
Chapter 125

" Ashley!?" Edward called and rushed to an unconscious Ashley. " Please get some water" he yelled and Casey rushed to get some water.

Immediately Casey returned with the water, Edward hurriedly splashed it on Ashley who regained consciousness.

" How could you ask that of me Becky? How do you expect me to marry this woman after knowing of everything she's done to me?" Edward asked.

" I should have known you wouldn't do it. You're still the same man I knew six years ago, a promise and fail" she said and walked over to Mrs Wilson.

" Come on mum, let's go" she said and started leading Mrs Wilson out when Raymond stopped her.

" What are you doing Ariana? he asked.

" Doing what I was supposed to do" she said and left with Mrs Wilson.

" I'll be back" Edward said and chased after them while Ashley said burst into tears.

" I'll never get my daughter back" she sobbed

" I don't know what she's done to her that will make Ariana act this way. Whatever she has done,we have to figure it out" Mrs Lambert said.


In a dark room, a man is seen tied up with goons around, two women walk into the room.

The woman who seemed younger walked to the man who had being tied up and burst into tears.

" Micheal" she sobbed and the man who had being tied up raised his head.

Even though the room was dark, it was obvious that the man tied up had being beaten really bad.

" This wasn't part of the deal Elizabeth. The deal was that you'd get married to my dad and release my brother" Ariana cried.

" Don't tell me you expected me to keep him here and let him eat my food without him having to pay for it" Mrs Wilson said with a cunning smile on her face.

" So? All you could have done was ask for the money. Didn't I give you money on my birthday? Why didn't you just use the money for his feeding?"

" It's way more fun to watch him get beaten up and then post it online which gives me money" Mrs Wilson said.

" I've asked Edward to get married to you so won't you release him now?" She asked.

" No. You only asked Edward to get married to me, he hasn't agreed and we aren't married yet so Micheal will remain in my custody until that happens" Mrs Wilson said.

" And what about my family, mum, Mariana, Casey and Raymond. I can't keep treating them that way" Ariana cried.

" You have to if you want your brother alive" 

" You're bridging the deal and you expect me to keep quiet. The deal was that you'd keep my brother alive and I'll get you married to dad so why are you breaking your part of the deal huh?'' she sobbed.

" I haven't broken my part of the deal. You said to keep him alive, you didn't say anything about hitting him" Mrs Wilson said.

" Well now I am, don't hit him and I'll make sure I get you married to dad" she said and stared at her brother, " don't worry Mike, I'll get you out of here in two days. Your sister Becky will make sure you leave this horrible place soon alright?" Ariana muttered.

" Becky" Micheal muttered.

" Micheal" Ariana raised her head.

" Don't do anything stupid. You know the kind of woman Elizabeth is and she's not the type to keep to her word so don't do anything stupid" he muttered quietly.

" That's enough. If you want to see more of your brother, get me married to Edward within two days or else the next parcel you'll be receiving is your brother's dead body" Mrs Wilson said and the goons covered her face before taking her out.

" You witch. What are you forcing her to do? You'll regret this" Micheal said.

" I'll only regret it if you are alive. You're only a pawn for me, once I get married to Edward, I'll kill you and send Rebecca to a rehab center and your mum...... I'll kill her as well" Ashley said and left but before she left, she muttered something to a goon.

" Give him level 6" and with that, she left.

Ariana walked into the Lamberts and stared at Edward, Ashley, Raymond, Beatrice and Casey, Mrs Lambert and Mariana.

She couldn't stop the tears that were threatening to stream down her eyes and they came down freely. 

" Ariana, tell me. Where did she take you?" Mrs Lambert asked her.

" Tell us Ari, what did she do to you?" Raymond asked.

" She's crying" Mariana informed them.

" Tell us Ari, what did she do to you?" Casey asked.

If only they knew how badly she wanted to tell them that Mrs Wilson had kidnapped her brother who they thought was in college. She was doing all this to make sure that her brother got back safely. He was the only one who'd bothered to keep in touch with her after the separation after all!!.

" Tell us Becky, what did she do to you?" Edward asked.

" Until you agree to get married to Elizabeth, don't talk to me" Ariana said and rushed up to her bedroom.

Raymond wanted to go after her but Mrs Lambert stopped him.

" She needs to be alone right now. Let her pour out all her emotions, keeping them in won't solve anything. I'm sure she'll come out of it soon'' she said and they all made their way back to the couch.


Ariana shut the door behind her before rushing to the bed and burying her face in her pillow.

If only they knew what she was going through because of the deal she'd made with Mrs Wilson.

" I'm sorry Casey, I have to save my brother" she muttered to herself. " I hate you Elizabeth, I hate you"


Ariana sat on the couch with the remote in her hands. All she was doing was scrolling from channel to channel as she couldn't find anything worthwhile.

" Maybe I should take a walk around town. That's fun" she thought to herself.

She got off the couch even though she was in pain before leaving the house 

She continued to stroll around town and she admired the flowers and the children that were playing. She walked into the park and was enjoying it's view when a video was suddenly placed in front of her.

In the video, a man was tied up and he was being beaten up.

" Micheal" she muttered and turned to see who showed her the video, " mum?"

 Mrs Wilson smiled at her, " I'm glad you remember me?"

" What have you done to Micheal?" She asked.

" Let's just say I took him from where he's supposed to be and I'll be holding him captive till you fulfill my demands" Mrs Wilson said.

" But he said he was in college" Ariana murmured.

" Things happen Ariana but all that is in the past now so here's the deal, I'll keep your brother alive and you'll get me married to Edward" Mrs Wilson said.

" And how do you expect me to get in touch with him? I haven't seen him in six f**king years and you expect me to get you married to him? How's that possible?" She asked.

" You haven't seen him in six years but your new best friend and her family have seen him recently and he has told them his your father" 

" He's not my father, he was my father but he's no more my father" she said and tears streamed down her eyes.

" Come with me" Mrs Wilson said and led Ariana into her car.

After they were seated, Mrs Wilson cleared her throat.

" Just get me married to Edward" Mrs Wilson said.

" And you really expect me to get you married to him after you kidnapped my brother? Not happening" she said and made to leave the car but stopped at Mrs Wilson's next words.

" The moment you leave this car, your brother leaves this earth" Mrs Wilson said and Ariana sat back.

" Why are you doing this?" She asked in tears. " What has Micheal ever done to you? Just let him go please" Ariana cried.

" And why will I do that? You and your brother ruined my life so why will I spare him first?" 

" I forgave you for turning me to who I am so why won't you just let Micheal be? He didn't do anything to you, I'm the one who got you out of the marriage so get me, leave my brother out of this" she begged in tears.

" If only those tears were enough but the deal remains the same, you have a week to get me married to Edward or else, your brother dies" she said .

" How will I get you married to someone who I haven't seen in years?" She asked in tears.

" It's simple logic Ariana. Edward and Ashley will be coming to see you soon so you can tell him then" Mrs Wilson said.

" Ashley? Why is she back?" Ariana asked.

" Don't act like you're not actually happy about that. "

" We both know I could never be happy about seeing a woman who destroyed my life so just tell me what I need to do in order to save my brother," Ariana said.

" Once I get married to Edward, I'll let your dumb brother go" Mrs Wilson said.

" He's not dumb" Ariana yelled.

" He was and we can't deny that he was actually a dumbo in the past so there's no need for all this drama so get out" Mrs Wilson said.

" Please take me to my brother, I beg of you" Ariana cried.

" I knew you'd ask that. I'll take you to your brother but on one condition" 

" And what is that?" Ariana asked.

'' I'll have to inject you with this" Mrs Wilson said and took out an injection.

" What is that?"

" Do you want to save your brother or not?" Mrs Wilson asked

" I do" Ariana said in tears.

" Good" Mrs Wilson muttered and injected Ariana.

Immediately she injected Ariana, Ariana started to feel dizzy and before she knew it, she passed out.