I had basically punted Rain and Becky through my portal(not literally) though they both somewhat protested, Rain agreed. She wasn't exactly a combatant and I'm not sure she believed fuck all that I said until the moment I actually opened the portal directly in front of her and Becky and a look of realization dawned on her face.
All I really told them was to please stay in the house until the rest of us got there.
"If this doesn't work Alex, please try to care for the girl? Alice both asked and almost pleaded. She got attached to the kid quickly it seems, though admittedly she is adorable. I just gave her my assurance that I would do so.
Il be honest I was kinda worried that I would be abandoning them and also be stuck with a kid but we would have to see how things worked out I guess, I was hopeful though.
I willed myself out of the world of Retribution but did my best to 'hold the door' open so to speak, and it worked pretty well even if it was awkward. They could no longer see me but with my finger in the TV still I was kinda just stuck there watching them progress minus Rain and Becky.
It would seem that instead of watching the movie I am now in essence watching the divergent world that I created through my actions… I was kinda curious what would happen if I removed my fingers from the screen. Would everything go back to normal? Would I even be able to go back to that world? I had no clue and didn't really want to test it at this moment because I had this feeling I wouldn't enjoy the answers I received.
Rain was the perky 'talk your ear off' type of person which was fine at the moment as I was simply watching the movie progress taking in to account the changes I made.
Alice knew the strokes of what she needed to do, but knowing and doing are two different things and she wanted to save Jill. I'm kinda wondering if she has plot armor because things are basically auto correcting and happening the same or in similar ways to the original movie. We were already at the scene where the submarine exits the ice and tossed the tracked vehicle around.
I kinda wish I had better guns than these pistols currently but then again Alice just discarded perfectly functional full auto pistols. "Il be back in a bit, hopefully…" she was also watching what was going on and looked kinda grim. The blonde dude had died against the licker earlier and Luther and Ada were getting their asses handed to them by Rain.
I reentered the world of Retribution as close to the discarded machine pistols as I could and moved away from the fighting at a run, no way was I getting my ass handed to me by either chick. They were both hot but I wasn't a masochist so I ran as I ejected the spent magazine and entered one of the remaining ones from my cargo pockets and waited.
There wasn't much I could do against Jill so I was obviously waiting for an opening to shoot Rains floor out from under her like Alice did in canon.
I had already slid both of my pistols to Ada a minute or so prior, honestly keeping track of time is tedious right now and the fact I'm sweating in the arctic and am not even wearing overly warm cloths is also a bitch. Eventually our stars aligned and Ada took her shot as I figured she would as I had been moving close for a good angle and so my stupid ass wouldn't miss where I needed to hit.
My beautiful Chinese beauty head shotted the twat multiple times which while not doing overly much damage it did stun her for just a few precious seconds and I took my shot, shooting into the ice at and between her feet and hoping for the best, thankfully I got the look from Rain I wanted to see, realization that she was completely and utterly fucked as she fell into the icy depths of the zombie filled water beneath the ice.
I grinned like an idiot as I moved to Ada, who was a dozen or so feet away from the new fishing hole in the ice as I was prepared to shoot a bitch in the head until zombies Yeeted her hot ass back into the frozen depths so she could drown or whatever.
In the process I gave her my jacket and manned up as she was still in her sexy red dress for some reason. Meh whatever, chicks and fashion I guess?
"Now what?" I asked as I looked to Alice and Jill still pounding on each other like wild animals.
Luther was still alive if banged up a lot but he looked resigned to his fate of having the snot beat out of him by another bitch. I felt his pain, it's why I always play ranged characters in games and now in life, it's this convenient little thing that I like to call self preservation.
I just sighed at the lack of movement forward. "We distract her and give Alice an opening to remove that piece of jewelry attached to her chest. Shoot her ass in the leg if you have to I suppose but nothing critical." With that we ran to engage, Jill had her back to us at the moment Ada was the fastest as Luther was in shit shape at the moment, quickly followed by my ass.
Ada ended up getting punted a couple of meters away by the time I arrived and jumped on a bitch like a spider monkey… no really, I couldn't fight in hand to hand to save my own life literally. Guns, sure, I was a good shot and could throw down lead with the best of them but in a fight against someone like Jill, Ada or Alice I was a fodder at best.
Which is probably why after I landed my first elbow to her temple as that was the only place available to hit her from my position as a spider monkey who was basically trying to climb the tree that is Jill, my world went dark and I don't remember the rest of the fight. In case your slow it's because she whooped my ass and punted me even harder than she did Ada sending me into sweet oblivion that was thankfully temporary as I was not quite ready or prepared to die again.