
Chapter Twenty

" you slapped me?" Beatrice asked holding her chedks which had now turned red.

" Yes and I'll do it again"  Cassandra told her. 

" how dare you" Beatrice asked and raised her hand to hit Cassandra.

" Don't you even date" Raymond said holding her hand, therefore stopping her. " Shame on you Beatrice. Shame on you. Someone who is willing to kill her best friend. Why?... Why do you even want her dead if I may ask. She's your best friend. And...."

" enough!!" Beatrice yelled. " I have had enough of this already. Ariana, Ariana, Ariana. I am sick of hearing her name all the time. Is she the only girl in the world? There's nothing everyone talks aboit

aside Ariana. What about me? Don't I have the right to be jealous?" 

" Shame on you Beatrice. You even went as far as trying to kill your best friend just because you're jealous? I'm disgusted by you" Casey said.

" Point of correction. She's not my best friend. She's not, she never was and she never will. Infact, I detest her and ..........." She was interrupted by another slap from Cassandra.

" Enough. Enough. Don't you feel ashamed of yourself standing here and saying all this rubbish? Just because you're jealous, you made an attempt on her life? Why are you even jealous if I may ask."

" This is none of your business. This is between Ariana and I. We're not done and I'll only be satisfied when she's dead" Beatrice said and left crying.

" Which hospital is Ariana?" Raymond asked.

" Don't think I don't know you have a hand in this. I know you were the one who sent that apple salad knowing fully well Ariana's allergic to those. I make this promise to you; if anything is to happen to Ariana Wilson, you'll pay for it." Cassandra said and ran off.

" Cassandra,...... Hold on" Raymond said running after Cassandra.


"Casey please hold on. Stop running" Raymond said still chasing her despite the fact they'd gotten into the hospital.

" Just leave me alone. What do you want? Do you want to rub salt in my wounds?" She asked breathing heavily after running from Raymond but he still caught up with her.

" Please, just give me a chance. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this her I promise." Raymond said in a rather pleading voice.

" Ha...." Casey let out a sarcastic laughter although the pain in her voice could still be heard. " Raymond Styles,.... apologized. I must be a dream or you must be joking" 

" No I'm not. I'm really sorry I fed Ariana the apples. I hate her but that doesn't mean I........."

" You fed Ariana the apples" Max said and delivered a punch to Raymond's face.

" Max, what are you doing?" Casey said trying to stop Max.

" Let me go" Max said as he continued to hit Raymond.

Unlike Raymond, he didn't fight back. He let Max beat him to a pulp. I guess it was because he felt remorse for what he'd done.

" This is a hospital, stop fighting" the security guards separated them.
