
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 28

The parents attentively watched a video presentation where the teachers passionately emphasized the significance of various subjects in shaping their children's future. As the video concluded, the Principal addressed the parents, stating, "The Glory of Elite High School will depend on you. We need to join hands, and continue to write a new halo." Inspired by the call to collective effort, the parents erupted in applause, ready to contribute to the success of their children and the school.


Lin Miaomiao was anxiously looking at her watch. Her patience was already low. "Why this meeting took so long?"

Deng Xiaoqi who is sitting on the swing suggests. "If I were you I would go back. At least your dad will take care of you."

Lin Miaomiao shook his head "If my dad stands in front of my mom in this battle, he will lose all his strength. Wish I will die soon and reincarnate." she sighed. "Xiaoqi, the day next year you must burn votive paper for me, and burn for Qian Sanyi too. I want to bring him with me. I hate him why does he need to draw that climbing mountain."

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head when she heard. "Teacher Zhang told him to draw it."

"Tell him that, and he draws it. If I were to tell him to eat poop, will he eat it? He just wants to show off the good thing Ye Bai surpassed him."

"Don't be too biased toward Qian Sanyi, he is great the way he is no need to show off, he is approachable." Deng Xiaoqi retorted.

"Look at Ye Bai even though he is now the top rank he doesn't show off." Lin Miaomiao responds.

Deng Xiaoqi laughs at her. "Ye Bai only treats you with care, but he treats others the same."

Lin Miaomiao thought for a moment and she felt that Xiaoqi's words were true.


In the classroom, Ye Bai found himself encircled by enthusiastic parents who were eager to discuss his suggestion of rewarding their children for every bit of progress. Amidst the chatter, he made his way over to Wang Shengnan.

"Auntie, how are you? I'm sorry if I can't visit you," Ye Bai greeted her warmly.

Wang Shengnan's smile widened upon seeing the top-ranked student of Class 1. She noticed the envy in the eyes of the other parents, who sought to establish a connection with him, only to see him engage with someone else.

"It's alright, Ye Bai. And congratulations on securing the top spot," Wang Shengnan replied, her gaze shifting to Lin Miaomiao's name at the bottom of the mountain.

Ye Bai observed her disappointment and felt compelled to offer his assistance. "Auntie, how about I tutor Miaomiao? We could implement a reward system for her progress, and with my help, she might improve much faster."

Wang Shengnan's eyes lit up at the suggestion. The prospect of her daughter receiving tutoring from the top-ranked student presented a golden opportunity for Miaomiao to turn things around in the upcoming semester. "Thank you, Ye Bai. I'll discuss this with Dawei tonight. Lin Miaomiao could really use a wake-up call."

"Okay, Auntie. I won't take up any more of your time," Ye Bai said, bidding her farewell before leaving to attend to other matters.


As Lin Dawei wiped his face with a towel, the creak of the door opening caught his attention. He paused, his hand hovering over the towel, and turned his head to see Wang Shengnan's figure entering the room. Sensing her presence, he slowly closed the bathroom door again, his mind racing with curiosity and caution.

Meanwhile, seated at the dining table, Wang Shengnan fixed her gaze on Lin Miaomiao as she entered the room. "Sit down," she commanded with a sharp edge to her voice.

Lin Miaomiao obeyed, her movements cautious and uncertain as she took her seat across from Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan wasted no time getting to the point. "Tell me, how did it go?" she demanded, her tone cutting through the air.

Miaomiao's response was timid, almost apologetic. "I... I only failed some subjects," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Wang Shengnan's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "Only some? You failed three subjects—Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. You're ranked first from the bottom of the class. Do you realize how embarrassed you've made me? Luckily, Ye Bai stepped in and salvaged some of my reputation."

"I'm sorry," Miaomiao murmured, her eyes downcast. "I'll try harder next time."

Wang Shengnan's frustration was palpable. "You have a top-ranking friend like Ye Bai, yet you insist on hanging around with Deng Xiaoqi, who's barely performing any better than you. You two are like stray dogs on the same street, barking in unison."

She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest. "And don't even get me started on Deng Xiaoqi. At least she has the appearance of a girl. Look at yourself—your hairstyle neither looks like that of a boy nor a girl."

"I want to grow my hair out too," Miaomiao protested, her tone tinged with hurt. "But you said it was a waste of time."

Wang Shengnan's lips curled into a smirk. "So now you decide to listen to me? I've been telling you to cut your hair short, to show your forehead. Those bangs of yours are so thick, they're practically blocking your vision of the future. Put that hairpin in and get your hair out of your face."

With a resigned sigh, Lin Miaomiao reached for her hairpin and secured her hair away from her face.

Wang Shengnan couldn't resist a final jab. "A Hello Kitty hairpin, really? You're in high school, Miaomiao. It's time to start acting like it."

"I like it" she murmured

"Lin Miaomiao, You are friends with Ye Bai, sitting behind you is the 2nd ranked. You have a great chance, If you don't understand anything you can talk and discuss it with them. Are you ashamed that you are friends with Ye Bai and he is at the top and you are at the bottom? Are you still able to play with him?"

Lin Miaomiao shifted uncomfortably under Wang Shengnan's scrutinizing gaze, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as her shortcomings were laid bare before her. "I... I know Ye Bai would still be my friend, even if I'm not at the top," she mumbled softly.

Wang Shengnan's tone turned stern as she pointed to the writing on Lin Miaomiao's desk. "And what's this nonsense about not wanting to study for 28 days in a month? What do you really want?"

Lin Miaomiao stumbled over her words, struggling to justify herself. "It's just... sometimes what I know isn't on the test, and what I don't know ends up being what's asked. It's like... I want to change, but I feel stuck, like a salted fish trying to flip over in the pan."

Wang Shengnan couldn't suppress a laugh at the analogy. "You're not stupid, Miaomiao. You're smart, but you're lazy. You have potential, but you're not applying yourself. Those drawings of yours might be impressive, but they won't help you pass exams."

She rapped her knuckles on the table to regain Miaomiao's attention. "Starting next week, you're quitting the radio station. It's time to prioritize your studies and improve your grades."

Desperation colored Lin Miaomiao's voice as she pleaded, "I promise I'll do better next time. Can't you give me another chance?"

Wang Shengnan's resolve remained firm. "There won't be a next time."

Lin Miaomiao's frustration boiled over. "But the school encourages us to participate in extracurricular activities!"

Wang Shengnan's tone hardened. "Your primary focus should be on studying. Everything else comes second."

In a burst of emotion, Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, "And what about you? All you do is yell at me and Dad, controlling our lives. There's no joy in that!"

Wang Shengnan's anger flared. "Say that again! SAY IT AGAIN!" she shouted, her voice rising in fury. "If you and your father had put in the effort, I wouldn't have to be like this. LIN DAWEI, come here!"

Lin Dawei emerged from the bathroom, concern etched on his face. "What's going on? You're already arguing with her after just meeting. Can't you just talk gently?"

Sitting beside Lin Miaomiao, he gently stroked her hair. "I heard everything. Your mother's right, Miaomiao. Your focus should be on studying," he said, casting a glance at Wang Shengnan. "But the school mandates participation in the broadcasting station. We can't simply disregard the rules."

He turned to Lin Miaomiao, his expression softening. "Next time, if your grades don't improve, you'll have to step back from the broadcasting station."

"Mm," Lin Miaomiao murmured in acquiescence.

"She said yes, alright? Clean up your face, you have been tired all day." Lin Dawei said to Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan refused to be appeased. "Don't soften the situation, Dawei. Miaomiao, tell us clearly: how do you plan to improve your performance in class?"

Miaomiao's resolve was firm as she spoke up. "I'll focus on my strengths and minimize my weaknesses. I'll study Literature and drop Physics."

"Who allowed you to study Literature?" Wang Shengnan snapped. "You're in Class 1, and you need to study Physics. With that major, you can easily secure a good job."

"But my strength lies in Literature. I can't stand studying Physics; I'd rather die," Miaomiao asserted.

Wang Shengnan scoffed at her daughter's refusal. "You act like you can top the class in Literature. Your so-called strength led you to fail three subjects at once."

"I never wanted to be in Class 1 to begin with!" Miaomiao retorted, her voice tinged with defiance.

"Did you hear that, Lin Dawei?" Wang Shengnan turned to her husband. "I fought hard to get her into that class, and this is how she repays me. Do I owe you something?"

Miaomiao couldn't contain her emotions any longer. Standing up, she unleashed her pent-up frustrations. "You owe me! Every day, I'm crushed by those students. I may not have depression, I'm not crazy, and I won't resort to suicide or jumping off a building like everyone else. I've never complained. You have no idea what I've been through in the past half year," she exclaimed, her voice heavy with grief.

Lin Dawei rose to his feet, attempting to comfort his daughter. "Yes, yes, you're right. It's not easy to maintain your composure in that class, with so many talented individuals."

Wang Shengnan's response was harshed. "For a failing student, her greatest achievement is maintaining a positive attitude."

Miaomiao recoiled at her mother's harsh words, her heart sinking with hurt and disbelief. Without another word, she abruptly stood up and rushed outside, the door slamming shut behind her.

"Miaomiao! Miaomiao!" Lin Dawei implored, shooting an accusing glare at Wang Shengnan. "Can't you be less cruel with your words? She's your daughter. What if something happens to her like getting hit by a truck—"

"Go after her!" Wang Shengnan urged anxiously, her concern momentarily overshadowing her harsh demeanor.

Lin Dawei hurriedly followed Miaomiao outside, leaving the room filled with the aftermath of their heated exchange.


Lin Dawei caught up to his daughter, gently restraining her from running further. "Please don't run," he pleaded, his voice tinged with concern.

Miaomiao's eyes were filled with tears as she confronted her father. "You said you would protect me, but you hid in the bathroom," she accused, her voice trembling with hurt.

Her father sighed, trying to explain. "Your mother needs to express her thoughts. If I intervene, it might escalate further, and I wouldn't be able to handle it."

Miaomiao turned away, her heart heavy with sorrow. "Is she really my mother?" she questioned, her voice choked with emotion.

"Of course she is," Lin Dawei affirmed without hesitation.

"Then why does she speak to me like that? Why does she stab me in the heart with her words?" Miaomiao cried bitterly. "There are plenty of women in the world. Why did you have to choose her as your wife? Your hobbies are different from hers. You have to deal with it, but why did you bring me into this?" With those words, she broke away from her father's grasp and fled once more.

Wang Shengnan left waiting anxiously and began to regret her harsh words. The weight of her actions now hung heavily on her conscience, as she anticipated the return of her husband and daughter.
