
Elites From Another World

A fairy tale about a Forgotten Knight remembered by many, reuniting with his Heavenly Saint, who is known by none. A cursed tale about a damned youth encountering the demon of the battlefield. Both tales tell different stories, but only the people involved know what truly happened, and what stories remain untold. ... Fate? What does that have to do with anything? Sometime we meet the most unusual people, and other times we meet people we've met once before, but had no idea we did. Arcane High is a place which has a lot of "fate" surrounding it. For a place which falls outside the bounds of a normal school, it managed to do what any normal school always did. Bring people together. Ean, Heaven Kinston is the Third Young Miss of the Kinston family. She has never gone to any normal school before, and her first is Arcane High. Due to unusual circumstances, she manages to get into this school, and she meets the most unusual people by… fate? Despite the grandeur of the Kinston family, their youngest daughter, Heaven Kinston, is pretty much unknown by everyone but everyone somehow knows her. Her life until she gets to Arcane high can be described in one word, Unknown. Ean's life is unknown to so many people, including herself. How so…? Her life, though it had its ups and downs, had seemed very normal to her, until she gets to Arcane High and starts to realize how sheltered she's been. Sometimes, she wonders if she's ever met anyone apart from the people she currently knew. Other times, she forgets she ever has such thoughts. And most times, she recalls fleeting memories of those thoughts, that was probably one of the reasons she had agreed to go to Arcane High. Calm seas appears calm to whoever looks at its surface, but only those who go into it, know how turbulent it is within. The saying can describe Arcane High's current situation. Unbeknownst to everyone else, not just Ean, Ean's entry into Arcane High set something into motion, which uncovered more secrets than those who were involved knew existed. Come along and unravel the mystery behind the word "fate", and what role it plays in this unusual tale lived by one and many others.

AOFD · Fantaisie
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33 Chs


Author Pov

Everyone was bewildered when Ean had stood up to leave the class, without a single word of defence.

Both Vivian and Ciara stood up and shouted at the same time, but they said two different words.

"WAIT!", shouted Vivian

"WHAT?!", shouted Ciara.

They looked at each other, "Sh*t" Ciara cursed and sat on her seat aggressively. "Ean don't go!, don't mind this silly teacher, she was just messing with you", Vivian started to defend Ean.

Although she missed her chance to become the hero saving the beauty, Ean's act of arrogance proved that she was indeed worthy to be on her side.

Ean's pleasured expression which was hidden, started to turn from delight to shock. In order for things not to deviate from her plan, she decided to explain herself regardless of whether Crystal heard or not.

'By that time, I'll already be out of this school, right?', she thought hopefully, and finally calmed down.

And started to explain her actions, "There's really no need to worry about me, I can just-"

"No, there is a need to worry. This is your first day at Arcane High, it was our fault for treating you that way. We should have been more hospitable, but we weren't because of our bias. You must be hurt and feel excluded and want to leave. But don't give up your hard-earned scholarship for this silly teacher.", Mason cut Ean off and spoke calmly.

Ean was stunned. What way did they treat her? When did she feel excluded? Of course she wants to leave but it's not for that reason!

"I'm not offended, really! And it's no bother-", She quickly spoke up and tried to sort out the misunderstanding, but was once again interrupted by Vivian.

"No no it's really our fault, for not treating you right", Vivian said with a lower voice than before. She had no idea why Mason was helping her, could it be because of Ciara? Could Ciara also want Ean to be on her side? No, she doesn't need her.

Vivian glanced at Ciara who was no longer angry, but had an indifferent expression on her face, as she watched them with interest. Twirling her hair, she smiled and moved her gaze to Vivian's. Vivian flinched, and Ciara's smile deepened, she raised an eyebrow and mouthed some words which made Vivian's face turn dark.

She turned to Ean who was talking to Mason, then the teacher who was standing at the side speechlessly, "She probably never thought Ean would make so many 'friends' on her first day", Vivian thought and her gaze unintentionally fell on the other new students.

The black haired teen had a look of annoyance on his face, and he immediately met her gaze when she stared at him. The coldness in his eyes made her shiver, and thus prevented her from looking at the other guy.

But it also woke her up, "I must win this round, no matter what!", She thought with clenched fists.

"Ean! Right…?, I know you might want to leave the school due to our teacher's attitude, but it's not worth it. I know we can't get her to apologize, so I'll do it on her behalf, so would you please come back to your seat?", Vivian spoke humbly.

Ean fell silent and felt Vivian's sincerity and determination, she had no idea why Vivian wanted her to stay, but she didn't want to!

Unfortunately for Ean, Vivian had succeeded in her attempts to keep Ean around, because Ean couldn't leave even if she wanted to!

Not because of Vivian's sincerity but because the matter was already settled. And if she insisted on leaving, without a clear reason like, "You said I should obey my teachers, right? Well, my teacher asked me to leave the class and I did, since we both wanted that".

Thus, if Crystal caught wind of her leaving without a suitable reason, she'll use this opportunity to send her to that special confinement centre, made for problem children like Crystal.

After weighing her cons and pros, Ean finally walked towards her seat. She sat down with her head hung low, wondering how her exquisite plan had failed.

'Crystal, my dear sister you won this round, but I'll get plenty chances next time.', Ean was lost in thought, and she did not pay attention to the conversation that followed after her sitting down.

Vivian let out a sigh of relief and glanced at the shocked Ciara. Ciara had clearly not expected her to solve the problem like this.

She gazed at Vivian thoughtfully before turning away with a smile on her face. 'I wonder what she's betting on? Another supporter? It'll be so funny if she turns out to be a pauper… a pauper.", The smile on Ciara's gaze turned bigger, as her thoughts advanced. She glanced at Ean while thinking, "Maybe I should first feel her out".

Vivian did not pay any attention to Ciara anymore, and turned to face the troublesome teacher.

Ms Flora was stunned and she felt a little afraid, although they were just two, those two students had more weight than her, a teacher!

One was able to hold her ground against Ciara, a special student, and had the backing of the Young master. While the other one, had Ciara's backing and was from one of the top families on the island.

What even added to her fear, was not what they would do to her outside of the school, but what could happen to her inside of the school. After all, they were both talents valued by Arcane High and the Elite school.

"Ms flora, you were about introducing our new classmates and got distracted, why don't you leave Ean alone and do your job?", Vivian spoke coldly. She had gone through a lot and even messed with her reputation, to get Ean to stay, and it was all because of this woman, who just had to feel superior.

Ms. flora took it as a threat and eyed Ean hatefully.

She couldn't believe she got on their bad side because of a new student, who was not only on scholarship but was also on scholarship.

She turned to look at the new students behind her, eyed them with disgust before saying forcefully, "Boys introduce yourself".

The black haired teen returned her gaze and kept mum, 'he needed to endure it'. Glancing over at Ean who was in a bad mood, he thought, 'Who knows if she'll screw me over, if I try to pull the same trick'.

He sighed lightly and became gloomy again.

By this time, Ean had sat up feeling disappointed. She was not expecting to spend a full school day here, she frowned because of what Vivian and Mason had done, but still could not understand their actions.

She then subconsciously removed her headphones and hung it on her neck.

Everyone: "All that trouble for nothing".

Ean then turned to look at the two new students, and paid attention to them.

The first one was the overjoyed brown haired boy. He didn't seem to care about what had happened just now and stood upright, ready to introduced himself.

He was a tall lanky boy with beautiful facial features, skin fairer than girls, shoulder length brown hair and sage colored eyes. He was dressed in a royal blue dress pants and a crisp white shirt, which was complemented by a navy blue blazer, and styled with long white socks and a hidden striped tie.

His uniform was the same as Ean's, the only difference was the colour of the pants or skirts.

His beautiful eyes which had been all over the classroom, focused on Ean after the drama.

"Everyone, my name is Alexander Anderson and this is my buddy, Xavier Houston", Alexander said with an enchanting smile, pointing at the teen that came with him with his thumb, then hung his second arm over his shoulder.

Xavier gave him the side eye but decided to let it slide.

Even though Xavier had been gloomy all along, or did not show a friendly expression, most likely unhappy because of his friend, nobody apart from the guys took offense with him 'cause of his looks.

His pristine shining mint green eyes with a slight touch of red made his eyes stand out, In addition to the presence and suffocating but gloomy aura around him, which made him look like an oppressive ruler.

His jet black hair boldly accentuated his presence in the classroom, but his half closed eyes and relaxed expression, made him look weak and tired.

He was dressed in a similar uniform, the only difference was the colour of the dress pants, which were emerald green.

He didn't deny or refute anything his friend said, and the haughtiness he displayed, made it seem as if being here was nothing short of an insult to his prestige. He hadn't said a word to anyone, but his friend since his arrival.

And from what he had seen, it seemed he wasn't the only one who requested scholarship to this school, because of its rules which when broken will bring about strict punishment, such as expulsion especially to scholarship students.

But that was easier said than done. He glanced at Ean again, and accidentally met her gaze. Ean was in a bad mood, but she still scrutinized the new students, who managed to ride on her coattails to get into this school.

"Are they allies or enemies?", She whispered a little bit too loudly to herself.

Aidan who was a seat away, seemed to have heard what she said, he frowned slightly and turned his gaze to Xavier.

Although he felt Xavier was dangerous that did not reduce his dislike for him, in fact he hated him more, when he noticed he and Ean gazing at each other. For some reason, he felt it was even more dangerous for them to interact like this.

While the two parties involved, did not notice that they had not stopped staring at the other party, as both of them were immersed in their thoughts.

But then Xavier broke the exchange and glanced at Aidan who was looking at him again. He did not like this person at all, and just the mere sight of him, was uncomfortable.

While Heaven found him familiar, but didn't know where she had seen him from.

She thought long and hard whilst staring at Xavier, and finally remembered him, 'that's right'.

Heaven smiled when she finally recalled.

Heaven, Ean, they are the same person. Heaven is like her formal name, while Ean is a nickname derived from Heaven.

So how did you see this chapter? And how was the story so far?

I'm done with editing, enjoy!

AOFDcreators' thoughts