
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 19

Class 1 is in a state of learning right now. Qian Sanyi is in front of the podium and starts teaching his classmates some knowledge.

"Wow, Qian Sanyi, you are so smart." Deng Xiaoqi clapped while listening to Qian Sanyi's explanation. The other classmates who were listening around Sanyi applauded.

Ye Bai just came holding a book that he borrowed from the library and a snack as a backup for memorizing when he was low on energy. When he came from the classroom, the student was now begging for Qian Sanyi to explain another lesson. As the Study Committee of the class, Qian Sanyi obliged.

Lin Miaomiao right now is sitting in front of Jiang Tianhao, who is jealous of Qian Sanyi, who takes all the limelight, especially the attention of Deng Xiaoqi.

"Xiaobai, come here; Jiang Tianhao is sad right now." Lin Miaomiao called Ye Bai, who just come.

Ye Bai put the books under his desk, took a snack, and gave it to Miaomiao. Miaomiao happily took the snack and started eating. She offered some to Jiang Tianhao, but he declined. 

"I heard that you and Xiaoqi were bullied in your room," Jiang Tianhao asked. 

Ye Bai looks at Miaomiao, and he knows that it's because of the AC. He didn't know what happened in the story, but I think it's the start of conflicts in their room.

Ye Bai, protective as always, voiced his concern. "Miaomiao, if you are bullied, tell me."

"I can take care of myself. Do you remember when we—" Miaomiao began, but Ye Bai playfully interrupted, placing some snacks in her mouth. "Eat more, talk less," he teased before addressing the subdued Jiang Tianhao.

Concerned for his friend, Ye Bai asked, "What's wrong, Tianhao?"

"Did you know that when the start of high school I was the most famous person in the Elite High School? These hills are mine, and these trees are mine. I've been here for 3 years. But now." They all looked at the students cheering in front.

"But now, suddenly, there is a top 1 in the high school entrance exam, and he's robbing you all of the limelight," Miaomiao said.

Jiang Tianhao started talking about his remarkable accomplishments in his three years at Elite School. How are girls his fans, and how did he win the championship of the school basketball team?

He looks at Qian Sanyi. "Now he's here, Qian Sanyi, the dazzling light, and I'm completely reduced to the dark past. In that past year, I also earned so much honor for Elite School. I'm also the teacher's favorite." He slaps the table. "I'm going to change and improve too." The student in front was shocked by his outburst. 

Deng Xiaoqi: "Haozi, can you please be quiet? We are learning here. You're interrupting Qian Sanyi's teaching." She looked again at Qian Sanyi. "Let's continue."

Qian Sanyi smoothly continued the lesson. "Okay, then the next lesson is..." he announced, refocusing the class on their studies.


Ye Bai was also startled by Jiang Tianhao's outburst. He was watching a short video in his mind when Jiang Tianhao slapped the table. 

"They call me Haozi? Mouse? I'm not even as good as him." Jiang Tianhao slowly laid his head on the table.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Bai and said to Jiang Tianhao: "Don't be discouraged. You still have us, right, Ye Bai? We will support you. Cheer up! Cheer up! Cheer up!"


All of the students in Class 1 are now holding a scientific calculator. Zhang Rongbao is now teaching how to use it. He started writing a problem on the blackboard.

"Alright, class, those who can solve this equation the fastest and find the value of these 3 angles accurately to 4 decimal places will be exempt from review. But remember, speed alone won't suffice; accuracy is key," Zhang Rongbao explained.

"Understood!" the students chorused.

"Alright, you may begin," Zhang Rongbao announced, prompting the students to start their calculations.

Lin Miaomiao, however, encountered difficulties as her calculator displayed a persistent "Logic Error" message. Frustrated by her inability to comprehend its functions, she sighed in frustration.

When Ye Bai found the question, his mind started to work like a computer and found the perfect and fastest operation for calculating the equation posted on the blackboard. Ye Bai's hand became fast, and he started pressing the button on the calculator. Qian Sanyi, who was beside him, became a little distracted by the way Ye Bai pressed the calculator. Suddenly, Ye Bai raised his hand, signaling his completion of the task.

Zhang Rongbao, noticing Ye Bai's gesture, inquired, "Ye Bai, have you found the answer?"

All eyes turned to Ye Bai as he confidently replied, "The answer is 0.9522, 0.4403, and 34.7151."

"Correct! Ye Bai, you are exempted from review this time," Zhang Rongbao announced, acknowledging Ye Bai's accuracy and efficiency. 'I forgot that this Ye Bai is a good student, a little behind Qian Sanyi.'

The class applauds Ye Bai. There was a star in Lin Miaomiao's eyes, and she couldn't hide her pride, clapping enthusiastically like a proud mother.

Qian Sanyi looked at the calculator, feeling a little disappointed that he was a little late. If he was not distracted by Ye Bai's fast hands, maybe he tied or won against Ye Bai.

Zhang Rongbao walked in front and said, "Students, today we know a little bit about the calculator's basic function. Now I want you to study it and learn the value of it."


"Keep up the good work, Ye Bai. I saw your weekly exam, and your weaknesses are math, chemistry, and physics. All in all, your performance is the highest. If you keep this up, you will be the top student in Class 1." Teacher Zhang expressed his enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang. I will try my best," Ye Bai replied earnestly.

Zhang Rongbao continued, "If you ever become the top student in the class, I will recommend you to the principal for the recognition you deserve. Okay, you can go back to the class."

Ye Bai was called by their head teacher to give some encouragement. When going to the class, he accidentally bumped into Qian Sanyi at the door, whose face was wet.

Ye Bai apologized, "Oops! Sorry!"

Qian Sanyi stopped, nodded slightly, and continued walking towards the bathroom, leaving Ye Bai to ponder the unusual encounter.


Inside the classroom, laughter filled the air. Deng Xiaoqi was playfully pinching Lin Miaomiao's waist when Ye Bai spotted them.

As Ye Bai noticed a box full of bottled water, he realized the reason behind Qian Sanyi's wet face. In the story, Jiang Tianhao had discovered a game on the calculator, and they were playing a game where the loser had to drink a bottle of water. Lin Miaomiao had played with Jiang Tianhao and lost. While taking a penalty sip, she accidentally sprayed water on Qian Sanyi's face.

Lin Miaomiao, sitting at her desk, couldn't contain her laughter as she recounted the incident to Ye Bai. "Too bad you weren't here; you would have laughed at Qian Sanyi's face."

"Miaomiao, that's mean; it's Qian Sanyi we're talking about," Xiaoqi chided, feeling a bit upset as she had a crush on Qian Sanyi.

"You should apologize to Sanyi when he comes back," Ye Bai advised Miaomiao.

"Fine, I'll apologize to that dog—I mean, classmate Qian Sanyi," Lin Miaomiao agreed, somewhat reluctantly, following Ye Bai's suggestion.

"By the way, it's our turn at the radio station. Lunch is on you," Miaomiao exclaimed, looking forward to her favorite day when they could freely enjoy food and skip self-study.

"I know, little foodie," Ye Bai replied with a smile.


After ordering takeout lunch, Miaomiao eagerly led them to the broadcasting room.

"Ye Bai, hurry up; we're going to be late," Miaomiao urged.

"We wouldn't be late if you had ordered faster," Ye Bai retorted playfully.

Miaomiao stuck her tongue out and opened the broadcasting room. As she opened the broadcasting equipment, her excitement turned to panic as she realized she had forgotten the USB containing the saved music.

"Ye Bai, I forgot the USB with the music. What do we do?" Miaomiao's voice trembled with worry.

Ye Bai was also taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. This wasn't part of the 'Youth PI' storyline. Glancing at the clock, he saw they had only a minute before the bell rang.

"Miaomiao, stick to the script; I'll figure something out," Ye Bai reassured her. Miaomiao nodded, her eyes tinged with red from the stress.

Ye Bai rushed to the nearest club room, the Music Club. There, he explained the situation to the club manager and asked if he could borrow a guitar. The manager agreed, on the condition that Ye Bai return it after his broadcasting schedule.

"Thank you so much." Ye Bai expressed his gratitude with a bow before rushing back to the broadcasting room.

Upon his return, Ye Bai found Miaomiao with tears in her eyes, yet she was still fluently delivering her report. You can't hear that this girl is crying while broadcasting.

Ye Bai quickly took a piece of paper and wrote down the lyrics of a song he planned to sing. It was a song from Earth that he found on his future phone. He listened to it while memorizing textbooks, using his enhanced memory to recall the song and the chords. After finishing the lyrics, he calmed himself and grabbed a snack to recharge some energy.

Seeing Ye Bai snacking, Miaomiao's eyes nearly popped out. 'While I'm in panic mode, you're eating there,' she thought.

Ye Bai paid no mind to Miaomiao's reaction. Instead, he wrote down the song's title for Miaomiao to announce on air.

"Students of Elite High School always look forward to our goal; that's it for today. The next song is—"