
Emperor of Anime

With the tragic passing of his father, a young man by the name of Kira Rowe visits Japan, the place which his father loved with all his heart to pay final respect to his old man. But without him planning this he became a CEO of an almost rundown Animation studio, the last thing he got from his father. Follow the adventure of the CEO of a small Animation Studio who tries to deal with his crazy colleagues, financial problems, and being a foreigner CEO in Japan, all with one goal: to create the best anime ever. ... I will try to be as realistic as possible with this story, especially when it comes to the whole process of making an anime but of course, for the fun of the story and some other stuff, it won't be 100% realistic... ... My first novel is here, to be honest, it is surreal seeing a web novel of my own on this site. What can you expect? I am not sure, as I am new to this I decided to go with a slice-of-life story that contains some comedy and is mostly about making anime and weird characters. When it comes to grammar, everything should be fine on that front, English isn't my first language but I tried to fix mistakes while writing. Of course, if you notice any mistakes, please tell me. ... If you want to read more than 20 chapters upfront check out My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/StoryWriter946

StoryWriter · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 31 - OnlyAnime

The sounds of airplanes and the smell of fuel were flowing through the Los Angeles airport.

A sea of people was the best way to describe this specific airport. Some looked busy, typing something on their laptops, while others were chilling in casual clothes while waiting for the plane to come.

"Okay, here I am, he told me his driver will come to pick me up, where is he?"

And among us, a black-hair young man, dressed in a black suit was having his monologue, waiting for someone.

The man in question is Kira Rowe, one of the best businesspeople in the world, according to your narrator.

After dealing with everything in Japan, Kira prepared himself for the business trip to LA, a trip that is bound to be very important for Nexus Animation.

He waited for ten more minutes, when he saw an older man, dressed similarly to him, approach him.

"Hello sir, are you maybe Mr. Kira Rowe."

With a hearty smile, the man asked him.

"Yes, I am, did John send you?"

"Indeed, the boss sent me to pick you up, please this way and oh yes, I am Sebastian, it is a pleasure."

Kira returned the pleasantries and after a couple of minutes of talking, they went to the car.

The Nexus Animation boss wasn't that knowledgeable when it came to cars but even he could appreciate the beauty of this white colored machine.

The ride to their destination was kind of boring for Kira, as the driver wasn't a talker and our boy himself isn't one either, so for most of the ride, they stayed quiet.

'Sometimes I wish I was similar to Shiba…'

Actually, never mind that.

Los Angeles, a mecha of entertainment, mostly famous because of Hollywood but that wasn't the only part of the entertainment located in LA.

Kira, as someone who is part of one type of entertainment world, came here to discuss a new deal, a deal that can help him and his company a lot.

"We are here sir."

"Thank you, and you can call me Kira."

After Kira opened the door of the car, he looked at the skyscraper in front of him, he had to really stretch his neck to look at the whole building, as it was truly gigantic.

Like he usually does, he took a deep breath and readied himself for another exhausting negotiation.

However, the negotiation wasn't part of this whole process that was bugging him the most, it was something else entirely.

When he entered the building, in front of him was a big hall, with people dressed in business clothes walking and talking in a hushed voice.

Other than it being big, it had a couple of sofas put in the middle, with there being one small table in front of them. The whole hall was built using quite expensive products, all having a touch of gold.

To put it in simple terms, the whole place was screaming – "We are rich".

The driver who was the whole time beside Kira let him take a long look at the place and when he saw he was done, with his stretched hand he showed the receptionist.

"Sir, please announce your arrival to the receptionist, who is going to inform the boss that we are here, though I think the young boss is already aware of that."

Kira simply nodded and did as he was told. The talk with the beautiful receptionist was short, only five minutes after, they were already in front of the big brown door that was on the last floor of this skyscraper.

The driver said his goodbyes to Kira Rowe, who without knocking entered the door.

With his sharp eyes, he could see the shiny office, which had a big grey sofa, television, three computers, a big desk and a man with a white mask on…Wait, wait, wait, what?

"Mr. Rowe, welcome to the Ultimate company, I hope you had a pleasant journey, please take a seat."

With a deep and grumpy voice, the masked man said to Kira, who although heard what the man said to him didn't move a muscle and stayed near the door, while he continued looking at his adversary, with an unreadable expression on his face.

They continued to look at each other.

For five minutes.

For ten minutes.

For 15 minutes.

The masked man was the one that gave up first, he, fast as lighting stood up and started approaching our hero menacingly, looking like he was ready for war.

To Kira, it seemed like time slowed down, as he prepared his heart for the clash.

The man who came in front of our hero, with his 185 cm, towering over the MC, lifted his arms and powerfully hugged Kira…?

"Kiraaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it was so long, finally you remembered me, you ass, you said you are going to call me sooner."

Having one arm on Kira Rowe's shoulder, the masked man put his mask down and with a dashing smile greeted Kira.

Our hero wasn't impressed at all and he swatted the arm from his shoulder and in a tired voice returned his greetings.

"This is why I didn't want to call you, calm down, stop fooling around and let's get down to business, though it is nice to see you after so long, John."

"Heh, keep acting like a tsundere, I know you barely survived without your best friend, the business you say, welp, sit down."

In a good mood, the two men sat down on the sofa, one in front of the other, ready to start some serious talk.

But before the negotiation begins, it is important to introduce the dark-haired and green-eyed prince who is sitting in front of Kira with a dashing smile.

The name of the man is Jonathan Smiley, better known as John. The son of an American billionaire, and a businessman himself, famous for taking on different areas, that are usually not that profitable, but the man is a genius and so far, he never failed to get profit from his business ventures.

The name of his company is Ultimate Corporation, and as you can guess, that is a company that isn't really specialized in one specific area.

He is also the self-proclaimed best friend of Kira Rowe, someone he met at Oxford where both studied, a rival and a friend.

Now, why is Kira here? It was mentioned already that he is here to negotiate another deal and that deal has to have something with anime.

Well, the last venture that John is trying to take on is anime, but not making anime, no, he created a streaming site, a site that is going to solely have anime and cartoons on it.

As the boom of anime in the West happened in the last couple of years, John smelled the opportunity and this year he created a streaming site called OnlyAnime and if you remember that is the name of the site where Nexus Animation's masterpiece is going to be shown in the rest of the world.

The deal for that is already done and dusted, with a signed contract to confirm that, yet Kira still came here, with another idea in mind and also because John invited him here, not just to say hi.

So, what agenda does this handsome, smiling man has for our main protagonist?

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