
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 154(Unbreakable?)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk



"Rea Laevateinn!" Riveria yells out, finishing her chant and firing a massive pillar of flame into the air.

Signaled by their princess, most of the elves follow her lead. Firing their magic into the sky above.

This only confuses Yang, he gives them a curious look, "uh, you know I'm standing here right?" he asks Finn.

Yang's hands were in his pockets as he stares down the Loki familia.

As he takes a few steps back, preparing for whatever Finn was planning, he looks at the area above them to see magic in the air. Literally, the magical power of all the spells was lingering in the air as a massive glowing cloud, quickly being pulled downward.

Following the path, he sees it all moving toward Riveria.

Her Magic Circle was collecting all the magic expelled by the Elves, a skill unique to the princess of their race.

Fairy Anthem allows Riveria to collect all the magic expelled by any Elf within her circle to be added to a second spell. Essentially allowing any Elf to cast a spell once then recollect that magical energy and cast the spell once more for free, or in most cases amplify Riveria's magic to an absurd level.

"That's new," Yang gives it a curious look but makes no move to raise his defenses. He leaps away from the crowd, putting a hundred feet between himself and the Elves, still not all that concerned with what's happening but not underestimating Finn's strategic mind. Confidence potentially bordering on arrogance in the face of this army of trained adventurers.

"Fairy Threads! Bind all those who oppose the strength of the great forests!" Lefiya calls out.

Yang's eyes dart over to the girl as all the magic in the air immediately rushes to her instead of Riveria.

He immediately raises his hands to block any incoming projectile.

Riveria wasn't someone he had to worry about, all her spells were elemental, but Lefiya could use any spell if she knew the chant, how the spell works, and assuming it was from an Elf. She was dangerous.

As all of the magic is absorbed into Lefiya's staff it shines far too bright, Yang isn't able to see anything through the white light.

Suddenly he feels something holding his hands.

"What the---" he's suddenly pulled back as his body feels like it's being wrapped in tight cloth.

As his vision clears up he's suddenly slammed against a hard wall.

All his limbs were restrained, strapped up against the glowing white surface.

Looking forward he sees Finn smirking as everyone cheers, waving their weapons in triumph. Lefiya was using all her concentration to maintain the spell, Raul pouring elixirs over the girl to keep her up.

Looking around he sees his limbs strapped to a glowing wall, white threads reaching out from the wall and keeping him held tightly in place, feet off the ground leaving only his nose and eyes and mouth exposed. Just enough to glare at Loki familia proudly walking up to him with Allen at their side.

"I told you I'd kill you," Allen is about to pounce on the restrained target, only stopping when Gareth stands in front of him.

"Settle down, we won, no need to start killing people," the Dwarf says.

Glaring at the man, Allen reminds himself that he was the only executive of his familia still standing and decides to play along as Finn's entire team was still up. "Fine," he bites out.

Walking up to their prisoner, Finn, Gareth, Allen, Bete, and Tione stare right into his eyes. Tiona stays a few steps back holding Urga tightly, still ready for the worst. Riveria and Lefiya are all the way back with the crowd, along with the rest of their familia the woman was focusing on helping the girl keep her spell strong.

"Ganesha familia is already digging through the rubble, won't be long until your team is caught too," Finn says. His intense blue meeting Yang's bored brown eyes, earning an eye roll from the young man.

"This is impressive, what is it?" he asks, eyes glancing over to the left to see some adventurers running by with construction equipment to get to his team.

"A useless spell," Finn says. "Only works if we have enough magic, and unless we happen to have every high-level Elf in Orario on hand, it's pretty much pointless. It's meant for restraining people... and their magic," Finn says with a proud smile.

"I'm flattered, you couldn't beat me so you stalled me," Yang says.

"Trapped you, you got caught because you're another cocky criminal who thought he could beat our captain!" Tione yells in his face, earning a slight glare from him.

"Tione, get back," Finn says. The girl immediately returns to his side. "You were stalling, if you wanted you could have punched holes in those adventurers, so why didn't you?" Finn asks.

"I've got no reason to kill them, they're just an inconvenience right now," Yang answer truthfully. "Honestly, there really isn't a single threat here."

"Says the man in chains!" Allen points out, his blood boiling at the thought of not being able to execute Yang as he is.

Finn doesn't miss the meaning in his words, the threat might as well be yelled in his ear. "What's your team doing?" he asks.

"You'll find out when we're done," Yang fires back.

"Why betray Orario?"

"Because we had our reasons."

"That's not an answer."

"It's my answer...so," Yang looks past Finn back toward Lefiya, the girl was completely fine, she barely even broke a sweat with this spell, "how long does this spell last anyway?" Yang asks.

"Long enough for us to deal with you... maybe even get Hephaestus down here to remove your Falna so we can really put you on trial," Finn threatens.

This made Yang nervous, that was a very real possibility, they betrayed Hephaestus too, he had no idea how she'd react.

"She really didn't know about this," Finn immediately sees the nervousness on Yang's face.

"It's complicated."

"Betraying ya goddess, that's low," Gareth says.

Ais only looks at the floor as this topic comes up, still not in the good books with her allies at all.

"Yeah well, shit happens," was all Yang said, his eyes darting to the left once more, seeing more and more rubble being cleared out from the pathway to the underground prison.

"Awe...he's scared for his friends," Bete taunts Yang, not missing the obvious concern on their prisoner's face.

"Not for them, I'm the friendly one between our main fighters," he says.

"Uh, Finn," everyone turns around to see Tiona nervously looking at them. "Maybe we should send Gareth down there... Thalie's kinda... strong," she says with some apprehension.

"No way in hell two of these freaks are on the same team," Bete says.

"Bete," Finn silences him with a stern look. "They got to the lower floors as a three-man team when our entire familia couldn't, I doubt their levels really match their strength anymore," he concludes.

"That's a simple way to look at it," Yang admits.

"Gareth, go lead the team heading down there, I don't think Shakti's people will be enough," Finn tells the dwarf.

With a stern nod, Gareth hoists his great-axe over his shoulder and begins walking off, leaving Allen and Finn as the main forces to guard Yang.

"Bad idea," Yang says. Gareth immediately stops in his tracks to look back at the man. "If you leave then what happens when I break out of here?" he asks innocently.

"Please," Tione rolls her eyes at him, "even you can't break out of here, a hundred Elves are holding you in place, it's unbreakable so just stay there and shut up."

"Wait," Finn stops Gareth, casting a curious look on Yang. "Something feels off..." his thumb suddenly felt like it was being held against hot lava. Pain not unlike what he felt as a warning when they were fighting the Rajang.

"Hey Yang," Welf's voice is suddenly heard. They all immediately take their battle stances and look around, waiting for the enemy to reveal himself.

"Yeah, I'm here," Yang responds.

"We're out, you good?" Welf asks, they now realize his voice was coming from Yang's hand, his message ring within the restraints.

"Yeah I'll meet you in a minute, just gotta walk outa here," Yang casually responds.

"Gotcha," Welf cuts off the call.

With wide eyes Finn readies his spear and calls out, using his Command Howl his orders reach all the way to the spectating crowd, "Riveria chant!"

One moment Yang was held firmly in the magical restraints, the next his arm tore through it with some struggling and reached out to Finn.

The man barely moves back in time to avoid being grabbed.

"Wha---" Tione's words are cut short by Yang completely shattering the spell.

A small explosion knocks everyone back leaving a crater at their previous location.

"Ok, that spell was pretty cool, but you really underestimate how unfair I am," Yang chuckles as he walks out of the dust cloud.

"What are you?" Gareth asks, coughing to get some of the dust out of his mouth as he holds his axe up.

"I'm just a dude, you can take a hit right?" Yang gives Gareth a playful smile.

"What?" Gareth looks confused for a moment, then disappears in the next.

Done with all the stalling Yang decides to simply make his point and end this quickly.

Rushing forward as if he was teleporting he arrives at the side of Gareth. To his credit, the man slashes out horizontally.

Yang catches the enchanted adamantite axe between his hands, applying pressure and shattering the blade with ease.

With wide eyes, the Dwarf and all his allies stare at the pieces of metal on the ground. The axe that was durable enough to kill Rajang was completely destroyed.

Gareth barely raises his arms fast enough to block the incoming punch, feeling his forearms shatter as he rockets through the air, soaring above the buildings only to get stuck in the massive walls that surround the city, completely unconscious and two hundred feet above the streets.

"Shit... my bad, didn't mean to hit him that hard. He should be ok," Yang says with a nervous smile.

Feeling someone approaching he easily steps to the side to dodge a flying kick from Tione, grabbing the woman out of mid-air before she flies past him and slamming her into the ground, leaving the unconscious amazon in a shallow crater.

Suddenly before Yang can even realize what's going on he has Tiona, Bete, and Ais slashing at him. Both women with their signature weapons and the werewolf with two combat knives. All being protected by Riveria buffing spell Van Alheim, magic that constantly heals and raises defense.

Easily outpacing them he shatters Urga, the clunky weapon being the easiest to grab onto. Kicking Tiona in the side he can feel some of her ribs crack as she flies over to Riveria.

Tione immediately begins to rage, her Berserker skill causing steam to rise from her skin, only for her to be sobered up with a single hit to the face, knocking some of her teeth out and breaking her nose, completely putting her to sleep.

"Why are you even fighting?" Yang asks Bete, gently parrying his angry strikes to the side.

"Graaahhh!" All Bete does is growl and yell at him.

"Ok... that doesn't answer me at all," Yang says as he finally gets annoyed and kicks Bete in the leg, breaking his shin and the special equipment on his boot, some of Tsubaki's best work.

"Because," Bete finally speaks up through the pain as he lays on the floor, "it's the plan," he gives Yang a cocky smile.

"Ariel," Ais chants, immediately flying into action, Yang takes a ready stance to counter her assault. Only it never happens, she grabs Bete and jumps away, leaving him confused.

"Tir na Nog!" Finn yells out from behind Yang, suddenly sprinting out from the crowd with Allen at his side, both men also under the effect of Riveria's spell.

The Pallum's hand was glowing with a golden light, Tir na Nog, his throwable magic that can only be used once in 24 hours. Adding all his ability and skill totals to his magic stat before taking effect.

Allen's hand was glowing bright white, the very same destruction magic that destroyed the Deviljho, a counterpart to Finn's magic.

Two spells born from the desire to overcome an insurmountable obstacle, for Finn it was the despair of his people, but for Allen, it was the king, Ottar.

Seeing both the attacks coming directly toward him, Yang doesn't even move. With his stats he has all the time in the world to get out of the way, but that's not why he's here.

All he does is raise his arms and prepare to take the magic head-on.

Where everyone was expecting an explosion, there was only a flash of light and silence.

Destruction magic that completely annihilates anything it touches, even the air is destroyed to the point that it can't carry the screams of the victims.

Both Allen and Finn almost collapse in exhaustion. The Pallum dropping to his knees and the cat demihuman falling in tandem.

Everyone was completely speechless at the destruction they witnessed.

Where the prison building once stood in this compound was now just a field of dust, the remains of anything that was unfortunate enough to be in the wake of their combined attack.

"D-did you kill him?" Riveria asks, not quite sure if she wants to know the answer herself.

"I...don't...know," Finn says between tired breaths, his entire body feeling sluggish. All he wants right now is his warm bed to sleep off the aftereffects of this magic.

"He's dead," Allen says with a smile. His magic alone is fatal to Ottar, together he and Finn could easily kill anyone or anything with an attack like this.

Seeing the downcast expression on Riveria's face, Lefiya walks up and holds her hand, giving her a light squeeze to try and comfort the woman.

As if they had an agreement all the adventurers paused for a moment of silence...before someone rudely interrupted them.

"Ouch," Yang groans out. His hand sticking up from the bed of dust in the flat field they made with the attack.

As he sits up, everyone is horrified to see most of the skin on his upper body either gone or badly damaged. Half the skin on his face was gone, including his lips, leaving his mouth in a permanent smile.

"Yang, you need healing," Riveria says in a panicked voice, immediately moving to rush over to him while earning odd looks from her allies.

Raising a hand, Yang stops her.

Closing his eyes for a moment his mage armor flares to life on his body. Putting more and more of this magic into the flames he raises the intensity to levels these adventurers couldn't imagine.

To them it felt as if a Sun was on his body, the heat made their lips crack and throats dry up, whatever grass was remaining began turning brown and blowing away.

Before their very eyes they see his skin healing, rapidly self-repairing and making him whole again.

Nobody knew what to do, all their efforts...useless.

This is what always happens beneath his mage armor when he does his massive attacks. It's why he has to eat so much all the time, his skills both hurting himself and healing himself in a masochistic balance.

"Mmm, ahhh," he passes a finger across his mouth to feel his newly reformed lips. "Haven't felt anything in a while, thanks for that," he gives Finn and Allen a playful smile.

Drinking in their horrified expressions as he takes a deep breath...before rolling his eyes at the incoming annoyance.

Moving to his side, Desperate, Ais's sword slashes downward.

Raising his leg he kicked her in the shoulder, just hard enough to knock her down before giving her an unimpressed look.

"You already lost princess, what are you doing?" Yang asks.

"We, I... I can't lose to you. Or anyone..." Ais says, standing on her feet once more and pointing her blade at him with a hateful look.

"This feels personal, is this personal?" Yang asks with a perplexed look.

"You... you shouldn't exist. I've worked too hard, and come too far... I can't let you win," Ais's words are rough, as if she was so angry she could burst into tears.

Rather than stop her, Finn and Riveria decided to just let her get this out, it wasn't like she could actually hurt her opponent here after all, that they were certain of.

"I completely agree," Yang's words catch everyone off guard. "But life isn't fair, I don't wanna be an adventurer but I don't have many options here, even if you do everything right, you can still fail," he says.

"Wha---you..." her surprise and confusion turn to anger and hate, the only thing she felt that she could truly rely on. "Ariel," her wind magic is summoned once more, this time focused completely on the blade of her sword.

"Uh, I'm the Elementalist, remember?" Yang points out. His words don't reach her, she's devoid of reason, only running on emotions.

Ais was blinded by her hate, for the first time her Avenger skill worked on something that wasn't a monster. A skill that raises her attack power depending on her hate was activated when she held her sword against Yang, against a man whose existence meant she'd never see her mom again.

Because he'd clear the dungeon first at this rate, he'd get to the bottom and find her first, and who knows what would happen next. Her decade of training and suffering, all for him to come and sweep it all away in one year as if it were nothing.

"Lil Rafaga!" Ais rushes forward, focusing all her wind into one swing, betting everything she was on this single attack.

Only for him to catch it in his hand. Her wind didn't even cut him, a small barrier of his own wind blocked her with ease.

All her efforts, almost 11 years of blood, sweat, and tears, for nothing.

"I-impossible," she releases her sword and crumples to the floor on her knees. Tears streaming down her face as she stares up and the man still holding Desperate.

"This feels like it's about more than just me being stronger than you. But honestly, not my problem," he holds the blade with both hands, heating the metal more and more with his magic before her very eyes. "Some people are just freaks," for just a moment his Chaos Mark appears on his body. The red tattoo-like marking causing everyone to panic slightly and move back.

All but Ais, the girl wasn't afraid, she wasn't brave either. She gave up, his existence killed the reason for her to live, she didn't care what happened next... she almost wanted him to just kill her, and give her peace.

Just like she didn't care when in the next moment he snapped her sword in two.

Dropping both halves of Desperate, a Durandal blade. Thought to be indestructible as none had ever broken before, made from many cultures coming together to figure out the best methods for smithing, completely broken.

"Cheap toys can't compare to what Welf makes, indestructible by the method, but the materials were lacking," he was right. Only their team could bring metals up from the lowest floors. The Durandal method is incredible but cheap Adamantite was still cheap Adamantite.

While everyone was staring at the broken blade in shock, Yang looked over to Riveria and gave an uncertain look, "you daughter needs therapy," he says before rocketing into the air like a meteor leaving them all in stunned silence.

Little did he know Riveria herself could use some therapy.

Arriving a few kilometers outside of Orario less than a minute later, Yang lands on a small hill where his team is waiting for him.

"Oh god, what the fuck?" he immediately steps away from them. The scent of the sewers still fresh on both adventurers.

"Not my proudest moment I'll admit," Welf says.

"It got the job done, can you help us out," Thalie says as if were just business as usual.

Using his water and thankfully withdrawing a lot of soap they get clean on their way to make camp away from Orario.

"So how'd it go?" Yang asks.

"Surprisingly easy," Thalie admits, "Adrestria really doesn't make em like she used to."

"Well no offense but I'd feel a lot better knowing I never have to see something like that again," Welf says.

"Agreed, Thalie does some horrific shit," Yang says.

"You're both just soft, anyway, did you have fun too?" she asks.

"Uh...kinda, beat up Loki, Ganesha, and Freya familias...no Ottar tho," he says slightly disappointed.

"You wanted to take the crown, thought you didn't care about that..." Thalie points out.

"Nah I just wanted to know how strong he was, but...I kinda used a fuckton of magic to do some flashy healing and break Ais's sword so at that point it could have gotten messy if he showed up," Yang admits, still not sure where Ottar matches up against him, in his current state at least.

"Huh, makes sense, but did the plan work?" Thalie asks.

"Like a dream, should be easy to come back," he says.

"Uh," Welf interrupts them on their walk through the plains, "one second, what the fuck do you mean 'I broke Ais's sword'?"

"I snapped it in half, took a lot more magic than I thought to do it, and honestly had to use my Chaos Mark, it's tough," Yang says.

"Because it's Durandal...indestructible weapon, ring any bells?"

"Yeah, but you said that's only relative to the situation and materials right?"

"Yeah but," Welf gives him an exasperated sigh in defeat, "Durandal has literally never been broken, why can't you understand how much of a freak you are?"

"Because I've never been normal to compare? And besides this just makes my plan work even better, going back should be way easier now that I did that, so anyway where are we going?"

"West, Adrestria is based far south of Rakia," Thalie says.

"Mhm, alright, let's go see what she's up to," Yang says.

"Never thought I'd ever be doing something like this...you're a bad influence," Welf says.


"Both of you..."


And the adventure continues, thoughts on the fight and stuff?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---The power of the Elves through their princess and Lefiya is pretty OP.

---Yang tanks both Finn&Allen magic at once.

---Gareth got one shot.

---He broke Ais's sword.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts