
Elusion or Illusion?

A perpetrator, betrayer, most importantly a liar….. What circumstances would make a person lie? Would they ever feel remorse? Would a small lie ultimately be the cause of one’s trauma and possibly even death? Nisa Novak, a woman who tries to elude her past. Lies were something she would say on a daily basis with no guilt, as the world she deemed, 'deserved it'. Amidst all this, comes a variable she had never thought would; an innocent soul. Unexpected events, cause her to ultimately find a lie that would cause her downfall. Stuck between truth and lies she can no longer discern, she chooses the easiest way to save herself, ignorance. This is the villain’s side of the story instead of the victim’s. Her only key to salvation probably lies in the 2040's technology. "Everything is gonna be okay." "Will it ever be?" Or was it all just an Illusion?

Duo_Dynamics · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


I woke up to an uneasy feeling, not quite sure what. After a few minutes of staring into blank space. Reality hit as I recalled last night. I sat up on the bed, still trying to believe if I had a nightmare or if last night was real.

But looking at my clothes gave me enough reassurance; the bite mark healing, I undoubtedly had to acknowledge what had happened. This time with a much calmer approach. The dirty smell of sweat from my body signaled me for a quick shower. Hah, I should take a bath and wear a new set of clothes. I left my clothes and necessities in the taxi.

Must I go back?

Staying here or going back to retrieve my stuff. I know it's not my money but I still feel guilty for leaving all those new things there. I spent so much time picking things out.

Misery traced me back to the woods.

I know it's not the best decision but what can I do? I am stupid.

It wasn't dawn yet and it was still so dark. I looked at the fancy clock hung on the wall - 4:00 a.m., let's head after sunrise. I had woken up and couldn't go back to sleep now. I chose to tour my house. I removed the hoodie for a while to let my skin breathe.

I wore a black tank top while I rolled up my trousers to make them look like shorts.

I got off the bed and slowly walked around the room to admire its interior. The room I was in was well decorated-very contemporary. It had a golden beige shade and floral design. Except for the messy bed, everything else looked perfect. Classy side tables- one of them had a digital clock and the other had a lamp. The polished wooden flooring and huge closet were top-notch also accompanied by an urge to fill it up.

Adjacent to the closet, was another door. It opened into a huge bathroom. An enormous jacuzzi stood at the center of the room.

But where's the toilet?

I suppose the toilet isn't supposed to be a part of the jacuzzi room. There was a shower in another corner. The room beside the jacuzzi room opened into a spacious toilet.

Noiceee! I came out of that room.

Next, I laid my eyes on the balcony. Beside the balcony was a dressing table with a huge mirror. I slid open the glass window and took a step outside. A cool breeze engulfed the empty room I stood in, I felt alive. I took a look around the balcony and stood against the cool steel railing.

I stood before the picturesque view from my room. A garden surrounded the estate for a few miles, a path forged through the garden. Each leading had a new exit; such was my humble abode. One wrong turn and you'd end up at a dead end. The garden was well lit with lamp posts every kilometer. The night stood bright helping people find the way. A boundary wall surrounded the place.

I aimlessly looked into the somber forest- creepy yet alluring almost a real-life pandora's box as though a keeper of secrets that was never meant to be found.

Almost Forbidden.

It gave off a melancholy sentiment. My heartbeat fastened as my gaze could no longer look away. I wondered what was within and beyond it, making me want to figure out the truth it holds.


That's the best word I can come up with to describe this feeling, my eyes widened as I experienced deja vu looking towards the forest.

Wasn't that the place I was taken to?

I took a few steps back in a defensive stance as realizations mapped my mind. It looked more foreboding than ever now. I quickly went back in and locked the balcony's window. I drew the curtains holding onto the curtains in my fist breathing heavily. I crouched down hugging myself to gather as much warmth as I could.

What was that?

Is that the place am I supposed to go to?

Shush! Calm down, Nisa! It will all be okay.

You just have to head back to the forest and simply retrieve your stuff.No big deal. Right! I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

That eerie feeling hadn't left my mind, I chose to ignore it. I came out of my room and walked down the corridor. There was one more door beside my bedroom, it led into the bathroom. Oh! there was one more door... I guess I didn't notice.

I closed it and walked further past it until I came across another door. Click. It led to the study. There was a huge empty shelf. A luxurious desk decorated with a vase arranged with fresh flowers and a comfortable chair.

The room was similar to Mr. ATM's study. It had a grey wallpaper giving it an unnecessarily mature look. Boring. I walked out of the study and went downstairs. The large spacious living room at the center oozed with elegance along with a spacious kitchen opening into the dining room with a royal dining table.

Below the stairs, there were two more bedrooms, they both had personal bathrooms with toilets built as well. I guess those are the guest rooms.

What mattered to me the most was the huge screen television and a comfy sofa set I could lounge on. Adjacent to the living room was one more balcony bigger than the one in my room. I quickly dragged the curtains, covering those huge glass doors. I went and sat down on one of the sofas. With joy I turned on the television, I flipped through some boring channels until I found one showing K-dramas.... I am sold, this is the best!

Wait, how am I going to clean this entire house? Ugh, I will have to look for a cleaner later. I spent nearly 3-4 hours crying, laughing, cringing, swooning in front of the TV. I didn't even realize how much time had passed, the power of K-drama. I feel quite at peace now, it's nice when I can just forget reality and immerse myself in fantasy.... away from all the problems.

But unfortunately, that is not how it works... because sooner or later I will have to switch off the TV. I looked at the clock, dang! It's already 7:37am. I guess it's time now... ugh! I really don't want to go. Well, the guilt is more suffocating so I will have to push myself.... TBH I am curious what happened to him as well. I sighed at my conflicted mind. Finally after 10 more minutes of contemplation, I chose to... you can imagine!

I obviously went to get back my things. One day I am going to lose my head because of my stupid ventures!

I went upstairs and wore my hoodie... pushing my hair in my clothes and pulling the hoodie down my head, almost until it covered half of my face. Rolled my pants down. I took my card from the socket and walked out of the door. I walked down the corridor, it was quite elegant looking as well, just like a hotel.

Maroon floral embroidery carpet covers the floor, soft beige coloured walls with a few golden streaks near joining of the ceiling. Pretty. The lighting was yellowish and slightly dim but it was okay.

I didn't notice any of this yesterday, well how could I? I was busy fighting death... I started feeling slightly nauseous. Deep breaths. I'm okay now.

In some corner of my mind, don't go!

For some reason, it felt like I could no longer hear my own inner feelings as though I were numb to it. I ignored all the signs and walked towards the lifts casually. Ting. I entered the lift and clicked the ground floor. In a matter of a few seconds.. I had already reached the floor.

I walked outside, a warm ray of sunlight coming through the glass pane windows touched me... filling me with cosiness and warmth. I could have probably slept there if it weren't for my sensitive skin. There was a huge chandelier on the ceiling.... I wonder if this residency's inspiration is taken from a hotel.

The whole place seemed to be made with white marble. There were two pillars near the entrance. I walked past the automatic sliding door. The security guard was sitting near the desk, I casually walked down the stairs when he immediately stopped me again!

Seriously!! Didn't this happen yesterday? Or maybe that other guy was on night shift duty. I am starting to despise security guards.

"Miss, who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Can't you see I am coming out of my house!"

"You!? Are you kidding me? A beggar like you in our residency!"

Wow, he's insulting me to my face. I shoved my card in front of his face and snickered.

"Is this enough?" I was rather civil.

"You! From whom did you steal this?" He snatched my house card from my hands. This guy! my BP is rising.

"Give it back to me while I am being civil"

"Are you trying to threaten me? How dare you! I can have you in lock up for trespassing, stealing and threatening me!!"

He was practically screaming now. I warned him. I raised both of my hands and two ginormous plants sprouted from behind me with white valley lilies sprouting from them. They are poisonous flowers exactly like how I imagined.

They were glaring at him from behind my back just like how body guards would. He dropped the house card in fear as he stared at it. His arrogant look had already been wiped out.

This time in a puppy voice, he said,

"Ma'am, why didn't you tell me you were Mr. Arthur Novak's daughter? I am sorry, please forgive me. It was a mistake. Please don't complain to the management."

He stood trembling in front of me. I picked up my card from the ground held it in front of his face and roared.

"I am Nisa Novak, don't try to add any more adjectives to it. I like having a solo title."

He flinched and nodded his head.

Did I sound way too cocky?

Blame that ATM for giving me such genes. I shoved the card in my pocket and with my head held high, I walked away. My two babies shrunk down and went underground as well.

Mommy loves you, honey!
