

A boy who since he was born wants to be a samurai, will have to face monsters, creatures of other races and even other samurais, will have to learn magic to strengthen himself and explore this magical world. His name is Takashi Akira.

Daoistu0c0sS · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: part ( part 2 )

When he was at the blacksmith to sharpen his sword, the blacksmith asks him: Are you sharpening your sword for the right tournament?

Takashi: Tournament?

Hiroshi: A tournament the king is having to see who is a possible elemental samurai candidate, it looks like they lost a lot of elemental samurai.

Takashi: How does the tournament work?

Hiroshi: the tournament works in rounds, you defeat the other participants until the last two remain, whoever wins the final wins a prize in elementis and goes to live in the king's castle, to train and become an elemental samurai.

So Takashi went home to train after realizing that the tournament was the first step towards becoming the best elemental samurai in the world. When Takashi stopped training, he thought about buying a better sword, but after seeing the amount of elementals that the blacksmith's swords cost, he finally gained courage and opened the chest where he had kept the sword that his grandfather had given him. before dying, when he took the sword he had visions of wars and people he had never seen dying, and when the visions ended the sword was no longer rusty. Soon after takashi went to try Matsuo's sword, and the sword was incredibly light, sharp, easy to maneuver and extremely difficult to break, it looked like a perfect sword 200 times better than the swords of the blacksmith.