
Eldritch-Touched Cultivator (ATG)

A guy finds himself reincarnated into a world he has no idea about, he only knows that it's a cultivation world. What will he do? ----------------------------- I own nothing but my original characters and plot, everything else is owned by their respected owners. ----------------------------- A general warning: This fic was made for me to satisfy my need to see a certain girl get romanced since I haven't seen any ATG fic about it. I'm also a slow writer so you won't get updated every day, but I'll upload when I'm done with the chapter. ---------------------------- If you wish to talk with me on Discord, I'm in these following ones https://discord.gg/ncrYddTrH8 - LuminouShadow novels https://discord.gg/ZMUGNKNUZA - The Den of Fanfics https://discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd - Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

Don_Fluffles · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

Chapter 6: A danger

I'm thankful for this book that Uncle Hongyi got me for my birthday, it's a beginning guide to formations and runes. It was very informative for me and Ling. She had a better idea about how things function here and I got more materials to work with.

While I've only read like 3 or 4 Manhwa about cultivation, there was something classic in all of them, a flying sword. It was something classy in a cultivation world and I wanted something like that.

So, I've been reading runes and formations, to see if they can help me do something like that. Ling has also read it and is trying to see if she can use something from her old world to help with these from this world.

It's gonna be fun, I like to learn new things, especially when I can begin to fly around with these. I could also make a flying carpet, making getting around easier.

I might even need it for finding Aunt Dongxue.

[All right, I've gone over my knowledge of runes and formations of my past world. While I am no master in it, I have extensive knowledge saved for situations where my mastery of things isn't enough]

What did you find? Anything that can be useful?

[I found that the runes are different, which is to be expected. The formations are a different matter because there are probably some which you can copy to have the same effects, to varying degrees. You would just need to find the right runes to use to have that effect]

This is a better start than I expected, now we just need more information runes from this world.

[How about you start experimenting with them? You can just ask your father to activate them, after all your veins haven't matured yet]

Which is frustrating, when are my veins going to mature? Like come on, I also want to begin cultivating. Things will be so much easier when I can actually cultivate.

[You just have to be patient, you might just be a late bloomer]

Doesn't make it less frustrating.

Sigh, I should just focus on these runes for now, see what type of formation's I can make. I do want to make a flying sword after all.

[You focus on that, I'll see what type of effect they have. If they have the same effect on the world as my old one, we can try to introduce some of the runes in my world and see how they affect each other or if they work at all]

Wait, if the runes from both worlds work together, do you think we can make a cloud that you could ride on?

[If and this is a big if. But should they work, then something like that might be possible. We had people riding on clouds all the time in my old world]

Let's get to work than.

POV: Lai Ling

Here she was, trying to stop the world from not terminating her, again. This has been an ongoing battle for a few years now, with the universe not accepting her every time. She didn't know what was wrong exactly but she thought it had something to do with the law of this world or better known as the heaven system not letting her become part of the world.

If her thoughts are correct then she would need the help of Yun. He was somehow accepted into this world's system with no problem, probably thanks to whatever that power of his was.

The only problem there was if they dared to use his power. The thing with them is that she was scared that he used them and somehow lost control, it would be a disaster if that happens.

While she wouldn't tell him that to his face, she had grown fond of Yun. He was a breath of breath air to her.

He didn't have the views of a cultivator, so she could talk to him and he'd listen to her. That meant that he wouldn't go to the obvious conclusion that she was evil because she was using darkness as her main element.

While she was far from a saint, she did have morals and a bottom-line that she didn't want to cross.

Of course, that was if she needed his powers, this was all just theories after all. If she could get her soul back to where it was, she could just brute force it and have the heaven system accept her.

It was all about having patients and she can wait a few hundred years if it comes to it. Not that she thought it would take Yun that long to become the master of this universe, even if he didn't know it yet.

With his dream to open a sect, it will be only a matter of time before everyone submits to him.

She knew that because she had seen his talent, Yun was terrifying in that aspect. He went through things fast and understood everything he was taught, only needing to ask questions when the examples/explanation he was given was confusing.

Nobody had noticed it yet, only thinking of him as a bright child but she knew that he would soon become truly strong.

While she knew that he was talented, she hadn't said a thing. Had she acknowledged his talent then that would have been the first step towards making him arrogant, which she didn't want or need.

No, it was better to have him work hard and not think of himself as a genius. Far too many have fallen into laziness when they thought of themselves as geniuses, she'd seen it happen many times, especially with clan kids who actually had the talent to help them become strong.

Though if there was one thing that she could complain about, it was Yun's concentration. You only had with him an hour at most before he stopped paying attention, it was annoying if she was being honest.

He seemed to think that it was because he had gotten some form of ADHD but she didn't think so. She was pretty sure that something changed when he was thrown into the void. It wasn't something big, just a little something that made him have concentration problems.

[Hey Ling, I think I'm done with this formation thing]

Oh? Already?

She looked through his eyes and saw the formation he had done, it was one of the formations in the book he'd been given, nothing complicated, it was one when activated would produce fire.

"It looks good from what I'm seeing, why don't you go have your father activate it for you?" While she doesn't really need to talk out loud, she thinks it better that way. It feels more engaging.


While he was doing that, she began concentrating. She needed her senses to be sharp for this, she needed to feel how the formation affected the world around it. If the effects were the same as her old worlds, then they can begin to use the runes from her old world.

She'd already walked Yun through the runes, he would only need to combine them, which depending on how complicated things were might take him a while.

Of course, this was all if things worked. But she guessed she was about to find out now.

With her senses heightened, she saw as Yun's father activated the formation. She felt the ripple the formation had on the surrounding space and the world itself.

The effect didn't last long, not with the paper Yun had drawn the runes on but it was enough to tell her that the runes in her world and this world were different.

The runes wouldn't work together because the 2 worlds runes worked differently. In her world, runes had to be used for thousands of years before they got a meaning, a meaning that the heaven itself bestowed upon them.

Those here however? They felt crude, she felt it when they activated. The runes were forcing themselves to come part of reality instead of already being part of it.

The problem with the runes here is that should you force the runes enough, you could make something unstoppable. These here basically had no limit to them, if you were to pressure the runes enough.

Something she didn't see happening, for to try and put more pressure on reality would only have the heavens retaliate against you.

[What do you think about that Ling?]

She needed to be careful not to mention this in front of Yun, for now.

POV: Song Yun

Woo! Lets goo!

My vines are finally mature enough to cultivate, I just got the news from my dad when he checked on them.

I can finally begin to do crazy shit.

[You do know that it will take a few years before you can do anything truly crazy, right?]

I didn't mean crazy shit as in punching and kicking, I meant as in we can finally power up our own formations. I have so many ideas for them but I'm afraid of doing them in front of dad and the others.

[I'm just glad you can begin cultivating, it'll make things easier for me]

In what way?

[I'll explain it later, you should go now you're father is waiting for you]

Alright, keep your secrets.

Anyway I need to go now so I quickly put on a white shirt and run out of my room. I see my dad near the door, looking ready to leave, so I just put on my shoes, "Alright, I'm done"

Dad nods before he opens the door and we leave, taking our time to reach the grassy plains where I train almost every day. It's outside the city but not far away to put myself in danger.

"Dad," I started a conversation between us, "How long do you think it'll take me before I enter Elementary Profound?" I really hoped it wouldn't take me too much time, I don't really have the mental energy to just meditate for hours on end. I just can't.

"Hmm, it would depend on how much of your vitality you're willing to cultivate each day." Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. "Of course, cultivating your vitality is tiring, I'd say you might be able to do it for an hour at most today, most of which will be you getting used to making sure not to waste your energy."

It's better than what I was expecting to be honest, I thought that I'd have to spend a few hours today but it seems that it doesn't take a lot of time to get used to cultivating.

Yay for me~

It didn't take us much longer to reach the grassy plains, we were a little to the side so that people wouldn't disturb us.

"Alright, let's begin," My father began, sitting across from me in a lotus position, "You'll first need to close your eyes and try to feel the energy inside of you. When you've gotten to that part, everything else comes to control. You'll have to control your energy to your Profound Veins and try to fill them up"

I nod my head before closing my eyes and concentrating on something inside my body, I'm not sure what though, just that it's energy and supposed to stick out to me.

I can feel my heart pumping, my lungs expanding and contracting when I breathe. Those aren't what I was looking for though, I think I need to look deeper, concentrate more.

Hmm, I think I feel something. It's not something I'm used to though, it's something new. I concentrate more on that feeling, try to gasp it.

The more I got used to this new feeling, the easier it seems to take hold of it. This is the energy dad was talking about, right?

Seems easy to grasp so far, which is great for me.

"Dad, I felt my energy" I told him without opening my eyes, I wanted to continue feeling this energy and see how to control it. Hopefully, it'll be just as easy.

POV: Song Guang

"See, this is why I told you not to overdo it"

"I know, I know. Just thought I could enter Elementary Profound right way"

Guang couldn't help but snort a little, he'd done the same thing when he had started cultivating with his father.

I guess some things just run in the family.

They weren't far from home now, just a few minutes away, he then could get his son to his bed.

Though while walking he couldn't help but realize that this was the first time he's given his son a piggyback ride, something he hadn't thought of doing before. Which was weird but not that weird considering that his son was oddly mature in some areas.

He began wanting to sleep by himself from the age of two and began dressing himself at three. By four, he could read and write, he even came up with a new game by that age.

The point was that his son was a mature one and a genius, just mixed with the stupidity of a child.

It made him weird and he wasn't the only one to notice that but he still loved his son, no matter the weirdness.

While thinking about all the bizarreness from his son, he reached his house. He gently opened the door before walking in towards Yun's room. Tenderly laying Yun on his bed, he took off his shoes before putting the blanket on him.

"Good night" He was about to walk away, but something stopped him, Yun's hand was gripping his sleeve. He was about to have Yun's hand let go when he heard him mumble something, something he almost didn't hear.

"Love you… Dad"

Even if people tortured him, Guang would never admit that he teared up from that.

Looking at his son's peaceful face, he had only one thought.

Maybe a nap isn't that bad

POV: Xiao Lie

He sat quiet in the meeting hall, letting the other elders debate for themselves. He had other things to think about.

A bear was spotted near their city, not any bear but a bear with a cultivation of at least Spirit Profound Realm. They just managed to feel it before it went back to the forest but it has put them all on guard.

They needed to assemble a force and deal with it before it dealt with them. Furthermore, they should also ask for help from outside the city.

What's worse is that he wasn't the man he was in his youth anymore. He had to admit that Song Guang was their best hope right now but even he would need help, which is what the elders of the Xiao Clan were discussing right now.

Sadly, they were more concerned with profits than the safety of the city.

Sigh, this is why he didn't like the rest of the elders. Greedy old men who didn't know what was good for them.

Chapter 6 end