
edegion chronicles lockt´ar the green fist

brothers united by battle come closer, I will tell you the legend of the great green fist, the one who dominates, the lord of the ancient clans, the first and the last in battle, the one who brings unity and many other glorious titles I am talking of course about lockt'ar the great warrior Here in front of you I have his diary, where he recounted his entire life with his own handwriting before he died. Let's listen brothers, the life of the greatest orc that ever existed, exists or will exist now you will hear the chronicles of the big green fist

DaoistnGSoz5 · Fantaisie
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training begins

Although my father was furious, there is nothing to do anymore. The only way to disobey the boss's orders is to defy him and defeat him in a grok'maga duel, which is a duel to the death without weapons, only with a bare fist, without any kind of protection.

Most sacred of rituals for orcs, all leaders were chosen by this ritual or inherited the position of an ancestor who won the fight in a grok'maga However, my father knew his place in the tribe and would never defy the chief, so he followed the arrangements of the chief and the elders obviously without ceasing to curse the latter That attitude earned the displeasure of the majority of the tribe, so they were more reluctant to train me.

A few days later my father gave me a knife, he said it was my mother's, and he engraved the last words he heard from her on her bone handle. On its handle were written the words hortunm derck lasrud jinmtuk jeroc estrom which in orc language means "as long as there is life there is a way" He would have to go hunting with a large part of the men of the tribe, he left me the knife so that I could start training myself and that no other orc in the tribe would waste his time with a cripple like me.

Determined not to be defeated by fate, I went to a field where the other young orcs were training to observe the training to see if I could learn something on my own. When I got there I was seen by the old man Grootk, he turned to me angrily and began to shout

lockt'ar useless little bunch of shit, what are you doing here?

To which I calmly replied

I am just existing sir

don't want to be smart with me, you crippled shit, I'm not going to train you no matter how much you beg, an ar like you will never be a real orc

I don't expect you to train me, I just come to observe I don't need you to instruct me or guide me in any way, so you won't waste your time just ignore me totally like you said no matter what I do I won't be a real orc

The old orc looked at me angrily for a moment, then he snorted mockingly and left, dedicating one last insult to me.

Do what you want to go play with your toothpick if you want but don't play my students or my filthy waste

So I sat about 15 meters from where the other youngsters trained I watched them for a whole week and to be honest I was very disappointed in their training regimen it was just a few hours of practice swinging a club and then duels to gain combat experience

their techniques didn't have any kind of style or order it was just some base positions to see who could hit the hardest with the club they just used brute force, there was no technique at all, after a week I decided I had seen enough and started my own training regimen, my body was weaker than other orcs my age, but I wasn't too weak to be a competitor either they were heavyweight boxers, and I was from super medium weight

first and gain weight and muscle mass That would be difficult since the lack of food abounds in this village.

What I could do was start with martial arts exercises. To start, I chose tai chi since its basic movements are low impact and once my body adapts I will continue with sambo. And kravmaga if I have time before the initiation rite, I will try to make my body adapt to more martial arts that I have already learned Luckily I don't have to learn new techniques of any fighting style,

I just rehearse what I already know so that my body adapts to combat now for the physical training of resistance and strength I had to rely on the morning jog at first it didn't last any longer as a kilometer before needing to stop to rest, but with time I managed to reach ten kilometers The same was the case with my abs and squats.

I started with three sets of 20 and ended up on the verge of death, but before the month that my father was out I was able to do 3 sets of 45, and I was on the rise, the same with push-ups. Arm and weight lifting, these were done with some stones that I found near the village And so a month passed, some of the adults, especially several orc women, saw me practice tai chi and rumors began to circulate that I was learning a dance to bring luck and the good will of the spirits in the adulthood ceremony.

Shortly after the rumors spread, my father returned from the hunt along with the other men of the tribe, they brought large black wargs that they hunted together with Juninham, which are like large wild boars, 2 meters high and 5 to 7 meters long.

With pointed fangs that give the impression of having two horns in the mouth pointing forward if a juninham charges you can leave saying goodbye to this world, some of the great tribes that inhabit the furitzen river have dozens of these gigantic wild boars as a kind of cavalry crash

Apart from those great beasts there were hundreds of rats snakes and birds of all kinds, with this game we would have enough food for about three months to spend the winter calm and without hunger

The plain inhabited by the tribe in which I was born has a desert aspect, but if you know how to search, there is life everywhere.

Even so, the great prey is far from the territory the wargs and other beasts inhabit the forests that are near the mountains of the dwarven territory

We only go hunting there once a year to avoid disturbing that belligerent dwarves, although orcs love to fight they only invade foreign territories when food is insufficient, but as the saying goes make a name for yourself and go to sleep

While I was looking at the loot from the hunt obtained by my father and other hunters, I felt a blow on my back. When I turned to see who had hit me, I saw my father.

lockt'ar how are you little vermin, could you train something with the knife that I gave you before I left

Yes, father, I was able to train a lot, apart from him, I was able to strengthen my physique a lot. I did not get to have the strength of a normal orc, but I am not very far either.

Hahaha that's my boy tonight you'll show me what you've been learning if you do it right I'll have a present for you

I was eager to show my father how I had improved my physique, both strength and endurance, so I started unloading the animals from the hunting sleds that were used to transport supplies and game obtained during the hunt.

When my father realized that he could lift a warg of approximately 120 kilograms his face could not help but put on an expression of surprise for a moment then he smiled for a second or two before putting on his austere face again, and we continued unloading the prey next to this from the orcs of the tribe

By the time we finished unloading all the provisions for the winter, it was already sunset, together with my father, we went to our store to prepare dinner that consisted of two horned serpents from the plains.

The plain is full of these snakes, luckily they are non-poisonous constrictors, so they can be eaten without any kind of care, each of them measures around 90 centimeters with a thickness of 7 centimeters and has two horns that protrude from its head, but they are not bones but scales that protrude and acquire that particular shape

after dinner, my father told me about his hunt for a couple of hours bragging that he had single-handedly hunted a juninham using nothing more than a spear, recounting in great detail how he altered the beast so that it would follow him in a rage into a trap where he forced the clumsy animal to jump a huge stone while the one below the juninham stuck his spear into its stomach, opening a fatal wound

After I finished showing off, my father challenged me to a practice duel. He wanted to see how much I had learned about hand-to-hand combat, so we got into position in the store, and he told me to attack him with everything I had.

I started with a combination of boxing punches with high guard, trying to break his defense by hitting his ribs and his stomach. I tried for a long time, but I didn't succeed. My technique was very rusty. My body did not react at the speed that I wanted.

At one point my father thought that I was getting tired, so he launched a series of very rough and nontechnical blows which were easy to predict and dodge, I was able to take advantage of an opening and connect an uppercut hitting his chin he was a large adult orc and my punch was too weak to do much damage to him and knocking him out was just a cheeky dream

So the blow took him by surprise and forced him to take a step back, where I took the opportunity to sneak over his legs. He reacted awkwardly trying to kick me but that only made his position more unstable which allowed me to do a leg lock on him. And knock him to the ground where I put pressure on his dominant leg, causing him pain and forcing him to surrender or fracture a leg

My father started yelling for me to stop and when I did, he looked at me with a shock on his face if he could understand how a young orc of 1.80 meters had brought down an adult orc of 2.60 meters and weighing easily 50 kilograms more

If you want to know how the orc language sounds, copy the words of orc origin go to google translator select the hungarian language and use the audio function and there you will know how the orc language is heard

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