
Endless Unknown

Looks like I’ll be posting on Royal Road. Alex has known power for a long time and has been the most powerful being, with power over the countless multiverses for as long as he could remember, but all of a sudden his whole life is turned upside down when he finds out his whole life has been a lie. Royal Road

Hbk · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

New Beginning 2

" A question for you Marcus, where exactly does the hierarchy of higher dimensions stop at?" Valek asked. His body responded like it wasn't his own and began to speak against his own will. "They're infinite, never ending and vast" he answered like a student answering a teachers question in class. Marcus was enraged, pissed off that he felt so powerless.

"Correct, hit the nail right on the head." His tone irked Marcus, evident by the scowl on his face. Valek was sipping tea in front of both of them, unconcerned about Marcus's behavior, now in the same sitting position as they were, floating cross legged. His staff was twirling around him, making zigzags all around. He stopped drinking his tea for a moment and looked at the small Chinese cup. "Hmm, not the best tea I've made, let's use it for the class." He poured the contents of the cup out, but the brown liquid didn't stop flowing from the cup and it didn't touch the floor either. As it came flowing out it separated into small bubbles, the bubbles floated in the distance.

"Ummm...am I meant to be impressed by you creating bubbles?" Marcus poked one of the bubbles and the result wasn't pretty. The bubble was okay but Marcus's arm wasn't.

"Huh?"the only thought going through his head was what the fuck just happened? He looked down at his arm, he was sure that a moment ago that his right arm was blown off completely, but it was still there, attached like nothing happened.

"Hey, Valek stop with the theatrics and tell me what you want to tell me." Alex was curious, fear gave birth to curiosity, he had never felt so lost. He was sure Marcus's hand was blown off, and he was sure Marcus didn't heal it, but the arm was still there."Hmmm.....that memory of yours, I know I said I'll leave it be, but that might change."

"Now, what Marcus over there just touched is a higher dimensional Crescent than yours,connected deeply to the Endless Unknown and it simply told him to back off."

"The fuck is all this bullshit? What surpasses infinity? How the fuck does anything surpass infinity, What's the Endless Unknown?" Alex was having trouble processing all this information. Marcus Who seemed to have regained a little bit of his composure,as his normal brash personality was back let out a hearty laugh. He turned and looked at Alex.

"And here I thought you knew, with that fancy power of yours, little did I know you were and still are a cub."

"Shut it Marcus" Alex retorted.

"All that time, toppling higher dimensional beings, creating multiverses, all that time you never knew about the Endless Unknown? Wow, I really have wasted my time with you. Even after fighting me over and over again, you never knew? It never occurred to you that you always lost for a reason and I never killed you for a reason?" Marcus sounded and look hurt.

Alex wasn't moved or anything by this, but it felt weird to him. "What's all this nonsense about?"

"You really don't know" Marcus chuckled.

"Cut the bullsh....."He was cut of before he could finish.

Clap clap clap. Valek clapped his hands three times. "I'm all for touching realizations and all that, but this is my class and well,it isn't yet time for drama." The staff stopped moving around and pointed at Alex.

"Hasn't it ever disturbed you that even though you were untouchable by normal higher beings, Marcus somehow always defeated you and you were always powerless before him?"

"It did obviously, but that just meant he had power that could defy me, like she did." She, Sheila, gone forever never to return.

"You are wrong child. The right answer is the Endless Unknown!!!" with a smiling face and his hands were raised and the bubbles started to shine in different colors. Both Alex and Marcus had blank expressions on their faces.

"Still not impressed, sigh." the old man was let down, his shoulders slumped. He was like a small kid and at the same time an old man.

"Ok, the Endless Unknown is the highest dimension to exist, it is another realm on its own, surpassing the infinite hierarchies that surpass other infinite hierarchies, its endless and it runs through all Crescents, giving them life, certain individuals in these Crescents are able to establish a link with it and get powers, the deeper your connection the stronger you are and that's why even though on the surface your power is greater than Marcus's, he will never and can never lose to you, unless your connection becomes stronger, there are some exceptions to this rule but the viewers don't want all that talk"

Marcus looked unfazed, he was taking his time to admire the constellations and bubbles in the observatory, it seemed like he wasn't even listening. But Alex, he was not ok, so much information to process, the realization of how small he was hit harder than it did at first. He needed to get his facts straight.

"So there are infinite crescents?"


"And these infinite crescents contain infinite multiverses?"


"And above the infinite crescents which contain infinite multiverses that have infinite hierarchies there are infinite hierarchy of crescents above them?"


"Are the universes in the higher crescents the same size as those of the lower crescents?"

"No, in higher crescents everything is infinitely bigger, higher and faster than lower crescents but will look normal to beings there."

"Every being in higher crescents are connected to the Endless Unknown?"

"Yes, otherwise they'll cease to exist."

"You said something about viewers and Unknowns."

The smile on Valek's face widened and he cleared his throat. "You see, to beings in a higher crescent, everything in the lower crescents look like fiction, but most can't affect it because of the Endless Unknown protecting them, concepts like time and death are reborn on a higher scale in higher crescents, so people live normally there and are still bound by the same concepts, just infinitely higher concepts."

"Then the Unknowns?"

"How funny child, you are an inquisitive one. The Unknowns like myself are beings who reside in the Endless Unknown, having surpassed infinity an infinite amount of times."

Alex's face was expressionless, he didn't know how to react to all this all he said was "Wow, I really am small."

Yooo..what’s up readers? How’s the story so far?

Hope y’all like it, reviews and votes are welcome.

Thanks y’all.

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