
Elysium [Marvel]

Synopsis loading... However, Join David Stone as he created the greatest empire Marvel has ever seen. °°°°°°°°°° A rewrite of [Marvel: Elysium] If you wish to support me, you can do so on my patreon, you also get access to advanced chapters there. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/5imply_lucid °°°°°°°°°°

Ink_Verse · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

7 months old

"looks like our grandson is a brave one, he's not even crying,"  a new voice said. 

Just like the earlier one, it belonged to a female of the older generation as well. 

Soon he felt himself being passed from one arm to another, the new arm was unnecessarily soft. It felt as though it belonged to some rich lady who had never done any work in her entire life. 

"Wait, does that mean that I am rich in this life?" He asked as he tried cleaning his eyes to get a better view. 

However, no matter what he did, nothing was working out. Everything still remained blurry and loud… He was getting used to the noise though but he still couldn't see properly. 

"Shit, forgot I'm a baby now" He shouted as he pounded his little fist on the lady's chest. 

His actions led to laughter all over the room as a weird serene and peaceful atmosphere filled the place. 

Being a baby sucks but for some reason, he didn't think this would be that much of a bad experience if not for the lack of basic control. 

He may be partially blind now but in about two to three weeks, he would be able to see those about a Metre away clearly. 

He could tell that those in the room were his new family. Even with limited brain function and capacity due to his current size, he could still tell this much. 

Even he could feel the love in the air as he passed from hand to hand, it was a weird experience for him. 

He couldn't even remember when last he felt such an emotion towards him. 

Being a baby truly did have its perks and adulthood truly was a scam. 

"Come to think of it, what universe is this?". He asked knowing fully well he wasn't going to get an answer. 


Within a small house located in a rather well-fenced area, a small child could be seen crawling behind a couch with a bunch of Legos in his hands and mouth. 

"David, where are you?" he heard a female voice call out to him as he immediately tried his best to hold his laughter. 

Hiding properly behind the couch, David began playing with the Lego he had brought with him. 

As he played, he heard the sound of his mother frantically searching for him but he ignored it all and continued playing. 

His mobile home was nearly completed, all it needed was some tyres for movement. He didn't care if such a house was possible in real life but it was possible in Lego. 

"Aha, there you are!" his mother called out as she shifted the entire frame of the couch to reveal his hiding location 

Immediately loud laughter escaped his lips as she carried him and both began laughing 

It had been months since then, things were indeed going as well as he thought they would. Being an adult was truly a scam, his family wasn't exactly wealthy or that well off but he had never for one day looked for what to eat.

He may only be around eight months old but even so he was still over 30 years old, He could still easily assess the financial situation of the family.

His grandpa was a farmer or at least it seemed like it. He couldn't be too sure about it but he was sure that there was surely a farm, it could be theirs or they just live around it.

The farm should bring in enough money but it doesn't which led him to believe that there should be something wrong.

Either his grandpa's produce wasn't as healthy as he imagined or he didn't have a big enough land to get enough profit from. 

Grandma was a stay-at-home wife, not that she did that though… She brought in the major income in the family via petty trade and several other small businesses she put her hands in. 

His mother was always at home so he wasn't sure if she worked or just mooched off her parents. Either way, though life was good, of course not as good as it could be.

As for every other thing that was not family-related, he currently had no idea. He was barely eight months old and currently spent more time asleep than awake so he  had no idea what sort of world he had been reborn into.

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