
Endless Unknown

Looks like I’ll be posting on Royal Road. Alex has known power for a long time and has been the most powerful being, with power over the countless multiverses for as long as he could remember, but all of a sudden his whole life is turned upside down when he finds out his whole life has been a lie. Royal Road

Hbk · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Alex sat in his chair, nothing was supposed to be able to defy him. He was omnipotent, had power over everything in the infinite multiverses. But still, this enemy stood in front of him, unharmed and unfazed. Alex was dumbfounded, he had seen countless possible and impossible futures, made all of them real, but the enemy did not fall. What the actual fuck was this enemy?

Alex had the ability to make any future he wished for a reality, even beings who weren't bound by the concept of time were susceptible to his ability. If he wanted to create a multiverse, all he had to do was wish for that future to be and it would be. A future where humanity never existed, a future where he had flames that could freeze, a future where he won't die, all this could be done faster than instantaneous speed. He could bring that future he wished for to the present, but the enemy still stood in front of this terrifying power, very much alive and breathing even after death and existence erasure had been wished upon him.

What Alex didn't know was that the enemy had a power as scary as his, a power to be above the enemy, that is the power to be the enemy's god. To this enemy if all life in the universe were to attack him, it would be just a matter of changing the story to his advantage, to be the author of that universe, a higher dimensional being, if a 4d being attacked him, he'll immediately become a 5d being and the enemy will be a story book character in his novel. If it was as simple as that, Alex would have erased his existence a long time ago, Alex's power works on higher dimensional beings also, but there was more to the enemy's power and it was impossible to explain such a phenomena, anything an enemy does to him will be negated, be it from a being who has infinite power or from an attack that ignores durability, it will all be negated.

"Who are you?" Alex asked, seeing someone with power who could oppose him was new and for him not to know who the person is, was terrifying.

"Who am I,What does it matter,will knowing who I am bring an end to this battle?"mysterious being X returned sarcastically.

"Who knows, maybe"

"Don't be delusional Alex, if you can end this battle, show me you can, defeat me!!!"

Alex scoffed at this. He ran his right hand through his full jet black hair and took his time to observe his new enemy. Mysterious being X had short blonde hair, cut close to his scalp, had three piercings in both his ears, dark brown intense eyes, with chiseled face and body, stood around six feet tall which wasn't that tall, but there was an aura around him that made you feel small, he looked a bit pale, like vampire pale , Alex wondered if it was as a result of their battle that was going on in this endless and timeless void. He wore a long black coat with skinny jeans and no shirt.

"You don't look bad , it's sad that I'll have to kill you right here and now!!" As Alex said these words the void began to open a void in itself, a void inside a void, emptiness in emptiness, trying to apply logic to decipher what it was, was meaningless, the energy that came from within the void in the void was enough to recreate and destroy an infinite amount of multiverses.

Mysterious being X was being pulled into the double void , sucking away at his very essence , eating away at nothingness that was present , but Alex was shocked , because Mysterious being X was smiling while the double void ate at him.

"Did you actually think that could defeat me, Alex, please let's not be naive" he said with such casualty. With a wave of his hand the void within the void simply ceased to vanish.

"Hahahaha, Alex, Alex, Alex, still haven't changed from that naive little boy I met a long time ago"

"Who are you, how do you know who I am?"

"You ask me this question, and yet you can find out yourself with that power of yours. Or you're afraid that you already know the truth?"

"The truth, which truth, what's true and what's not isn't up to you to decide?"

"Yare yare daze, Alex, if you won't accept it, then I'll show you and make you accept it "

He glared at Alex, images flooded his brain, memories he had forgotten about, they invaded his mind with full force, giving him nothing else to think about, Alex stood still as they flooded his brain.

A beautiful redhead girl in a flowing red dress ran across a blue garden holding his hand, her skin was so smooth to touch, the sensation that came from her touching his hand, was otherworldly, words won't be enough to describe the beauty and sensation her skin gave off, her long red hair danced in the wind, strands of hair covered her petite face and full pink lips, her hazel eyes shone bright, lighting up her beautiful face, but all these paled in comparison to her smile, Alex was mesmerized by it, her pearl white teeth so perfect, shone like diamonds at night, that smile could turn even the most depressed of people to the happiest of people in an instant , that was what he felt as he looked upon her, he followed her because of her smile, it brought warmth to him, it filled him up with happiness, a feeling he had long forgotten.

This was heaven, he didn't want it to end, he could stay here for eternity and forever be happy. They stopped under a large tree, with golden fruits hanging from its branches and butterflies flying around. She turned and looked at him and put a hand on his face. Such soft and smooth skin, he wanted to lay in her hands forever.

"Alex, I know I say this all the time, but I love you more than anything." the words were spoken from her heart, pure and true, surely she loved him, what they had between each other was surely true love, what countless have tried to find and couldn't, they had it.

There was nothing for him to say back at her except the words "I love you too, Sheila."

But like the story of Adam and Eve, this paradise didn't last for long, and something had to soil it. A dark red patch began to spread on Sheila's red dress from her chest, red liquid flowed slowly from her mouth, staining her beautiful skin, staining paradise, she dropped to the floor and life slowly ceased to exist from her eyes.

This couldn't be real, she couldn't leave him alone, he didn't have purpose without her, he needed her. Tears, salty warm tears, flowed non stop from his cheeks. "Sheila, Sheila!!!" He shook her, tapped her, cried out her name, but nothing could reach her, she was gone for good, life had departed and she was no longer with him, he felt loss for the first time in his life, she was gone and he couldn't do anything about it.

Rage, hatred, sadness and loneliness, all these feelings poured themselves into him, an empty vessel, a vessel had to have content and those feelings were what filled him up. He remembered now, the one who killed Sheila, Marcus, the fucking bastard, he must and will die. His senses came back to reality. The tears on his eyes dried instantly, his face became grim, the anger and hatred for Marcus flowing out of him. Marcus laughed at the personality change, it was funny how a small memory could change someone.

"Haha ha, finally Alex you're awake, you know it's funny, a being as powerful as yourself wiping your own memory, it's sad honestly, still being bound by the weakness of humanity."

"Shut up Marcus, this won't end, so I'll make it begin all over again, all from the beginning "

"Oh, Alex I know you and you won't." Marcus said, barely paying attention to Alex.

"Oh yes, I will."

And with those words time, space, voids, infinity , every concept and non concept went back to the beginning to where it all started, before the Big Bang.

And so the story begins .

Ummmm....okay, made some edits with chapter 1. What do you think is going to happen next?

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