
Electronic Musician's Transmigration

A music critic transmigrated into a world without his, now her, favourite genre. She decides to change that, with nothing but her brains, and her love for Electronic Music. As she navigates through this new world, she encounters many challenges, from fierce competition to sexist attacks. But she won't let that stop her from reaching her goals. With her quick wit, and a little otherworldly knowledge, Tang Miaoyi sets out on a journey to build her reputation and restore a lost genre to this new world. ____________ First of all, this is a translation. Other people here have tried translating this before, but no one I've seen has gotten past chapter 30. Shout out to Tenison, because they're the reason I found this novel in the first place. Second, this won't be a 100% accurate translation. I'm doing this so other people can read this book and because I love the concept of it. Of course, in typical web novel fashion, Chinese nationalism and casual sexism are rampant in the source material, so I try my best to remove that. I do make mistakes every now and then, so it won't be 100% accurate anyway, but I try my best. And since I'm basically writing fanfiction at this point, that's why it's in this section. Plus, the original author uses IRL song, place, and company names occasionally, so might as well, just to be safe lol. TLDR, It's a translation, and I'm translating loosely. I try to update at least once a day, and occasionally I'll feel a little silly and upload two. Oops! Anyway, tangent over. Hope you enjoy! (Cover by Skrecas)

Nova_Shadowsky · Musique et band
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162 Chs

Dream Painting

Song Ziyin felt particularly good today, humming a tune as she walked out of the manager's room and knocked on the receptionist's table. "Xiao Feifei, how's the business today? Is there anyone in Room 03? I was thinking of using it for a bit."

That's right, the "Dream Painting Recording Studio was owned by Song Ziyin! Although technically, it was a subsidiary of her father's company, she was still an honorary manager. Honorary because the day-to-day operations were done by a full-time manager.

All of the Dream Girls' singles were recorded here, in fact, it was why her father purchased the business. This was the reason it had so many celebrity endorsements, to both pay respects to Song Ziyin's father and due to the proven quality of the studio

It was no coincidence that Tang Miaoyi found this place out of hundreds of studios in Shanghai.

"Number 03... Boss, room 3 was just taken by a group with a reservation." The receptionist checked the record book on the table, "Are you going to finish recording the new song now?"

On the record book, labelled with today's date, the appointment slot for Studio 03 reads "Tang Miaoyi" in big letters.

"Is there already someone in there?" Song Ziyin leaned over to take a look, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Forget it, we can finish the rest tomorrow. It's not urgent anyway."

"But... Studio 04 and 05 are still available, and the equipment is the same," the receptionist whispered as a reminder.

"Hehe, you don't understand, I just like the environment in Studio 03. If any part of the new song isn't recorded in Studio 03, the song would feel uncomfortable." Song Ziyin replied with a smile.

"Okay, boss, as long as you're happy." The receptionist replied silently.

"By the way, who are the guests that made a reservation for room 03 today? They shouldn't be any big shots in the industry, their names are too unfamiliar," said Song Ziyin, who had successfully found an excuse to slack off. She sat comfortably on the couch, and splayed her body across it, covering the largest possible surface area.

If some of Song Ziyin's more... eccentric fans saw their idol in this state, they would not be able to resist the urge to rush up and do something... moist.

"They are probably not from the industry. They are two young girls who appear to be students. They are around your age, actually." The front desk lady replied truthfully, and after a moment's thought, added, "They didn't ask for Kevin to stay either."

"Well, they might just be two music lovers," said Song Ziyin, reaching out to embrace a cartoon pillow on the couch. She didn't ask any more questions, as she had only casually inquired.

Song Ziyin, being a good boss, knew that Kevin was one of the recording engineers at Dream Studios. He was specifically responsible for Room 03, and was normally the engineer responsible for all recordings within.

Initially, Song Ziyin didn't think there was anything unusual about this. It was not uncommon to see customers with their own recording engineer, as any artist with an agency, or a bit of money, no matter how small their fame would usually have a dedicated recording engineer.

However, the front desk lady shook her head and said, "They didn't bring a recording engineer. It's just the two of them in Room 03 right now."

"Oh? Are they planning to operate on their own?" Song Ziyin was now stunned. "What's going on? Are you sure no one else was with them?"

As an industry insider, Song Ziyin knew the ins and outs of being a recording engineer. It was a very demanding profession that required a deep understanding of music production. Anyone who's seen a recording studio knows the sheer number of buttons, knobs and switches is baffling. If you attempted to record without knowing what switch does what, once you were in front of the mixing console, all the knobs and buttons could easily confuse you.

"I have to go and see for myself," Song Ziyin said after some thought. Her eyes lit up with interest when the front desk lady mentioned the two girls. She quickly informed the front desk lady and went to the staff lounge. As she walked past, she caught a glimpse of Kevin, the recording engineer for Room 03, idle on his phone, grumbling to himself.

Song Ziyin went to the recording studio area and found Room 03's door. She turned the door handle with her small hand...

- - - - - - - - - -

In the recording studio, Tang Miaoyi wore headphones that did not fit her head size and shape, carefully listening to the feedback and the beat of the metronome. She gave a signal to An Qiuying, who was singing on the other side of the glass wall, to ask her to ease up a bit. Tang Miaoyi was still meticulous, adjusting the soundboard full of knobs and buttons.

Now, you might be wondering, why would a critic know how to use a mixing console? It's not like she learned how in the short time since she transmigrated, right?


You would be right! She never actually researched how to use a mixing console in this world.




Because she already knew how to use one!


Bet I tricked you with that one.


...Anyway, one of her friends in her other life had been a recording engineer, and he had demonstrated how to use the studio on occasion. The main difficulties are twofold in audio recording. Making sure the recording sounded polished and had the correct amplitude, and understanding what the console does. Being a critic, Miaoyi already had the audio part down, so it was just the confusingness of the console that she needed to be taught.

In the headphones, An Qiuying sang brightly and Tang Miaoyi was satisfied, giving her a thumbs-up. Unbeknownst to her, the studio door behind her had been opened and a second pair of headphones had been plugged into the output of the terminal. This second pair of headphones was usually for clients' companions, such as their agents or friends.

Focused on the feedback, Tang Miaoyi and An Qiuying did not notice the headphones being taken and worn by someone else. Song Ziyin clicked the switch of the headphones and adjusted the volume to a suitable level, then froze.

"Four years no call, now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar and...." The lyrics were the same as the original song. The singer's voice was very clear and hadn't undergone processing yet. Even so, the quality of the singer was apparent, and processing would just be redundant.

Backing up the vocals was a rough version of the song. It was stripped down to its essential parts and was being used as a guide for the singer, but Song Ziyin could hear the brilliance hidden beneath the sand.

"What a beautiful sound," Song Ziyin was stunned. "Did they really write this song themselves?"

Initially, when Song Ziyin entered the recording studio, she thought that the reason the clients of the 03 recording studio did not need sound engineers was that they wanted to play around and not adjust the sound themselves. However, at this moment, she realized that her idea was wrong.

The melody in her ears continued, and the beautiful singing continued. Soon, after singing the line "No I-I-I can't stop," Song Ziyin felt goosebumps rising all over her body at the next line,

"So Baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover" "That I know you can't afford..."

The simplistic lyrics left room for the electronics in the background to work their magic. Song Ziyin could feel the song slowly building up towards something, but she had no idea what, until the line,

"We ain't ever getting older."

Suddenly, Song Ziyin felt a feeling that hit her heart and spread from the depths of her soul, and it echoed in her ears. At this moment, her soul left her body.