaomiao returned to the dormitory room. She lacked the energy to wash up and instead wiped away her tears, sitting down to look at the notes Ye Bai had given her.


Lin Miaomiao goes to the library to borrow some exercise books. She looks at the towering book and is lost to what she should get. With snacks in her hand, she started eating. The other student in the library turns their gaze to Lin Miaomiao because of how crispy her snack is.

Qian Sanyi who is reading some notice Lin Miaomiao. He remembers that this is the person Ye Bai always protects. He walked to her side, "Did you just come here to eat?" he asked.

Lin Miaomiao was startled and turned around."Wow, how come I see you everywhere. Do you follow just to annoy me?" she was surprised to see Qian Sanyi.

"Do you come here to buy an exercise book?" Qian Sanyi asked while looking for books.

Lin Miaomiao did not answer but looked around the books.

Qian Sanyi started picking some books. "If you want to choose, choose 'The Four Kings' books." and he put it in Lin Miaomiao's hand.

Lin Miaomiao was surprised but suddenly another book came to her hand, and another, and another. Every time Qian Sanyi puts a book in Miaomiao's arms he explains it to her. "I'm sure you don't understand this book."

Lin Miaomiao was taunted "Who said I don't understand them?" she moved closer to Qian Sanyi "I know all of this. Just because I have the 'indecisive syndrome' when I choose something." Miaomiao retorted staring at Qian Sanyi.

Qian Sanyi was startled when turned around because of their closeness but he found Lin Miaomiao just acting normal. He saw her opening the book and trying to read. "Stop reading you won't understand."

"Who says I don't understand?" Lin Miaomiao started reading it seriously.

Qian Sanyi smiled and said "These books are for the people who have the ability. You should only read textbooks." then he walked away.

Lin Miaomiao angrily glares at the leaving figure of Qian Sanyi. 'I will show you I have the ability.' her thoughts.


Deng Xiaoqi who is styling her hair is looking at the girl in front of her studying.

Lin Miaomiao's desk is full of books. "Even if I'm not blind I don't understand what I'm reading. Qian Sanyi is right I should stick to textbooks. It's hard to do homework in the exercise book."

Lin Miaomiao stood up and took the vitamins that Wang Shengnan gave. It is said to be good for memory. She sat down again and looked at her table."Even though I have two heads I can't understand this."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't listen to her but the word Qian Sanyi asked Lin Miaomiao "You saw Qian Sanyi? Where was that?"

"At the library," she answers nonchalantly.

Sadness comes to Deng Xiaoqi's eyes. "If I know that you will meet him there, I should come with you."