
Emperor of Anime

With the tragic passing of his father, a young man by the name of Kira Rowe visits Japan, the place which his father loved with all his heart to pay final respect to his old man. But without him planning this he became a CEO of an almost rundown Animation studio, the last thing he got from his father. Follow the adventure of the CEO of a small Animation Studio who tries to deal with his crazy colleagues, financial problems, and being a foreigner CEO in Japan, all with one goal: to create the best anime ever. ... I will try to be as realistic as possible with this story, especially when it comes to the whole process of making an anime but of course, for the fun of the story and some other stuff, it won't be 100% realistic... ... My first novel is here, to be honest, it is surreal seeing a web novel of my own on this site. What can you expect? I am not sure, as I am new to this I decided to go with a slice-of-life story that contains some comedy and is mostly about making anime and weird characters. When it comes to grammar, everything should be fine on that front, English isn't my first language but I tried to fix mistakes while writing. Of course, if you notice any mistakes, please tell me. ... If you want to read more than 20 chapters upfront check out My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/StoryWriter946

StoryWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Chapter 30 – Reactions

The next day various anime lovers were discussing the newly aired anime on their favorite meeting spot, the Internet.

People were either praising anime or slamming them but no matter what their interests were, they were all having a lot of fun because there is nothing better than talking to others about their passion.

So, going through the threads of the anime community, one thread garnered quite a lot of attention. Its title was – "Is the first anime made by Kisato town studio any good?"

You probably remember but the first episode of 'Kuu Neru Futari Sumu Futari' was aired on Kisato TV and Kisato is a town of many passions and love for art, anime is also included in that.

Many inhabitants of the town joined the discussion and there were some from other places who also joined them, asking their anime colleagues if it was worth watching it.

[Eh, it is okay, the story was good, the animation was fluid and the music was peak, really liked it, does anyone know who did the music?]

[From the credits the name of the band is Flaming Skulls or something? That's such a chuni name haha, but I think I heard of them, they are a new band but clearly a skilled one.]

[Hooo, it looks like a lot of people liked it, my Kisato friends do you know anything about the studio, only recently I found out about them.]

[We don't know anything more than you, not exactly a new studio but this is their best work, the CEO is a foreigner, but his name is Kira, maybe a half?]

Not only the anime but the Nexus Animation itself garnered an interest from the public.

After all, a newer anime studio, run by a foreigner, created an anime that is at worst for some people decent and for others really good.

All in all, Kira could happily take a rest for a few more days and with joy look at the numbers in the bank account going up. And this was not the end, soon the rest of the world was going to witness in his opinion their masterpiece.

Not everyone looked approvingly at the anime made by our boys. One pair of bloodshed eyes looked at his screen, and on his laptop, there was a BigTube video, a trailer of one specific anime that would soon be aired worldwide.

The man in a dimly lit room full of mess and beer cans had an ugly smirk on his face as he looked at the text written in the trailer – "Director – Toma Yuu".

"Pih, you are still trying, like a cockroach, just another talentless idiot destined to fall."

After saying his piece, the man took his phone and called someone.

"Hey man, did you see that anime made by that no-name studio Nexus Animation, yeah, yeah that one, do you know who is the director."

Long into the night a couple of grown-up men ridiculed the director while getting wasted…

Meanwhile in the City of Angels, Los Angeles.

Beep, beep

"Mrs Secretary we are welcoming a special guest next week, please prepare the accommodation, everything needs to be in place."

"Understood Mr. Smiley."


After informing his secretary about the arrival of the guest, a young man, seemingly in his twenties, with dark, waxed hair and a black expensive suit got up from his desk and went towards the gigantic window from where the whole city could be seen.

Standing with his hands in his pockets, the young man based on his last name arrogantly smiled, looking like…he was over the moon.

"Kira, after such a long time we will meet, I hope you didn't change."

My dear friend

The last words were said in a whisper as the days passed and for every person involved in this story, the moment they were waiting for arrived.

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