
Elusion or Illusion?

A perpetrator, betrayer, most importantly a liar….. What circumstances would make a person lie? Would they ever feel remorse? Would a small lie ultimately be the cause of one’s trauma and possibly even death? Nisa Novak, a woman who tries to elude her past. Lies were something she would say on a daily basis with no guilt, as the world she deemed, 'deserved it'. Amidst all this, comes a variable she had never thought would; an innocent soul. Unexpected events, cause her to ultimately find a lie that would cause her downfall. Stuck between truth and lies she can no longer discern, she chooses the easiest way to save herself, ignorance. This is the villain’s side of the story instead of the victim’s. Her only key to salvation probably lies in the 2040's technology. "Everything is gonna be okay." "Will it ever be?" Or was it all just an Illusion?

Duo_Dynamics · Romance
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13 Chs


"Are you already giving up, Miss Beauty? That's a shame, I thought you would be different."

He walked towards me, the rage of arrogance grew in his eyes as he kneeled before me and stroked my face with his fingers... I shivered.

"What do you want from me if it's not my death?"

"Make you more gorgeous"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see" He grabbed my hand and dragged it towards his filthy mouth. He looked like a hyena ready to chow its prey.

"Stop! Don't, please!"

I mean I didn't expect him to listen. Now's the time to attack. Branches from the tree grew and grasped him by his neck, pulling him upwards chomp!

Even so, he still managed to bite my hand. He moaned in pain, seeking support from the branch trying to break it off. For some reason, he was struggling quite a lot and looked weak. There was a huge mark on my hand(from the bite) near my wrist. disgusting. Blood gushed out as I tried to stand up, pressing on the wound to stop the blood flow.

Tsk, it hurts so much... is he a cannibal?

I wonder whether he just got taken by surprise or he is that stupid.

How did he get in my trap twice?

Next, I tore open the ground and tried burying him then and there. I didn't think much and sprinted in the opposite direction. I felt so desperate. I didn't look back at my surroundings once again.

But I could feel it, a pair of eyes staring at me from somewhere in the wilderness. I didn't dare look. I tried to convince myself otherwise, maybe it was only my imagination.

I asked the system to once more show me the directions, I think I ran faster than a cheetah. My fear was still haunting me, I needed to get away from this place. while desperately crying for help, Each time I would feel as though he had broken out from there and was about to follow me any moment.

His creepy face was imprinted in my mind. Finally after a while of running... I reached a substantial golden beige building RESIDENCY .fancy. But I couldn't really appreciate its beauty, my mind was way too messed up for that.

I ran past the gates(the guard was sleeping there), through the garden, and up the stairs. A security guard was sitting on a desk adjacent to the automatic sliding door. Before he questioned me, I showed him my house card. He saw the card and was starting his small talk, I quickly apologized running past him.

I saw a guy heading into the lift, so I slipped inside too. I clicked the 79th floor and stood in a corner fidgeting my hands. He must have been giving me a weird look... I looked dirty as though I'd rolled in the dirt not to mention my torn clothes. He asked in a gentle voice,

"Are you okay, miss?" I didn't know how to reply to that.

"I am okay" I was lying like I always have... pretending.... What?

My voice slightly cracked but I didn't give any mind. The glass doors opened and I quickly walked outside, still blindly following the directions. The guy's eyes followed with intrigue, and then the door shut.

It was a huge hallway. Each floor had two flats. I walked towards the other end of the hall and held the house card against the screen right across the door handle.

It glowed with a green light and I opened the door. Click. I was inside the room. I placed the card into what seemed like the cardholder. The lights turned on. It was so bright, it took me a few seconds to get used to it.

I opened my eyes and a luxury apartment right out of an advertisement stood before me but I wasn't in my right sense for feelings such as gratitude.

I saw stairs leading to the second floor of the house. I went upstairs and opened the door towards the end of the corridor. The door opened into a huge room with a king-size bed. I flopped onto the bed covering myself with the quilt. I shut my eyes tightly, I was desperate for sleep and forgot everything for the night and the next.

But the sinistrous feeling wouldn't leave my mind that night. My heart was still thumping wildly, so loud I could hear it. That scene playing once again in my head.

Everything was in pieces when I tried to believe everything would be fine as long as I was away from my family. I could live, But all of it fell apart. Just like it always has. Hmm... like it always has...

Is that supposed to mean something?

Is it related to my past?

Why are there things I am supposed to know, yet I have no memory of them?

It's like there's an altered version of me that I have no idea about, yet I seem to know of it. The fact that there is something of myself I don't know about, makes me feel so insecure and scared. I laid there the whole night chanting my mantra, I am okay though it was a lie. I fell asleep at some point.


As she slept, a pair of eyes intensely watched her through the window. "interesting" A man stood in a black suit, mask covering his face peered through the balcony window, and another man was hanging on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Aish, this dumb head is so heavy... should I have just left him?"

He sighed with a tired look.

"Just what is the use of this guy? I wonder if his body parts would be intact, it would be amusing though.

Well for once"

He sighs giving a tight slap on the guy's thigh "he caught my interest, let's see how long you will last this time, princess."

He ruffled his hair, his eyes smiling into crescents, and his back turned towards the sky.

He was gone the next second.
