
Chapter 124


" and how did you know that?" She asked.

" Ashley and Edward already told us" Casey said.

" And you believed them? You believed a stranger?" She asked.

" Yes we did but we didn't believe them completely and that's why we came here to ask you" Mrs Lambert said.

" Well, I've told you and I'm sure you must be happy but get one thing straight, " she got up and walked over to Edward and Ashley " you might be my birth parents but that's it. I don't share any sort of connection with you and I'd rather live in a shelter with oldies than with you" she said and ran into her room.

Ashley broke into tears, " she hates me. She hates me, she won't even listen to the truth and even if she's to listen to it, she won't believe me"

" And how are you sure she won't believe you?" Mariana asked

" Can't you tell from her attitude? There's no way she'll believe me" Ashley said.

" There must be something we can do. If she doesn't tell us her secret, how on earth are we supposed to help her?" Raymond asked.

" I could tell you her secret" Mrs Wilson said with a smile on her face.

" You just keep quiet madam, we don't need your help" an officer said.

" Alright then, I'll keep shut but if you're waiting for her to open up to you, you're wasting your time. I have played a game that'll ensure that she never tells you the truth" Mrs Wilson said with a mischievous smile on her face.

" Elizabeth" Ashley yelled before slapping Mrs Wilson across the face, " what have you done to my daughter you monster? What have you done to her that gives you so much confidence to say she'll never tell" Ashley asked.

" Firstly, she is not your daughter. As far as the law is concerned, you never had a daughter by name Ariana Wilson, the only daughter you had went by the name Rebecca Morgan so you have no right to call my daughter your's" Mrs Wilson said and Ashley got everything.

" So this was your plan all along? So this was why you got close to me all those years ago. So you could ruin my family and take my daughter away from me right? I trusted you, why did you take my trust and stab me in the back Liz, why?" Ashley asked as tears down her eyes.

" Oh please, don't act like you didn't enjoy all those nights when you were on another man's bed making love while your children and your husband waited for you to return" Mrs Wilson said.

" You know I did no such thing"

" Oh really!! Then tell me you didn't decide to leave Becky and Micheal so you could be with your so called high school boyfriend, what was his name again........ Sam" 

" Elizabeth!!' Ashley yelled and made to slap Mrs Wilson when someone suddenly caught her hand mid air.

" Don't you even dare"

Ashley turned only to see Ariana.

" Aren't you ashamed? You know, instead of mum you should be the one cuffed because you are no less worse than....... You know what, there's no need talking to you. A woman who could abandon her ten year old son and eight year old daughter just to be with some high school lover doesn't deserve to be given a listening ear" Ariana said .

" What are you saying Becca? Ashley is your mum and you have no right to speak rudely to her" Edward intervened.

" Says the man who left his eleven year old son to die of cold in the freezer just as punishment" Ariana said.

Mrs Lambert walked up to her, " what are you saying Ariana? This is not you. Who is making you say all this nonsense? You....."

" I've had enough already. Don't you ever get tired of blabbing huh. This matter is between myself, Ashley, Edward and my mum so you might as well stay out of it" Ariana spoke in a harsh tone.

" Ariana, you...." 

" Including you Raymond, you're not welcome to intervene" Ariana said.

" What has gotten into you Ariana, you're behaving so rudely and......." Casey tried to speak.

" If I could tell your mum and Raymond to stay out, what makes you think you're welcome to poke your nose in this? Seems all Lamberts are just pock nosers" she said.

Casey wanted to protest but Mrs Lambert stopped her, it was obvious that Ariana was not herself and Mrs Lambert was suspicious of Mrs Wilson having a hand in what was going on with Ariana.

" Officer, we'd like to withdraw our complaints, let Mrs Wilson go" she said and Casey stared at her dumbfounded.

" What are you saying mum? You heard of all the crimes she committed so how can you tell them to let her go?" Casey asked.

" Because your mum is smart and I must admit, she has quite the mentality I need" Mrs Wilson said and they released her.

" Madam, let us know if she continues to trouble you" the officer said and they left.

" I believe you know why I got you released so start talking, what have you done to Ariana?" Mrs Lambert asked.

Mrs Wilson rubbed her wrists before finally speaking, " well, since everyone here aside Ariana of course already knows the truth about me, I might as well tell you the fact" she said .

" Which is?"

" I've gotten her on the higher level of her addiction" she said and burst into laughter.

" What do you mean by that?" Edward asked.

" Well, I knew a day like this will come so I decided to act fast and play a game that I'd benefit from for the rest of my life" she said and sat on the couch.

" What are you talking about? What have you done to my daughter?" Ashley asked.

" You don't have any right to ask me such a dumb question because I won't be giving you an answer to that" Mrs Wilson said.

" Tell me, what have you done to my daughter Elizabeth?" Edward asked.

" Nothing much, just something that'll benefit me for a long time" she said with a smirk on her face.

" You witch, I'll show you what happens when you mess with me" Ashley said and dragged her but stopped at Mrs Wilson's next words.

" You couldn't do anything ten years ago so what makes you think you can do anything now? I held you captive for ten whole years and I made money off you yet you couldn't rescue yourself so what makes you think you can make me pay huh" she asked.

" The love she has for her daughter" Casey said and rushed to Ariana, " Ari, did you hear all that she just said? She kidnapped your mum for years and she got you addicted, won't you say something?" Casey asked Ariana who just stood there " say something Ari" Casey said as she shook her.

" She's not going to say anything so stop wasting your time" Mrs Wilson said and released herself from Ashley's grip.

" What do you mean by that? What have you done to my daughter you monster?" Ashley asked 

" Something I should have done years ago. " She said.

" Come on Becky, come with me. Daddy will take you away" Edward said and made to lead Ariana out of the house when she suddenly spoke.

" If you want me to go anywhere with you, you'll have to do something for me" she said.

" I'll do anything for you Becky. Just name it" Edward said.

" I don't want promise and fails, will you do it?" She asked again and Edward nodded.

Mrs Lambert narrowed her gaze to Mrs Wilson and saw her smiling confidently. It was obvious that she already knew what Ariana had to say and she knew it was going to be terrible.

" Tell me Becky, what do you want me to do so you can come with me?" Edward asked again.

" Get married to Elizabeth in two days" she said and Ashley passed out.