
Endless Unknown

Looks like I’ll be posting on Royal Road. Alex has known power for a long time and has been the most powerful being, with power over the countless multiverses for as long as he could remember, but all of a sudden his whole life is turned upside down when he finds out his whole life has been a lie. Royal Road

Hbk · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New Beginning

"Marcus was right, you really are a naive one."

"Huh?" Alex opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying flat on the ground. His blue jeans and grey jacket were a little torn, but the white T-shirt was fine. A vast wasteland as far as the eye could see was spread out before his eyes. The sky was dark with no stars to be seen. He tried to grasp what had happened, he was sure he reverted everything to the beginning, to where it all started.

But what was before him wasn't the beginning and he knew that. Then what happened he began to ask himself.

"Marcus" he uttered the name lightly. Where was he anyway?

"Did you really think you could have brought him back like that, Alex?" an old man with long white hair was standing over Alex . The face was calm but yet stern, grey stormy eyes and an unassuming smile.

Get back, that was what his sixth sense told him to do. He sensed danger from this man, he quickly scurried away and stood up readying himself for battle.

"Who the hell are you, where the fuck am I and where is Marcus?" he didn't have time for this old man, he's main priority was Marcus.

"Sit down child". Alex's body complied to this command much to Alex's surprise. He was suddenly sitting legs crossed on the air. For someone who lived for a very long time with the belief that no one could defy or control him, this was a very new feeling, it made him feel scared. To meet two people who could defy him and overpower him scared him.

"This is a new feeling, is that what you're thinking? Your memories are still locked then, best to leave it that way, it will make for a more compelling story." the old man stroked his beard and tapped his staff on the floor, he began walking towards Alex slowly.

"You are impressive Alex, a void within a void, creating a chair that could exist within a void, oh and I can't forget about the clothes to, nice sense of style you have my boy." He continued walking towards Alex, Alex was terrified , this man was different from Marcus, in front of him, whoever he was, Alex felt powerless.

"Who are you?"Alex asked, trembling as he said so.

The old man stopped walking and patted his robe. "Second time you've asked me that question, I guess it's fair that I give an answer to "The Protagonist", considering you're more cooperative than angsty Marcus over here." An image was projected from the staff, Marcus was screaming and shouting in pain, rolling around in the air, the old man was in the image too sipping tea. The image disappeared.

"Power that surpasses mine and Marcus's, what a bad dream" he scoffed.

"Don't be so bitter, in the face of the Endless Unknown, your Crescent is nothing "

"Crescent,Endless Unknown, making up titles now aren't we?"

"Well to a lower life form like you, yes it would sound that way, let me give you a short history lesson"

The whole landscape changed, they were now in a very large observatory. The huge telescope in the middle of the room took most of the space. Drawings of constellations were on the walls, lighting up the room.

"Why don't I recognize any of the constellations on the walls." Once again Alex felt out of place.

"So you tried using your power to learn what they are and failed, your connection to the endless Unknown is lacking" he began to use his fingers to trace the stars on the walls while pacing the room. Alex was still sitting floating in the air helpless.

"Each star here represents a Crescent and each crescent contains infinite multiverses, there are an infinite amount of Crescents and all are connected to the Endless Unknown, fascinating isn't it?" He was smiling at Alex who was bewildered at such nonsense.

"If there was something like this, I of all people would have known" this had to be a joke.

"Children, always running away from the truth, why do u think Marcus fights you, you think it's jealousy, hate, salvation?" he laughed at his statement.

He tapped his staff on the floor and Marcus appeared beside Alex and dropped to the floor, beaten and battered, his wounds were healing. He began to stand up and began to mutter something Alex couldn't get.

"For someone who told Alex not to be naive, you are really disappointing " He didn't even waste a glance on Marcus .

"Shut up geezer or I'll kill you"Marcus spat.

"Sit down and be humble child and not another word from you"he said while tapping his staff on the floor. Marcus's body responded like Alex's, crossed legs and floating in the air.

"Now for an introduction, I am Valek, one of The Unknowns, overseer of the Crescents for the time being" he raised his hands and staff like a magician expecting an applause, but none came.

"Hmm, underwhelmed I guess, oh well, now let's get to know each other better".

Yo, hope you’re enjoying it everyone, corrections and additions are welcome. And what do you think the unknowns are?

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