
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime et bandes dessinées
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 153(Monster-Rex: Yang Shen)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk



"STOP!" Finn cries out, barely able to take a step forward before Allen is already in front of Yang.

With his spear held high the cat demihuman man strikes forward.

As Orario's fastest adventurer--as far as they knew-- only a select few had their Agility stat high enough to see his footsteps lagging behind him. The imprints on the ground struggling to keep up as he's already onto the next step before they fully form.

In a blur he tackles Yang into the building behind them, slamming into the stone wall of the two-story building and barreling through it.

A cloud of dust blocks the hole in the wall as their battle continues inside, the sound of Allen's spear constantly scraping stone is heard by the adventurers outside.

"Hedin," Finn calls out to this blonde Elf, the strategic mind of Freya familia. "We should work together to bring Yang down," the Pallum turns to Shakti standing behind them, "Take your people to---" Finn freezes for a moment, his senses noticing a sudden change, a worrying change.

The entire battlefield is completely silent as he turns his attention back to the building.

"Take them where?" Yang's voice calls out from within the building. The sounds of stone on metal stopped, but Allen was a level seven in all but name, he couldn't lose so quickly. Could he?

"Change of plans," Finn narrows his eyes at Yang as he steps out of the wall. Holding his coat and Allen's spear in his left hand, in his right is the adventurer in question. His face was held by the vice grip that was Yang's hand, fingers crushing and cracking his skull, he was clawing at Yang's brown skin trying to break free. "We need to deal with him first, then we'll all go deal with his team," Finn decides.

"Uh-huh, how exactly?" Yang toss Allen toward Hedin, the man tumbles in the air and lands on his feet before his spear falls in front of him. "You can't get past me... and even if you do..." he sends out a wave of magic through his foot.

The sound of stone cracking and moving is heard from within the building, he collapsed the entire building behind him.

"If we do this, I'm telling you now I'm bad at holding back, the things I hit tend to break..." Yang says as he stores his coat away in his inventory.

"Don't talk down to us. We are Orario's adventurers!" Finn proudly announces, raising his spear and pointing it toward Yang. "Protecting this city is our responsibility, even if that means taking you down!"

As Finn's words resonate with the other adventurers, the gathered crowd begins to cheer. No matter their differences they could all certainly agree on one thing, Orario is their current home, and it was their duty to protect it.

In a blink, more than two dozen level 5 and 6 adventurers rushed forward, with Finn and Allen leading the charge.

'Damn it,' was all Yang had time to think before they descended upon him.

In what can only be described as a clusterfuck of metal and flesh Yang suddenly found himself on the defense.

He didn't want to use his magic, not sure how strong some of these strangers were, he rather not accidentally kill some of them.

They could barely land hits on him, but he had no issue hitting them.

The first to take a blow to the face was Ganesha's vice-captain, the pink-haired amazon was an unfortunate but necessary test subject. Hitting her with enough force to crack her jaw and knock her across the courtyard, but she got back up.

"Ach," Yang grunts as Finn's spear scrapes his chest, cutting his shirt and barely drawing blood. He backhands the spear away and kicks the Pallum, only for the man to raise his arms to defend himself.

"Ugh!" Finn feels his entire body quake as he's ragdolled across the courtyard all the way back to the spectating crowd.

Looking up Finn saw the moshpit of people trying to stab at Yang, they barely got any lucky hits in.

'We outnumber him...but his stats are too damn much, his stats should only be 30 thousand at best,' Finn thinks as he looks at the ongoing beatdown, unfortunately, he had no way of knowing Yang was sitting comfortably at almost 40 thousand, but even that was before accounting for all his skills.

Every second more and more adventurers were being completely taken out of the fight, almost 8 of Ganesha's adventurers were barely able to stay awake as they lay all over the battlefield.

"He's getting more confident in knowing how much we can take without dying, this is bad," Finn realizes.

In most cases, adventurers had to focus on drawing out their own strength, but tonight their opponent was focused on holding back enough not to kill them. He was thankful for this but it made him worry, how much strength did Yang have in reserve?

Turning back to the crowd Finn calls out to his allies standing to protect the weaker adventurers, "Lefiya, Riveria," both women immediately turn to their captain, "be ready to chant, we need every drop of strength we can get," he says.

"What? But our magic won't work on him, right?" Lefiya ask.

"No, he wants us to buff them instead," Riveria casts a glance at the fight to see their numbers dwindling even further, "when the crowd thins out?" she asks.

"Exactly, we need to pressure him while we can to force an opening," Finn says as he rushes back into the fight.

"Ok," Yang barely ducks under a great hammer swung by one of Freya's Pallum quadruplets. "Can we do one on one fights instead?" he half-jokingly asks while backing up. They were slowly but surely pushing him back, he didn't have a second to counterattack as they all began to fight with more rhythm and cover for each other.

"Shut up!" Tione yells out, kicking out with a powerful strike only for him to grab her foot.

"Gotcha," he gives her a playful smirk.

Before anyone could react he leaps straight up, using wind to propel himself he drags the girl high into the air.

Never one to be made the fool she twists and kicks him across the chest, more annoying than painful but enough for him to drop her as they're fifty feet above the ground.

Landing on the stone floor with his ankles carving out trenches in the ground Yang looks up to see her already standing with her allies.

Now only Shakti, Freya familia, and Loki familia stood against him.

Some of them look a bit worse for wear, mainly Allen, the man had what were obviously finger imprints around his face from Yang holding him.

"I already beat like ten of your level-5s, can't you just go home now?" Yang asks, standing up and dusting himself off.

"Surrender and this ends," Shakti says, slamming her armored gauntlets together to hype herself up. To everyone, she looked fearless, but her mind was slowly being clouded with doubts, knowing the power of the forces at her side, but still seeing this...child, effortlessly clearing out half of them.

"Allen," the cat demi-human looks over to Finn, "I have a plan, I need your familia to stall him for a super long chant," Finn says.

"Tch, he'll be dead before that," Allen says as his executives walk forward with Shakti.

"Gareth," the Dwarf looks over to this friend, "we need to stop fighting like he's an adventurer, he's a Monster-Rex, let's act like it," the man says as they begin to put their plan into effect.

"Maybe you should wait for Ottar," Yang taunts Freya's executive as they approach, "then you might just have a chance," he chuckles lightly.

Earning a low growl from Allen their skirmish continues.

As the Gulliver brothers approach Yang barely casts them a glance, grabbing one of them by the head he throws the man across a few buildings sending him into the city somewhere.

Another is met with the bottom of his boot, shattering his helmet and completely knocking him out.

As he reaches out the grab the final two he instinctively pulls his hands back, the adamantite blade at the bottom half of Hedin's staff cuts the air where his hands would have been.

The Elf wastes no time in showing his superior combat training, With Hogni and Allen stepping in beside him they instantly have Yang on the back foot.

To the well-trained eyes of Freya's three level-6s, it was obvious that Yang was an amateur at best compared to them.

His strike placement was sloppy, his footwork was rigid and not completely fluid, and above all, there was a sense of hesitation in his strikes. They could avoid most of his hits simply by reading his movement and predicting him long before he reaches out, they were fighting a child, but a powerful child no less.

But this didn't change the situation at all, they simply couldn't hit him, two swords and a spear couldn't make contact because his numbers were higher than theirs. His Agility was higher so his combat speed was higher, his Endurance was higher so he didn't need any rest when compared to them.

"Ahh!" Yang cries out as Hogni slashes him across his chest, a shallow cuts almost shoulder to shoulder. Caught completely off guard, the blade didn't even touch him.

He immediately reacts by leaping backward, only for Hedin to stab forward, this time he grabs the Staff-Sword and pivots in mid-air using his flames to kick the Elf in the face, breaking his glasses and jaw in one move.

In the second he lost concentration he completely removed one of the strongest adventurers in the world from the fight. His instincts overpowering his intent to drag this fight out.

"How the hell?" he passes his fingers across his chest, feet now on the ground. He looks up to see Hogni's weapons, with blood dripping from the tip of the crooked black Sword-Staff.

Blood was dripping from the end, only it was two feet away from where the metal stops...an invisible blade extending the reach.

"That's so unfair," Yang mutters as he meets their charge.

Catching Allen's spear in his hand he uses Hedin's staff to clumsily bat away the remaining Gulliver brothers.

With a loud crash, the adamantite speartip shatters in his hand. Allen stumbles forward as Yang for the first time really goes on the offensive.

Faster than anyone could notice he knocks Shakti to the side, the woman immediately blacks out from him backhanding her across the face. He arrives in front of Hogni with a mix of anger and annoyance on his face, grabbing the dark Elf by the arm and lifting him up, only to slam him back into the ground.

"Agh..." the man groans in the small hole his body dug out as Yang takes his weapon. Now holding both Hedin and Hogni's Sword-Staves.

"This isn't even fair," Yang says as he drops Hedin's weapon. The half-wood half-metal weapon falling to the floor like a discarded toy as he inspects the invisible blade of Hogni's weapon.

At this point, he feels a sudden surge of magic, more magic than he'd ever felt before. He casts a glance over toward Loki's familia, to see quite a beautiful sight.

Hundreds of Elves were chanting, all using whatever spells they had, with Riveria's massive crimson magic circle expanding further and further, it reaches past his feet in an instant. He sees a dozen more magic circles as the Elves huddle to stand close together in hers, staves and other foci raised high.

Lightning, fire, ice, air, all kinds of magic spells were being cast, forming at the raised ends of their instruments.

He locks eyes with Riveria for a moment, she was casting her most powerful fire magic, the same magic he copied for some of his attacks. Beside her, Lefiya was forming some kind of magical strings, golden and thin floating around her. Her Elf Ring skill was in full effect, so she was copying another Elf's spell. All while Finn and the others were protecting them.

"Useless spells," Yang says as he turns his back to them all, facing down Allen and the barely standing Hogni. No amount of elemental magic from their little militia could ever take him down, pointless efforts.

"We...aren't...done," Hogni says as he raises his fists.

"Mhm," Yang holds his Staff-Sword up, channeling his own magic into the deceitful weapon.

Before their very eyes, the weapon shatters into bits of metal.

"Wh-what?" Hogni is completely dumbstruck.

"I overloaded it, that's all," Yang says as he rushes forward in the moment of confusion. Grabbing the Elf by the face and slamming his head into the stone floor once more, cracking the ground and almost burying his skull in it.

"BURN DAIN!" Hogni cries out, only last desperate bid to resist.

His right fist is engulfed in orange flames as he points it toward Yang's face, but to his horror, the young adventure blows on the flame. Like a child blowing out a birthday candle, his magic was overpowered by a mix of Wind and Cold elements. What was normally a concentrated flamethrower capable of destroying any regular monster below level-6 became useless against the Elementalist.

All who weren't chanting were silently watching in astonishment, this entire fight had only brought their hopes lower and lower. Watching Yang easily dispatched Orario's strongest adventurers in quick succession, now he was effortlessly overpowering the magic.

"So you aren't all talk," Allen reluctantly admits, gritting his teeth as he holds his pointless spear.

"Isn't that a relief for you," Yang smirks at him. "At least you know she chose the better man..."

Allen immediately dashes forward, as if he were seeing the man move at a snail's pace Yang deftly grabs him and throws him to the ground. Allen hits the stone floor hard enough to break it apart before skipping like a pebble on a lake all the way to Finn's feet.

"You ok?" Finn asks, Allen barely hears him over the ringing in his ears, shaking his head to fix his blurry vision. Using his weapon, formerly a spear but now a staff because of the broken tip to support himself.

"I'm fine!" He snaps at the Pallum, holding his obviously injured shoulder as blood runs down the side of his head.

"YANG!" Finn calls out, seeing the man sauntering up to them without a care in the world, his only injury being a shallow cut across his chest from what would normally be a bloody assault. "This is your last chance to surrender," the Pallum says, a formality at this point considering how far they've already gone.

"Mmm, why would I do that? Freya familia is done," he looks around and gestures to the bodies littering the battlefield, "Ganesha familia were less than useless honestly," he points at Shakti and her allies either completely unconscious or groaning in pain on the floor. "And last I checked, none of these spells are gonna do shit," he gives all the mages chanting a closer look, seeing mostly elemental spells, just as he expected. Anything else was a rarity after all.

"I already told you," Finn actually walks up, standing only a few feet away from Yang to point his spear at the man. "We are Orario's adventurers, we will bring you down," he says before knocking the end of his spear into the stone floor, signaling all the Elves to enact their plan.

While Yang was going easy on everyone to drag this out and stall for his team, Finn was using that time wisely to bring him down...


This was by far the hardest chapter I've ever written, so many combatants and fight scenes are my weakness so damn it was stressful, wanted to at alteast get my schedule back on track this week. Predictions for the next chapter? And I'm mostly ok :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yang bodies Freya familia(Minus Ottar being there)

---Ganesha familia never stood any chance.

---Loki familia and Allen are all that are left+ whatever they're planning with all the Elves.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts