
Eclipsed realms

"In 'Eclipsed Realms,' Michal Java, a young man subjected to military experiments, finds himself transported to a new world infused with magic. Empowered by nanites known as 'Rogue Processes,' Michal navigates this unfamiliar realm. As Michal grapples with controlling his newfound abilities, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a conflict involving powerful families seeking ancient artifacts of immense power. Amidst accusations of demonic influence and internal struggles with malevolent forces bound to a ring he possesses, Michal's journey unfolds as he explores themes of power, morality, and the complexities of controlling forces beyond human comprehension in a world teetering on the brink of divine intervention."

Broker_Of_Death · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

The Meeting

Azura's Pov

I walked down the street to one of the new train stations that the Luminex Company had made, the company had just recently finished building its main store in the capital and it was backed by many of the nobles in the capital and there was even word that the king would soon sponsor it, I bought a ticket and border the train, I sat down in one of the many booths they had and looked out the window then I felt someone else on the opposite side of the table "We still have no information on where Joel Blade is since Seraphina went no contact" I nodded and waved my hand and the intelligence agent disappeared, I tried to feel for any other presence on the train but didn't feel any so either the guards were doing a good job at hiding or they were gone, I then heard lite footsteps in the hall and instead of looking out I just sat there since few people could kill me, but I was surprised when the man Named Vexx he was the adventuring partner to Joel, he said "So I assume you are Azura, May I sit down?" I nodded and he sat down and then I said " So what bring you to meet me" he chuckled and pulled out a small black patch that was my organization's symbol "I assume you know what this is since your the leader" I leaned forward setting my elbows on the table "why yes, yes I do but why do you have it" he then said "Phantom is coming for you, and that is all I have to say" the train was slowly coming to a stop "what stops me from killing you right here and now" he chuckled "good question" he then got up and walked out of the booth and then disappeared into a mist "well either Joel Blade is dead or this Phantom is Joel Blade" and seemingly at random a small dager was now embedded in the window next to me

Luna's pov

Zara and Nyx had wanted to speak to me on the rooftop, they stood facing me "So why did you two want to talk in private?" Nyx pulled out a small envelope of papers "read them and then make you decision"

(Author note, bellow this is the letter)

Dear Luna, Zara, and Nyx,

I hope this message finds you well. There's something crucial I need to share with you. Recent discoveries have revealed unsettling truths about Azura Vexx, which conflict with our goals and principles.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find images depicting Azura Vexx collaborating with members of the Paragons in various unlawful endeavors. These visuals provide evidence that may change our perception of his true intentions and allegiance.

I urge you to carefully examine the evidence provided. It's imperative that we reevaluate our loyalties and make informed decisions for the greater good.

This revelation demands a swift and cautious response. I implore you to convene at our designated meeting place at a safe place, at your earliest convenience. It's crucial that we discuss this matter in person and devise a plan of action.

Stay vigilant and cautious in your actions until we meet.

Best regards,

- Joel Blade

(Author note, that ends the letter)

I looked through the pictures and almost started to laugh "These are pictures of Azura saving people" Nyx and Zara shook their head "no those are the Paragons from Dark Nexus" Said Nyx I then said "AND WHAT CHOICE HAVE YOU MADE" they still looked calm and then Zara said "Ill be going" and in a second I threw one of the canceled daggers I had but Zara moved out of the way and then she jumped off the roof along with Nyx, I know for a fact I could chase them but I didn't want too, I looked down to the envelope and crushed it in my hands.

So i should be back to writing weekly chapters now, ill be making a new Novel and that will take up most of my time but I will still Make 1 chapter a week for this.

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