
Chapter 5: Helping Children

I was sitting in my room now, a pencil in my hand. I was writing down anime techniques I wanted to recreate, some I already have an idea on how to do, others not so much.

For example, Armament Haki, that's just you putting more energy into your body. It makes you tougher, which is what Armament Haki essentially does. Observation Haki is you being aware of your surroundings, of course there are other things you can do with it, like sensing emotions or future sight but for now, I had no idea how to make them work so it stays in my notebook until I figure it out.

I have another three techniques that I want to work out, them being Three Great Fairy Magics, Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere. I like those magics, a lot. I've always been a fan of Fairy Tail magic, it looked so cool and they always had cool techniques. I'm especially a fan of Fairy Law.

Meteor is another spell I wish to recreate, though mostly because it's a movement spell, those are always good to have.

[You are going to need a lot more techniques if you want to start a sect]

Right, I forgot that not everyone can share the same technique, besides that, those techniques shouldn't be used by anyone, willy-nilly.

[I have a few techniques that we can recreate, they shouldn't be to hard]

Oh, thanks. We could also go around and see if we can find more techniques to use, with that, we'll have plenty.

[There will always be a few Cultivators who have died and left behind good techniques to use, if we find them, we get even more techniques to our library]

Great, it seems like we have plenty of ways to make our library bigger. Now we just need to find or create them.

Now, we've put it aside for long enough, Ling

[Put what aside?]

What did you think of One Piece?

No answer? Come on, I won't get mad I swear.

[I don't know why but I don't believe you]

No for real, I just want to know if you liked it.

[Sigh, look, the show was alright. It wasn't my taste for things, I liked Dragon Ball better. I won't disagree that One Piece has better world building than anything I've seen so far, but Dragon Ball felt more my thing. I think it's because the story is more focused on fighting rather than adventure]

Yeah, that's fair. We all have different tastes, I won't hold it against you. Though I have to say, I pegged you more of a Bleach fan then anything


Nothing much to be honest, just that swords and cultivators usually go hand in hand. And while Bleach is on the bottom of my favorite anime of the big three, it has cool techniques.

Wait. Bleach techniques!

I quickly open another page and write Bleach on the top of the page. I then begin to write down a few techniques that I actually liked from the show and some that can be useful, like Flash step, that could be a good technique to have, another one that I wanted to have but probably wouldn't be so useful in an actual fight, Cero.

Admittedly, I'm not all going for useful techniques, but who can blame me? Imagine having the opportunity to make those powers a reality and not doing so. That's a big no in the dweeb world and I'm an anime fan and have always wanted to do those things.

[So, you done?]

Oh, right. Sorry. I forgot about everything when this idea came.

[You know if I didn't know better, I would have been deeply offended]

Yeah, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to just leave mid-conversation. That was just rude of me.

[It's alright, I forgive you]


[Though I'll never forgive you for making me watch that abomination called Teen Titans]

I'll never ask for forgiveness for that! I'll stand my ground until I die on that end.

*Bam Bam*

Huh? What's going on? Why is someone banging on the door? I should probably go check.

Once I'm out of my room in a few steps, I directly walk towards the front door, since that's where I heard the banging. When I came to the front door, I saw that my dad beat me to it, he was already talking to someone, I couldn't tell who because I couldn't see past my father's body.

I waited until he was done talking, I didn't want to interrupt because it seems something important is going on.

Only when the person was done talking and my dad closed the door did I make my way to him "What's going on dad? Why was that person banging on our door?"

He walked closer to me before while shaking his head "Lingxi ran away from her Clan compound and they don't know where she is right now" Huh, that's concerning news. "They wanted me to help cover more ground. They're afraid that someone else gets to her before they do"

Oh, yeah kidnapping. Why wouldn't someone like to kidnap the daughter of the strongest elder and the strongest person in Floating Cloud City. "You're going to help, right?" I was relieved when he nodded his head.

"Can you stay home for now? I wish I could take you to Xia Manor but I'm pressed for time" I nod my head, of course I could stay home by myself.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Go find her before something happens to Lingxi" He gave a look for a sec before nodding. What was that for?

He then quickly put his shoes on before making his way outside. "Yun, no going outside okay?"

I just roll my eyes "Yeah dad, I know. I won't go outside" He stared into my eyes for a few moments before closing the door.

So rude. Hmph.

[We both know you're going after her]

Of course, that doesn't mean he had to be rude about it. Besides, it's not like anything will happen to me, I've got you with me.

[Just so we're clear, I'm not your bodyguard]

Duh, we're friends and friends help each other.

[I… Just go change so we can be done with this faster]

On it.

Now, where can we find our little friend? Can you sense her Ling?

[I think I do, she should be near the edge of the city, near the forest]

I began to jog there, the forest was on the east side, luckily for me, I live near the east side. Though I do have to be careful not to get seen by people who know me.

What do you think she's doing there?

[I'm not sure to be honest, it could be a coincidence that she ran there]

I just hope that nothing happens to her before we get there.

It was only like 10 minutes later that I arrived at the place she was supposed to be. From here though, I'll have to be careful. The forest was dangerous, though thankfully Lingxi had enough of a brain not to enter it.

I walked carefully, with Ling pointing me to Lingxi's location. Thus, without much fuss, I saw her, she was crying, sitting on the grass between some bushes. Now, how do I approach this?

[What do you mean, how do I approach? Just go to her and tell her that she did something stupid]

Ling, your cultivator side is showing. She probably ran away from home for a reason, after all she wasn't a spoiled child, so she wouldn't throw a tantrum just because. Something big must have happened.

[That doesn't mean she didn't do something stupid]

Of course, but she's a child, they do stupid shit all the time. It's why adults have to guide them, make them learn what they did was stupid or wrong. If you just scream in their face every time they do something wrong, they won't learn.

[What are you going to do then? Also, you'd be a good father]

You're making me blush. But as for what I'm going to do? I think I have a good idea. Lingxi has always been afraid to talk to me, so I'll have to ease her into it otherwise she'll just not talk.

[Good luck]


With our conversation done, I begin to walk not towards her but instead to make her see me. She won't be startled this way when I decide to make conversation. I walk there for a minute, just making sure that she can see me. When I saw that she began to relax, I sat down with my back towards her.

"So princess, I heard you ran away. Wanna talk about it?" I heard the bushes move a little when I talked just now. "What? Didn't think I could find you?"

We sat there in silence for a little while. "Di-Did my father send you?"

I just shake my head "Not at all, I came here myself, everyone else is looking for you right now" Another silence, this might take a while, I realize.

"How did you find me?" I chuckle a bit, maybe I should lighten the mood a little. I moved my head to the side so that I could look at her before giving her a big smile.

"I'll always be able to find you" The bushes moved again, will she get out? Nope, she just moved a little. "Can you tell me why you ran away? I might be able to help"

"My father he-he didn't let me sleep with Che'er anymore" Oh, a faster response, great. "He said that I shouldn't sleep with a boy. '' Okay, I get it. Even though we're 7, people here are almost paranoid about making sure boys and girls don't do anything together.

I kind of understand where Lingxi is coming from, she's a child, probably doesn't like to sleep alone, but Elder Lie likely didn't listen to that which brings us to this situation.

"Hey, mind if I come sit with you?" I should probably explain to her why she shouldn't sleep with Xiao Che but I can't bring up why in specific. It's how you please a child from doing stupid stuff, give them a good explanation on why they shouldn't do it. Most of them understand.

"I don't mind" I rotate myself so that I'm now seeing, I make eye contact before moving up and sitting with her, with a little space between us.

Once I sat comfortably I began talking "So, you're upset that Elder Lie won't let you sleep with Xiao Che so you ran away from home, am I right?" I looked towards her and she nodded. Now that I'm looking at her properly, she's disheveled, probably from all the running and hiding in the forest.

"I know that you're angry but running away from home won't do you anything" She looked like she was about to go off on a rant so I held up my hand, "Just listen, when you ran away from your Clan compound, it did nothing but have people worry about you, currently everyone is looking for you. They're afraid that something bad might have happened to you"

I didn't expect her to cry, I thought she would scream or try to argue, not cry. I guess she knew that she did something wrong and now that I've also pointed it out, she couldn't hold it back.

As gently as I could, I began to pat her head, which might have made the situation worse because she began crying even harder.

I eventually managed to calm her down, she's now just hugging me tightly. "You doing okay now?" Lingxi nodded her head in my chest.

"I want to go home" I heard her, even if she said it in a low voice.

I slowly let her go, standing up. "Come on, let's get you home" I gave her my hand which she took.

We slowly made our way out of the edge of the forest and back into the city, I didn't say anything and neither did she. I didn't mind it, sometimes silence is good. It also gave me time to plan how to make sure that no one knows it was me who found Lingxi.

Sadly, that didn't go anywhere when Lingxi's ankle decided to sprain, thankfully I was still holding her, so she didn't fall.

"Can you walk?" I ask while making sure to hold to her tight, I'd rather not have her fall.

She looked pained, almost looking ready to cry again. Though she seemed to power through it and gently laid down her left foot on the ground, she grimaced. Yeah this is no good, I'll have to carry her.

"Come on, I'll carry you" I crouched down with my back in front of her. After not feeling her move, I look towards her. Raising my eyebrow I had to ask, "You're not feeling shy all of a sudden, right?"

Seeing her blush is adorable, "Come now, you had the courage to run away from your home, a piggyback isn't that bad" Ah, her face entered a new shade of red. Man, this girl is truly adorable.

[Stop teasing the girl and get going, you have to get home before they see you, remember?]

Oh, yeah right, right. "Come on now Lingxi, there is no need to be shy, we're friends after all"

"We are?" That's what gets her out of her blushing, me stating that I am her friend. Kids are weird.

"Of course we are. Now let's get you home before people think something bad happened to you" I give her my hand to take so that she can lay on my back.

Once she's holding on tight and I felt comfortable that we wouldn't fall. With a hupp, I stood up, we didn't fall directly so that was good. She did feel heavy though, even with me having done work-out for almost a year now.

Slowly, I began to walk, trying not to fall. Silence took over again. Though I had more pressing concerns, how can I deliver Lingxi back home without being seen? That will be impossible now, she can't walk by herself anymore, so the previous plan of just getting her near enough before sending her alone is a bust.

Also, now that I think about it, what's with this anime cliché? I am in cultivation world right? This shit shouldn't happen.

[What anime cliché?]

Oh yeah, I haven't caught you up on Slice of Life anime. The cliché goes like this, the girl who loves the protagonist sprays her ankle, so now the protagonist has to carry her back home or the equivalent.


Don't you see why this is bad? Besides the obvious me being seen outside, this feels way to anime, meaning that something will happen soon that might just see me become broken just for character development.

[Why would that happen now? And please remember that you're in a cultivation world, not an anime world. Things like that don't happen here]

I really wish this is the case, I'd rather not lose anyone else.

"Um, Yun, can I ask you a question?"

I look sideways towards Lingxi before nodding, "Sure ask away"

"How did you find me?" Oh, this question again. I really wonder why she's so curious.

"I told you before, I'll always find you"

[You really are an idiot]

What was that for? I couldn't just say 'Oh I have a half-goddess in my soul that I made friends with over the years and whom happen to be able to find you'. This seems a far better alternative.

[Sigh, yeah sure. Just get her home]

Hey, answer me, what was the idiot comment for? And she cut off the connection, great.

"You're not scary"

Okay, I'm confused, I got one girl calling me an idiot and another thinking that I'm not scary. The fuck is going on?

Take it easy, Yun. Take a deep breath and focus on one thing. "Why did you think I was scary?" I'll focus on Lingxi for now, hopefully she'll be easier to understand.

She shook her head "I don't know, you just always felt like you're gonna eat someone" Eat someone? That's not helpfu- no wait, don't tell me that this girl can feel the energy I have.

Ling! Come here, we have more pressing matters now.

[What's going on?]

Lingxi may be able to feel that energy that is inside me.

[What? How? That shouldn't be possible. She shouldn't have any means to sense it]

I'll ask her and see if she can describe it more.

"Why did it feel like I would eat someone?" I always thought that she was just scared of boys in general, seems like I was wrong.

"I'm not sure but it felt like you'd eat someone's mind" I felt her shudder when she said that. Though I'm getting more concerned about what that energy is. "But I don't feel that from you anymore"

She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, okay it appears that we have another mystery on hand.

[We'll have to be more careful, I believe that someone is trying to make our lives worse]

Let's hope that they won't make their move before I can cultivate, at least in that time I can rely on something.

Silence took over as I began closing in on the Xiao clan compound, I can even see that some people recognize us.

I've already accepted that I won't be able to sneak in and return home before anyone sees me.

The last few days have been tense between my father and me. After I got Lingxi home and my dad got to see me outside without anyone to protect me, he got angry. It was the first time he had actually raised his voice when he talked to me, not even back when I got out on my own after Aunt Dongxue left did he raise his voice. Though I guess the circumstances were different.

Thing is, I couldn't sit still when I knew that Lingxi had gone missing because I was afraid, afraid that something bad would happen to her. Even if we weren't on the best of terms, I still considered her a friend.

When I tried to explain to him, he didn't want to listen to anything I had to say. So, we're in this tense state. And I've been grounded, until further notice.


I know and I get it. He was afraid that something might have happened to me, which is fair. I admit, going out somewhere where unpleasant people could have gotten a hold of me is reckless but I couldn't explain that I would have been fine, having Ling with me.

I had tried coming up with other excuses but he didn't want it. Uncle Hongyi can't talk to dad either because he's out of town until next week. Elder Lie tried to speak with dad to no effect.

He won't even go get himself a girl to fuck either because I'm home. He definitely just needed to bleed off some frustration and he'd be all good.

[I think you shouldn't make a move for now, take it easy for now.]

I was thinking the same thing. I'll wait until Uncle Hongyi is back from his trip, until then, I'll just rewatch some anime and see what more techniques I can use.

POV: Xiao Lie

Lie was grateful for his life, even with the bad things that had happened. He was grateful for having a daughter who loved him, grateful for his grandchild even if they weren't blood related.

In his early life, Lie was passionate, strong-willed, he had let nothing stop him. He had gotten married at a young age but he hadn't regretted it for he truly had loved his wife. Soon enough, his own son was born, a boy who had inherited his own will.

Back then, Lie was happy for he had everything he could have wished for. Maybe it was because he had taken everything for granted, but things soon began to go downhill.

It began when his wife while she was out got struck by black lightning, in the middle of a sunny day. Nobody could explain why it had happened, only that the consequences would be fatal.

Soon, his wife's health began to get worse and worse, which was multiplied by his wife's pregnancy.

That was not all though, for when his wife was getting worse, his son, Xiao Ying, had made friends with people who were hunted by various powerful sects.

With all these things in play, Lie didn't know where to put his attention, with his wife that might die when she gives birth? Or with his son, who needed his help to hide and treat his new friends.

While he wishes he could say that everything went well, it didn't. His wife soon gave birth to a beautiful girl but had died after birth. While he was grieving his wife's death, another news had hit him. Ying had swapped his son with the son of his friend, to make sure that their bloodline could continue.

Not even a week later, his son died, killed by those sects who had hunted his friends down.

He had almost broken, then and there. The only thing keeping him was the fact that he had a daughter and an adopted grandson to take care of, otherwise he would have taken his own life.

He continued on however, to make sure that his daughter and grandson could live the best life.

Years passed and he began to heal, slowly the void in his heart began to close, for his life with his daughter and grandson began to fill him with new hope.

He was also more than overjoyed when they managed to make friends with Song Guang's and Xia Hongyi's children when they first met them, though his daughter was a little afraid of little Yun, he had no idea why that was the case.

Though even that seemed to resolve itself when little Yun had found Lingxi after she had run away. He was thankful from the bottom of his heart that she was found because he didn't know what he would have done with himself if something had happened to her.

He felt guilty for making Song Guang and little Yun having a fight, however. Little Yun had found Lingxi before any of them could but he got yelled at instead of rewarded for his effort.

He had tried his best in making Song Guang calm down, even though he himself understood where he was coming from as a father. After all, he had a talk with Lingxi later on.

Right now though, Lie had to focus. His adopted grandson, Che, had come to him for advice after not being able to break through into the first level of Elementary Profound.

Lie was also confused, Che'er had done everything correctly and should have been able to breakthrough, though that obviously didn't happen. With that in mind, he had called the family doctors for help.

When they had checked on him, they had found something that shocked them, Che'er was born with damaged Profound Veins, meaning that he could never cultivate.

News quickly spread of course and soon Che'er was getting bullied by those thinking they were better than he. He had called for the best doctor in Floating Cloud City for help, Dr Seto. Though when he checked on Che'er, he had told them that the damage could never be repaired.

That had made Che'er lock himself up, thinking that he was worthless. Though when he didn't think things could get worse, little Yun had come and Lie was honestly scared, scared that little Yun would end his friendship with Che'er because he couldn't cultivate.

He could only hope that nothing like that happens.

POV: Song Yun

I was finally allowed to get out of the house, after Uncle Hongyi had talked to dad about hearing my side of things. Uncle Hongyi had also taken me to the Xia manor, letting me stay there for a few days, to the obvious delight of Qingyue and Yuanba.

I'm also pretty sure that in that time, dad had gotten laid because he seemed to be less tense.

I'm now on my way towards the Xiao Clan, wanting to visit Xiao Che. I heard what had happened and wanted to talk to him. I knew that the people of this world were more than willing to kick down on those who had some problems.

Xiao Che was my friend and I'm more than willing to help a friend. Besides that, I heard that he was depressed, not willing to come out of his room. I'm going there to tell him to suck it up and do something with his life, if in nicer words.

The nice guard that was escorting me stopped at the gate when we arrived, he didn't come inside. I then got escorted into the main building, directly to Xiao Che's quarters. I really didn't care about the rest of the clan, just Elder Lie, Lingxi and Xiao Che.

The rest of the clan were questionable at best, since it didn't take that long before they started to shit talk and bully Xiao Che. Really, what's up with that? Do people really not have any lives outside of bullying and shit talking?

[You'd be surprised at what people will do just to make your day inconvenient, even if you don't bother them at all]

People are weird.

Let's forget that for now, I need to pep talk Xiao Che after all. Though that will be difficult, what's with all these people going out of their way to make his days miserable.

As we near Xiao Che's quarters, I spot Elder Lie so when he looks my way, I wave. He does wave back but he seems nervous, what's up with that?

[I think he's afraid that you will not want to be friends with Xiao Che anymore]

Why would he be afraid of that?

[Because you stopping being friends with him will obviously only worsen the situation]

Oh, I get it. But he has nothing to worry about, I'm not stopping being friends with Xiao Che just because he can't cultivate, that's just untasteful.

[I'm ashamed to admit that I've stopped talking to people because they couldn't cultivate, in hindsight that was just awful]

Well, just make sure you learn from your mistakes, that's what really matters when you can't fix them.

"We're here, Young Master Song" I cringed because I wasn't prepared for that.

"Thank you" I nod my head at the servant, he quickly left afterwards. Now I was standing before Xiao Che's quarters and it's time to make him come out.

Can't have him be depressed forever.

Walking forward, I go up the three stairs before knocking the door. I waited for a few seconds and waited some more but it became clear that he didn't want to see anyone.

Too bad for him, I'll make my way in. One way or another.

I tried to open the door but it's locked so I have to find another way. I look around for windows, hopefully I'll be able to get in that way.

I searched the whole building, finding only 2 windows, both of which were closed off. Seems like I'll have to do this the good old way, kick the door until he opens.

Getting ready to kick on the door, I raise my foot- "What're you doing?" I almost fell, I didn't expect anyone to come behind me. Turning around, I see that Xiao Che was walking towards me, wait he was out?

"I, eh, I want to speak with you but no one answered so I assumed that you just didn't open" Really, I should have known better but hindsight and all that, "Where were you anyway? I thought you'd be locked up in your room, not wanting to get out"

"Oh, I was relieving myself," He came closer while talking, "I didn't expect anyone to come visit me, not after what happened" I can still see that he's still sad about the fact, which is fair. It's only been a few days since he got the news.

"Come one, open the door, I have something to say. Something important." He gave me a weird look before coming and opening the door. There wasn't much talk between us until we got ourselves seated inside his quarters.

His quarters weren't anything impressive, just 2 couches and a coffee table in the living room, from here I could also see his bedroom. "So, I'm sure you want to know why I'm here"

He nodded but didn't say anything, I also nodded and continued "It's easy, I'm inviting you to my sect" I gave him a smirk, "What do you think? Up to become one of the first people to join my sect?"

I relaxed on the couch while letting Xiao Che work through that. Though note to self, it's fun to drop bombs on people do it more often.

[You might want to rephrase that]

It's not like anyone else will have to read my thoughts so who cares.

"Wait, wait," Seems like his brain began to work again, "What sect? When did you even have a sect?"

"That's the cool thing, I'm gonna build a (wall) sect, the best sect out there. I'm recruiting now, so how about it? You joining or not?"

"But I can't cultivate, I'd just be useless" He looked down, a frown on his face. I expected that, it's why I have come with a way to make him cultivate.

"I know that but I might know a way for you to fix your current veins" His head almost snapped, he was looking at me with hope "Just become a doctor and fix them yourself"

I know that the best doctor in this city said that he couldn't do anything for Xiao Che, but that was the best doctor in this city. Our city is like the boonies compared to other places, they'd definitely have more information Xiao Che could use.

Besides that, even if he can't fix them he'd still be a doctor, something respected in every place. It's a win-win.

"Doctor? But didn't the best doctor say that my situation was hopeless"

"Yeah, the best doctor in this city. I'm sure there are better doctors in other cities, but those doctors usually are contracted with the big families so they wouldn't come here" I tried to explain things because even I wasn't sure about everything. "It's why you becoming a doctor is better than waiting for those doctors to come help you"

He still looked unsure and I couldn't fault him. This wasn't something you'd just decide on overnight. "Besides that, there are benefits to becoming a doctor, like everyone respecting you because doctors that can heal you can also make you suffer"

He had a more understanding look now, great. At least this way he wouldn't just sit in his room and actually go do something. "You don't have to make the decision right now, just think about it. You can also ask your grandfather for advice, I'm pretty sure he would love to help."

I've said all I needed, now it was up to him to decide whether he still wanted to sulk or continue on with living.

I talked to Xiao Che a little more after that, mostly convincing him more about becoming a doctor. But I think I did a good job, though while walking home I had thought that I should have told Elder Lie about what I planned to speak with Xiao Che, if only to make it easier to have him accept that there were still things he could do without cultivation.

Chapter 5 end

Another wordy chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

Also sorry it took me so long but I had collage exams to tend to

Don_Flufflescreators' thoughts
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