
Chapter 135


Happy new month my lovelies. The story is going to be taking a huge twist this month so stay at the edge of your seat and don't forget to rate and review.


I opened my eyes slowly as the water met with my skin.

" Are you alright?" An officer asked and I nodded.

" What happened?" I asked as I stood, dusting my clothes.

" You passed out as a result of the gunshot" he told me and I suddenly remembered Elizabeth.

" Where's Elizabeth?" I asked.

" She's over there" the officer said and pointed over to a body that was wrapped.

I rushed over to the body and opened it

" Aaaaah" I screamed after seeing Elizabeth's dead body laying on the floor " wh.... What happened to her?"

" She tried to kill you but we shot her. Sadly, she didn't survive" he said and hot tears streamed down my eyes.

I was supposed to be happy that the woman who turned me into a drug addict was finally dead but I wasn't. Something in me felt bad that she does.

I placed my head on her body and let the tears stream. Even though she was not the best mother, she was still a mother to me and she needed the respect of one so I decided to do one last thing.

" Mum" I softly called out " rest in peace" I said.


" Are you all alright?" The officer asked and they all nodded.

" Thank you officer, I don't know what we'd have done without you" Edward said.

" Come on, let's go" the officer said.

" Officer, where's Becky?" Ashley asked.

" She's being taken to the station. We need to get her statement" he said and they all got into the truck.


" mum, dad" Ariana called before going to embrace her parents. " Are you alright?" She asked and they nodded. " Thank goodness you're fine" 

" And you Becky? Are you alright?"

" I'm fine" 

" We've all had a stressful day. I think we should all shower and go to bed" Mrs Lambert suggested and they all agreed

After the incident with Elizabeth's jail break, it took the entire family days to recover but they eventually did.

Raymond and Ariana's love continued to blossom and soon, everyone in Arizona knew them as the best couple. They continued to show their love for each other for several weeks celebrating each moment together until one day........

" Where are you going Ari?" Casey asked Ariana who was happily packing up a wristwatch " and what's with the wrist watch?"

" It's Raymond's half birthday and I'm going to give him a surprise" she said.

" Say what now!!"

" It's six months to his birthday so I wanna gift him for it" she said and wrapped the gift before putting it in her bag. She walked to the mirror and applied light make up.

" Bye" she said and with that, she left.

She took a cab and headed for Raymond's house.



I paid for the cab before getting down. I couldn't wait to give Raymond his gift. I inhaled deeply before walking into the house who's gate was already open.

Immediately I got in, I saw a tinted glassed car leaving and I felt like going to the car but I restrained myself. I couldn't go about my boyfriend's house asking after everyone I saw leaving.

I walked into the house but I didn't see anyone. Only the maids were home

" Where's Mrs Styles?" I asked one of the maids who brought me a glass of water

" She's not home, she'll be back soon" she said but I could notice that she had a sad expression on her face.

" And Raymond?" I asked.

" He's not home" she said and left.

I shook my head, these maids were always chatting with me anytime I came by so what happened? Why was she sad talking to me? Something wasn't right.

I tried talking to the other maids but they kept on giving me the same sad expression the first maid had given me and I couldn't help but wonder why.

I decided to let them be so I went to Raymond's room and sat down. I switched on the tv and started watching a serie. I kept on watching for a long time but Raymond and his mum weren't back and it scared me. I took my phone and called Raymond but it said it was switched off..

" Raymond never switches off his phone so what happened?" I asked myself as I continued to dial his number.

I paced around the room looking for a way to contact Raymond when I suddenly spotted something on his table. I rushed and picked it up.

Immediately I saw what it was, I froze In shock. It stated that Raymond's request to travel out of the country was approved and his date of departure was...... Today.

Raymond was leaving!!!

I dropped my purse and ran out of the room to one of the maids.

" Why didn't you tell me he was leaving? Why!!" I yelled in anger. I was so mad, my boyfriend was leaving and no one told me about it. They left me to stay and watch series while my boyfriend left the country.

" We're sorry madam, we were solely instructed not to tell you" one of the maids said.

" And why is that? I'm his girlfriend for goodness sake so why should you not tell me?"

" We were told that you were in your final days and that you knowing would stress you and ..... " She used the back of her palm to cover her mouth after realizing that she must have said too much and that was when it dawned on me. Raymond was leaving, not because of anything but because he didn't want to be with me in my final days.

I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I ran out of the house to no other place but the airport. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, not stopping anywhere else. I continued to run and I knew it wasn't good for me considering my health status but I didn't care. Stopping Raymond from leaving was the most important thing for me.

I ran until I tripped on a stone and fell, spraining my ankle.

" Are you alright?" A voice asked and I raised my head to see who was asking and he looked familiar " hey it's you" 

Immediately he said those words, I remembered who he was, he was the same guy that had broken my fall weeks ago. Why did I have to bump into him anytime I fell or was about to.

He helped me get up and I wanted to walk but I couldn't. I was badly hurt.

" Hey hey hey, where are you going? You're badly hurt"

" I have to stop him, he's leaving" I said in tears and I didn't know what the tears where for. Were they for Raymond or were they for myself?

" Raymond? He wouldn't leave you in Arizona you know"

" That's what I thought too but he's leaving, he's leaving and I have to stop him"

" Come on, I'll take you to him" he said and pointed to his car. We wanted to walk to his car but I couldn't, I'd sprained my ankle real bad.

" Come on, I'll carry you" he offered and carried me before putting me in the passengers seat of the front row of his car.

" Thanks" I muttered as he got into the car before driving full speed towards the airport.

Even if I couldn't achieve being America's most popular actress before I died, I was still known as Arizona's best actress and that was an achievement but i still needed one more achievement before I died.

Dying with my boyfriend comforting me!!

MORE updates coming tomorrow.

Goodnight lovelies