
Chapter 50


" his house is really beautiful" Cassandra complemented.

" Yeah, I agree" Ariana said as they walked into Raymond's luxurious mansion.

" Hi, who are you looking for?" A lady who was dark in complexion asked.

" Raymond. Is he in?" Ariana asked.

" Sir? He's not well" the dark lady replied.

" He's not well, what....." Ariana was interrupted by Mrs Styles.

" Amanda, you......." She noticed Ariana.

" Hi Mrs Styles" they greeted.

" Hi" Mrs Styles replied. " Amanda, go check on the food"

" Yes madam" Amanda, the dark lady said and left.

" What brings you here Ariana?" Mrs Styles asked.

" I came to check on Raymond as soon as I heard he was unwell" Ariana said.

" Come, have a sit" Mrs Styles said and they sat on the extremely comfy couch.

" How is he doing now? Is he better?" Cassandra asked.

" Yes. He's sleeping" Mrs Styles answered. " Victoria, get some tea for the guests" Mrs Styles said.

" Thanks madam but can I go see Ray now?" Ariana asked.

" Of course"

" Thanks. Where is his room ?" Ariana asked looking around the big house.

" He's name's boldly inscribed on the door" Mrs Styles said.

" Thanks. Casey, you can stay back. I'll go alone" Ariana said and rushed upstairs.

" Would you like some cookies with your tea?" Mrs Styles asked Casey.

" Sure" Cassandra said.

" I'll go get it" Mrs Styles said and left smiling.


KNOCK! KNOCK. That was Ariana knocking.

" Ugh. Who is it" Raymond muttered as he rolled on the bed sleepily.

" Raymond, Raymond. Are you up?" Ariana asked still knocking.

" Ariana" Raymond muttered slowly as he got off the bed weakly holding his head. He put on a shirt and went to open the door.

" Raymond" Ariana hugged him tightly immediately she saw him like her whole life depended on it.

" Come in" Raymond ushered her in weakly before locking the door and going to sit on the couch opposite his bed. 

It was a large room!!

" Thanks" Ariana said and sat on the bed. " Tell me how are you feeling now?"

" I should be asking you that. Are you feeling better?" Raymond asked as he stood up to pour some water for Ariana. " Water?"

" Thanks" she said and took the water. " Tell me, what happened?"

" Well, some guys attacked. I think they wanted to sexually assault you" he sipped some water. 

" And? What happened next?"

" I got into a fight with them and that's how I got hurt" Raymond explained.

" What were you thinking Raymond? What of they'd killed you?" Ariana asked in a  reprimanding tone.

" Then I'd have died for a reasonable course" Raymond said and smirked before dropping his glass.

" Raymond" Ariana called as she ran over to him but she slipped and fell on his body. " Don't ever talk about death" she whispered as she looked into his eyes. Those charming eyes of his.

" Why?" He asked in a very seductive tone still holding her by the waist.

" Because I don't want you to die" she said.

" And why is that?" Raymond asked as he looked into those innocent eyes of hers.

" Because...... because I...... Because I" she was stuttering. She inhaled his intoxicating cologne. She was falling head over hills for him especially after she just found out that he saved her virginity.

Yes! Ariana was still a virgin and if not for Raymond, she'd have lost what she'd fought so hard to keep for eighteen years.

" Answer me. Why don't you want me dead?" Raymond asked tightening his grip on her waist.

" Uhm......uhm. I don't know" she said pushing him away before standing up.

" Tell me" Raymond said walking closer to her. She started moving backwards but the more she retreated, the more he moved closer to her. She stopped when she got to the wall, she made to leave the spot but he stopped her with his hands so that now she was caught between him and the wall.

" Raymond, what are....what are you doing?" She asked.

" What? Are you feeling... shy?" He asked tucking her hair behind her ear.

She shivered under his touch. " Why is he making me feel this way? I never felt like this when I was with Max" Ariana thought to herself.

" Or is it that you want me to kiss you?" He said and chuckled.

" Ew!" She said and ran out like a little girl while Raymond chuckled.

" Little girl"