
Papa Diego

Within the Encanto's main marketplace, a tall man with a very muscular physique, pale skin, red hair and blue eyes can be seen cleaning up one of the two blacksmith shops in town.

Once the man finished cleaning, he took a quick bath in the built in bathroom, changed his clothes, then left the store for home after locking up for the night, taking a moment to admire the setting sun.

As the man walked home, he carried in his hands a wrapped package the size and shape of a book, nodding his head in greeting to the few villagers still out and about when greeted.

Finally, after nearly 15 minutes of walking, the man arrived home, the Pena Household, a small house built for three people. Without knocking on the door, the stoic looking man calmly entered, only to stop in the doorway, just taking in the scene before him. Slowly, a small, loving smile grew on his face as his eyes lost their piercing look, becoming gentle.

In the living room, Abigail could be seen laying in the couch, humming beautifully to a sleeping Andres on her chest, with their dog Sadie laying on Abigail's legs, and her head resting beside the baby (the side without the backrest to prevent him from rolling off).

After a few seconds, Abigail finally noticed the man in the doorway and smiled contently, with love and happiness simply radiating from her.

"Welcome home Diego, Mi Amor, how was your day at work"

Diego POV

Hearing Abigail's question, I simply nodded my head, finished stepping inside and closed the door behind me before answering while quietly making my way closer to the trio on the couch, Sadie's tail already wagging in excitement, but making no move to get up from her position.

"It was fine, Mi Vida, sold some nails and farm equipment today, got a few orders to make some horse shoes. Normal stuff. But it seems you and Andres had a busy day today."

I kissed my wife on her lips, then my son and dog on their foreheads, getting a happy lick in return from Sadie. Then, I sat on the floor next to my family, running my hand softly through Abigail's beautiful locks of hair and softly massaging her scalp, getting a sigh of appreciation in return.

"Yes, we spent a few hours at the Casita for a play date with the children. You know how excitable they are and how much they love seeing Andres work his Magic, not that I can blame them."

Neither can I, if I were to be honest with Abby.

"Plus, despite showing all the signs of being an introvert who would prefer to just create works of art, Andres is too kind and fond of the three to put up much resistance when it comes to using his magic to entertain them… although why he seems like the exasperated older sibling humoring them despite being only 1 year old still confuses me."

I had to nod my head at that, our son really is quite interesting in that regard… still cute and funny to see it and others reactions though.

For the next 30 minutes or so, I just quietly listened as Abigail went on about how the play date with the Madrigals went, only occasionally speaking when needed to keep her talking or to reply when my opinion was asked.

'She is so beautiful when she is excited about something, and I love hearing her voice, never ending chatterbox or not.'

Eventually though, our little Ice Man started to stir awake, causing us to stop talking (read: for Abigail to stop talking) so as to not wake him up. Andres is usually a quite and well behaved baby, but he is cranky when woken up before he wants to. It's cute… but the resulting cold shoulder, quite literally due to the cold wind and snow that he created when grumpy, not so much…

Fortunately, he doesn't wake up and stays asleep, causing us to sigh in relief, although now Sadie is looking at us with a deadpan stare… wonder if she picked that look up from Andres? Or how that is possible for a dog to express? She certainly didn't know how to do that look before he was born.

"I think that is a sign to put him to bed in his crib, Abigail. We can continue talking while having dinner."

My wife nodded her head in agreement and went to put Andres to bed, while I took the stew that had been simmering in the kitchen off the stove and bringing it to the table, placing it on the hot pot resting place in the center of the table.

Afterwards, I gathered a couple bowls and a plate of buttered bread Abigail made this morning, and set the table. All while thinking to myself, that despite the rough beginning in life, being orphaned at a young age, that life had turned around, and now, I was living the life of my dreams.

I am married to the love of my life, have an amazing, magical son, and of course, our lovingly sassy dog. Life couldn't be better.